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Noise spectral density (NSD) from time series in Python

This tool calculates the estimated noise amplitude spectral density of a time series.

From the white noise part the rms value of a desired bandwidth can be calculated: rms = value * bandwidth^0.5

E.g. it is used in electronic component datasheets to show 1/f (1/f^n, n:real) corner and white noise part (flat) of voltage, but same can be applied to current noise.

NSD function get()

Based on Welch's method.


ts_values : array_like
    Time series of the signal (amplitude)

sample_frequency : int/float
    The sample frequency in Hz (SPS - Samples per second)

nsd_bins : int, optional
    number of NSD bins (points) to be calculated
    needs to be lower than the ts_values count
    default: 1/4 count of ts_values

window_function : function(length: int), optional
    returns: [int, array_like]
        first index is the optimum overlapping in samples for the window
        second index are the values of the window function
    default: window_HFT90D

crop : slice, optional
    default: the last and the first 3 NSD values are dropped as they are not reliable

out : [array, array]
    The frequencies (index 0) and the corresponding NSD values (index 1)


If the acquisition time of the input signal (aperture) is lower than the time between samples of the output (ts_values), than the NSD is incorrect (e.g. AZ on ADCs/DMMs)!

Nsd using acquisition time (aperture) as sample_frequency only shows correct white noise part.

Nsd using time between samples as sample_frequency only shows correct 1/f (1/f^n, n:real) part, the white noise part is too high, being (Tsps/Tacq)^0.5, e.g. for AZ: (40ms/20ms)^0.5, so ~1.4

Neither will give the correct 1/f (1/f^n, n:real) noise corner!


nsd_example generates white & brownian noise with a corner frequency of 0.1Hz/1nV: nsd_example

nsd_example_sps shows how a difference between acquisition time and time between samples effects the NSD: nsd_example_sps

nsd_example_csv imports data from csv: nsd_example_csv

nsd_example_smooth shows different filters: nsd_example_smooth


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