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grinding improvements
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fyookball committed Jan 10, 2021
1 parent 1c1f2d8 commit 96cd437
Showing 1 changed file with 88 additions and 61 deletions.
149 changes: 88 additions & 61 deletions electroncash/rpa/
Expand Up @@ -16,9 +16,10 @@
from .. import bitcoin
from .. import transaction
from ..address import Address, Base58
from ..bitcoin import COIN, TYPE_ADDRESS, sha256
from ..bitcoin import * #COIN, TYPE_ADDRESS, sha256
from ..plugins import run_hook
from ..transaction import Transaction, OPReturn
from ..keystore import KeyStore
from ..util import print_msg

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -193,75 +194,101 @@ def generate_transaction_from_paycode(wallet, config, amount, rpa_paycode=None,
raise ValueError("Invalid prefix size. Must be 4,8,12, or 16 bits.")

#print_msg("Attempting to grind a matching prefix. This may take a few minutes. Please be patient.")

# While loop for grinding. Keep grinding until txid prefix matches paycode scanpubkey prefix.
while not tx_matches_paycode_prefix:

# Construct the transaction, initially with a dummy destination
rpa_dummy_address = wallet.dummy_address().to_string(Address.FMT_CASHADDR)
unsigned = True
tx = _mktx(wallet, config, [(rpa_dummy_address, amount)], tx_fee, change_addr, domain, nocheck, unsigned,
# Construct the transaction, initially with a dummy destination
rpa_dummy_address = wallet.dummy_address().to_string(Address.FMT_CASHADDR)
unsigned = True
tx = _mktx(wallet, config, [(rpa_dummy_address, amount)], tx_fee, change_addr, domain, nocheck, unsigned,
password, locktime, op_return, op_return_raw)

# Use the first input (input zero) for our shared secret
input_zero = tx._inputs[0]

# Calculate ndata for grinding. Ndata is passed through the stack as an input into RFC 6979
grind_nonce_string = str(grind_nonce)
grinding_message = rpa_paycode + grind_nonce_string + grinding_version
ndata = sha256(grinding_message)

# Use the first input (input zero) for our shared secret
input_zero = tx._inputs[0]
# Fetch our own private key for the coin
bitcoin_addr = input_zero["address"]
private_key_wif_format = wallet.export_private_key(bitcoin_addr, password)
private_key_int_format = int.from_bytes(Base58.decode_check(private_key_wif_format)[1:33], byteorder="big")

# Fetch our own private key for the coin
bitcoin_addr = input_zero["address"]
private_key_wif_format = wallet.export_private_key(bitcoin_addr, password)
private_key_int_format = int.from_bytes(Base58.decode_check(private_key_wif_format)[1:33], byteorder="big")
# Grab the outpoint (the colon is intentionally ommitted from the string)
outpoint_string = str(input_zero["prevout_hash"]) + str(input_zero["prevout_n"])

# Grab the outpoint (the colon is intentionally ommitted from the string)
outpoint_string = str(input_zero["prevout_hash"]) + str(input_zero["prevout_n"])
# Format the pubkey in preparation to get the shared secret
scanpubkey_bytes = bytes.fromhex(paycode_field_scan_pubkey)

# Format the pubkey in preparation to get the shared secret
scanpubkey_bytes = bytes.fromhex(paycode_field_scan_pubkey)
# Calculate shared secret
shared_secret = _calculate_paycode_shared_secret(private_key_int_format, scanpubkey_bytes, outpoint_string)

# Calculate shared secret
shared_secret = _calculate_paycode_shared_secret(private_key_int_format, scanpubkey_bytes, outpoint_string)

# Get the real destination for the transaction
rpa_destination_address = _generate_address_from_pubkey_and_secret(bytes.fromhex(paycode_field_spend_pubkey),
# Get the real destination for the transaction
rpa_destination_address = _generate_address_from_pubkey_and_secret(bytes.fromhex(paycode_field_spend_pubkey),

