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Find missing translations and translate them using Google, DeepL, GPT, ...


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Laravel Translator - All in one translations file manager

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Manage all your laravel translations easily:

  • Sort tranlations array in natural order
  • Find missing translations strings
  • Translate automatically string to other languages (DeepL, OpenAI or any custom service)
  • Fix Grammar and syntax in your translations (OpenAI, or any custome service)
  • Format your translations files


You can install the package via composer:

composer require-dev elegantly/laravel-translator

You can publish the config file with:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="translator-config"

This is the contents of the published config file:

return [

    'lang_path' => lang_path(),

    'translate' => [
        'service' => 'deepl',
        'services' => [
            'deepl' => [
                'key' => env('DEEPL_KEY'),
            'openai' => [
                'model' => 'gpt-4o',
                'prompt' => "Translate the following json to the locale '{targetLocale}' while preserving the keys.",

    'grammar' => [
        'service' => 'openai',
        'services' => [
            'openai' => [
                'model' => 'gpt-4o',
                'prompt' => '
                            Fix the grammar and the syntax the following json string while preserving the keys.
                            Do not change the meaning or the tone of the sentences and never change the keys.



This package can be used:

  • Like a CLI tool, using commands.
  • In a programmatic way using \Elegantly\Translator\Facades\Translator::class facade class.

Sort all translations in natural order

You can format and sort all your php translations files using:

php artisan translator:sort
use Elegantly\Translator\Facades\Translator;


Find the missing translations

You can display all the missing translations present in a given locale but not in the other ones using:

php artisan translator:missing fr
use Elegantly\Translator\Facades\Translator;


Auto translate strings

This package can automatically translate your files for you. It includes 2 services right now:

  • DeepL
  • OpenAI

You can also define your own service.

Auto-translate using DeepL

First, you need to edit the config file to add your DeepL api key and select deepl as your service:

return [
    'translate' => [
        'service' => 'deepl', // select the default service here

        'services' => [
            'deepl' => [
                'key' => env('DEEPL_KEY'), // add you api key here


To translate all the missing translations use:

php artisan translator:translate

To translate all translations use:

php artisan translator:translate --all

Ommitting the --to option will translate to every available languages in your project.

use Elegantly\Translator\Facades\Translator;

    referenceLocale: 'fr',
    targetLocale: 'en',
    namespace: 'namespace-file',
    keys: ['title', ...]


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Please review our security policy on how to report security vulnerabilities.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.


Find missing translations and translate them using Google, DeepL, GPT, ...






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