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Docker installation

willnnotdan edited this page Jun 25, 2020 · 12 revisions


Community Applications unraid

Home Assistant AddOn


Env variables

Name Type Default Description
MQTTBroker string Required if enabled Your broker ip-address or domain e.g. hassio
MQTTPort number Required if enabled 1883 (Plain) / 8883 (SSL on hassio)
MQTTUser string none MQTT username
MQTTPass string none MQTT password
MQTTBaseTopic string homeassistant The base topic for all MQTT publishes
MQTTSecure boolean false For MQTT Over SSL set to true
MQTTSelfSigned boolean false If you are using a self signed certificate set to true
MQTTRefreshRate number 20 Time in seconds to poll for updates
MQTTCacheTime number 60 Time in minutes after which all entities will be updated in MQTT
KeyStorage string config Where to store the secure keys. If left blank the keys are kept in memory and will be destroyed each time the container is updated. Set to config to have the data persist
Docker host port number 3005 Default web-UI port. Container 80:3005 host
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