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Elfansoer edited this page Aug 2, 2018 · 4 revisions

I'll use this wiki for tutorials in creating Dota 2 Lua abilities. Initially, the tutorial was published on my dotafire blogs, but I think it is not suitable for code-heavy writings, so I copied them here.

The repository used in this tutorial is in tutorial branch, which is simpler but no sfx and fancy animations.

Might be a while later to continue the tutorial, but at least it's far enough.

Here you go.

  1. Ability Form
  2. Registering and Testing Ability
  3. Anti Mage's Spell Shield
  4. Troll Warlord's Fervor
  5. Ogre Magi's Fireblast
  6. Chaos Knight's Chaos Bolt
  7. Slardar's Slithereen Crush
  8. Slark's Dark Pact