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Persistent Objects for Cocoa & Cocoa Touch that using SQLite.

This project based on and (make it thread safely)


  1. Add SQLitePersistentObjects.framework to your Xcode project
  2. Link the libsqlite3.dylib
  3. Add -ObjC to your project's settings Other Linker Flags
  4. #import <SQLitePersistentObjects/SQLitePersistentObjects.h> and subclass SQLitePersistentObject for your data model



  1. Declare your data objects inherited from SQLitePersistentObject. Every property that's not a collection class (NSDictionary, NSArray, NSSet or mutable variants) will get persisted into a column in the database.

  2. Name your properties in the lower camel case way. e.g. productName will be stored in datebase by named product_name.

  3. Send - (void)save; method to save the data object to database.

  4. Query:

     // get all Product objects from database
     NSArray *allObjects = [Product allObjects];
     // query with sql, sql starts with 'WHERE'
     Product *aProduct = (Product *)[Product findFirstByCriteria:@"WHERE pid = 100"];
     NSArray *someProducts = [Product findByCriteria:@"WHERE price > 20.0 LIMIT 0,30"]; 
  5. Indexes: just override + (NSArray *)indices; class method.

     + (NSArray *)indices
             return [NSArray arrayWithObjects:
                     [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"pID", nil],
                     [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"price", nil]
                     , nil];
  6. To filter properties that does not need to be saved to the database, just override + (NSArray *)transients; class method.

     + (NSArray *)transients
             return [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"isNewlyAdded", nil];
  7. - (void)deleteObject;

  8. + (void)clearCache;

  9. [SQLiteInstanceManager reset];

  10. [[SQLiteInstanceManager sharedManager] setDatabaseFilepath:dbPath];;

You may check out the file SQLitePersistentObject.h or the SPOSample project for more.