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Project generated with PyScaffold tests


a custom pyscaffold extension for python packages in Elegent style

To be used with PyScaffold if you want the custom Elegent python package format instead of the standard ones from PyScaffold.


NOTE: The recommandation is to have 1 conda environment to put all your pyscaffold-shenanigans in (pyscaffold, and all the elegent custom extensions).

To install it, either clone this repo locally and install:

# cloning the repo via SSH
git clone
# or via GitHub CLI
gh repo clone Ele-gent/pyscaffoldext-elegent-pythonpackage
# move to the folder
cd pyscaffoldext-elegent-pythonpackage
# activate your desired environment, either via conda
source activate CONDA_ENV
# or a venv
source /path/to/venv/location/.venv/bin/activate
# install this package in editable mode
python -m pip install -e pyscaffoldext-elegent-pythonpackage

or download straight from github:

# activate your desired environment, either via conda
source activate CONDA_ENV
# or a venv
source /path/to/venv/location/.venv/bin/activate
# install this package
python -m pip install git+

Specific version can be installed through specifying branches (only recommended for work in progress) or using one of the tags:

# some branch
python -m pip install git+
# some version
python -m pip install git+

Note that putup -h shows a new option --elegent-pythonpackage.


putup TEST --elegent-pythonpackage

NOTE: can be used in combination with other options! Such as this more advanced usage:

putup TEST-dash-app -p testdashapp --description="Test for a dash app" -l="Proprietary" --url --save-config ./TEST-dash-app/config_pyscaffold.cfg --elegent-github-actions --elegent-pythonpackage --venv --markdown -vv
# only added information that is not mentioned above
putup \ # the command to call pyscaffold
	TEST-dash-app \ # name of the folder you are creating
	-p testdashapp \ # package name, i.e. what you will call in the import statement, this is the project_slug
	--description="Test for a dash app" \ # a small description (can be altered later in the corresponding files)
	-l="Proprietary" \ # type of license, if not open source, use proprietary
	--url \ # URL to link to our github, use the name (first entry)
	--save-config ./TEST-dash-app/config_pyscaffold.cfg \ # save this configuration of options to a file
	--elegent-github-actions \ # use the Elegent github actions for CI
	--elegent-pythonpackage \ # this is a python package with the Elegent options
	--venv \ # create a python virtual environment
	--markdown \ # use markdown, not rst
	-vv \ # be very verbose (will print a lot of stuff to the cli)

If you want to either port an existing project to the Elegent templates or update an existing project to a newer version of the templates, you will need the options --force --no-skeleton.

# go to the parent directory of your project
cd go/to/that/folder
# activate your environment where pyscaffold and all the side packages are installed
conda activate pyscaffold_stable
# run putup
putup TEST-dash-app --force --no-skeleton -p testdashapp --description="Test for a dash app" -l="Proprietary" --url --save-config ./TEST-dash-app/config_pyscaffold.cfg --elegent-github-actions --elegent-pythonpackage --venv --markdown -vv

IMPORTANT always use the exact same options as when you generated the project, eg the license, otherwise pyscaffold will fall back to default options. When in doubt, see the config_pyscaffold.cfg file in the package, this should normally contain all the previous information.

You can use the option -config ./config_pyscaffold.cfg to use the same extensions, but you will still need to add the description and url


This project has been set up using PyScaffold 4.5. For details and usage information on PyScaffold see

created with

putup --custom-extension --markdown pyscaffoldext-elegent-pythonpackage


a custom pyscaffold extension for some custom changes to python packages in Elegent style






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