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ElandaOfficial edited this page Nov 26, 2020 · 14 revisions

Welcome to the wiki page of VEnum!

Here you will be able to read up on any resource VEnum has to offer, this includes usage, documentation, examples and tips on how to best implement VEnum's functionality into your code!

What is it?

As a quick summary, VEnum is a standalone implementation attempt of so called Java enums, which are very versatile and highly customisable. Due to their usefulness and C++' lack of this features, this is why this project exists.

Quick overview

Here is a quick overview of the basic tasks this repository tries to accomplish.

Identify Map Loop Utilise
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All constants will be identifiable by their name, you can get their id or resolve them. You can map any data to any constant not limited to integral types. You can also have multiple values to a constant. VEnums will also be loopable, so you can loop through them and read their data and names. There is lots of utilites included, like VenumMap and VenumSet, which are specifically designed to work with VEnums.

How to use VEnums?

VEnum creation and usage is covered in the README section of this repository. This wiki is only intended as a reference to the structure of this library.

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