# Swap the dummy destination for the real destination
tx.rpa_paycode_swap_dummy_for_destination(rpa_dummy_address, rpa_destination_address)

# Sort the inputs and outputs deterministically

# Now we need to sign the transaction after the outputs are known
grind_string = paycode_field_scan_pubkey[2:prefix_chars + 2].upper()
wallet.sign_transaction(tx, password, ndata=ndata,grind=grind_string)

# Generate the raw transaction
raw_tx_string = tx.as_dict()["hex"]

# Get the TxId for this raw Tx.
double_hash_tx = bytearray(sha256(sha256(bytes.fromhex(raw_tx_string))))
txid = double_hash_tx.hex()

# Check if we got a successful match. If so, exit.

#if txid[0:prefix_chars].upper() == paycode_field_scan_pubkey[2:prefix_chars + 2].upper() or grind_nonce > 2 :
# print_msg("Grinding successful after ", grind_nonce, " iterations.")
# print_msg("Transaction Id: ", txid)
# print_msg("prefix is ", txid[0:prefix_chars].upper())
# final_raw_tx = raw_tx_string
# tx_matches_paycode_prefix = True # <<-- exit

# Increment the nonce
#grind_nonce += 1
final_raw_tx = raw_tx_string
tx_matches_paycode_prefix = True
# Swap the dummy destination for the real destination
tx.rpa_paycode_swap_dummy_for_destination(rpa_dummy_address, rpa_destination_address)

# Now we need to sign the transaction after the outputs are known
grind_string = paycode_field_scan_pubkey[2:prefix_chars + 2].upper()
wallet.sign_transaction(tx, password)

#Setup wallet and keystore in preparation for signature grinding
my_keystore = wallet.get_keystore()

# We assume one signature per input, for now...
assert len(input_zero["signatures"]) == 1

#Keypair logic from transaction module
keypairs = my_keystore.get_tx_derivations(tx)
for k, v in keypairs.items():
keypairs[k] = my_keystore.get_private_key(v, password)
txin = input_zero
pubkeys, x_pubkeys = tx.get_sorted_pubkeys(txin)
for j, (pubkey, x_pubkey) in enumerate(zip(pubkeys, x_pubkeys)):
if pubkey in keypairs:
_pubkey = pubkey
kname = 'pubkey'
elif x_pubkey in keypairs:
_pubkey = x_pubkey
kname = 'x_pubkey'
sec, compressed = keypairs.get(_pubkey)

# Get the keys and preimage ready for signing
pubkey = public_key_from_private_key(sec, compressed)
nHashType = 0x00000041 # hardcoded, perhaps should be taken from unsigned input dict
pre_hash = Hash(bfh(tx.serialize_preimage(0, nHashType, use_cache=False)))

# While loop for grinding. Keep grinding until txid prefix matches paycode scanpubkey prefix.
grind_count = 0
while not tx_matches_paycode_prefix:
grind_nonce_string = str(grind_count)
grinding_message = paycode_hex + grind_nonce_string + grinding_version
ndata = sha256(grinding_message)
sig = Transaction._schnorr_sign(pubkey, sec, pre_hash, ndata=ndata)
my_serialized_input = tx.serialize_input(input_zero,tx.input_script(input_zero, False, tx._sign_schnorr))
my_serialized_input_bytes = bytes.fromhex(my_serialized_input)
hashed_input = sha256(sha256(my_serialized_input_bytes)).hex()

if hashed_input[0:prefix_chars].upper() == paycode_field_scan_pubkey[2:prefix_chars + 2].upper():
tx_matches_paycode_prefix = True

grind_count +=1

# Sort the inputs and outputs deterministically

# Generate the raw transaction
raw_tx_string = tx.as_dict()["hex"]

# Get the TxId for this raw Tx.
double_hash_tx = bytearray(sha256(sha256(bytes.fromhex(raw_tx_string))))
txid = double_hash_tx.hex()

final_raw_tx = raw_tx_string
tx_matches_paycode_prefix = True
return final_raw_tx

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