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List of events in core

For more information on how events work visit /design/events.



Some events are marked with (sequence) this means those events also have a :before and :after event Also see Event sequence <design/events#event-sequence>

System events

plugins_load, system (sequence)

Triggered before the plugins are loaded. Rarely used. init, system is used instead. Can be used to load additional libraries.

plugins_boot, system (sequence)

Triggered just after the plugins are loaded. Rarely used. init, system is used instead.

init, system (sequence)

Plugins tend to use this event for initialization (extending views, registering callbacks, etc.)

ready, system (sequence)

Triggered after the init, system event. All plugins are fully loaded and the engine is ready to serve pages.

shutdown, system

Triggered after the page has been sent to the user. Expensive operations could be done here and not make the user wait.


Depending upon your server configuration the PHP output might not be shown until after the process is completed. This means that any long-running processes will still delay the page load.


This event is prefered above using register_shutdown_function as you may not have access to all the Elgg services (eg. database) in the shutdown function but you will in the event.


The Elgg session is already closed before this event. Manipulating session is not possible.

regenerate_site_secret:before, system

Return false to cancel regenerating the site secret. You should also provide a message to the user.

regenerate_site_secret:after, system

Triggered after the site secret has been regenerated.

log, systemlog

Called for all triggered events by system_log plugin. Used internally by Elgg\SystemLog\Logger::log() to populate the system_log table.

upgrade, system

Triggered after a system upgrade has finished. All upgrade scripts have run, but the caches are not cleared.

upgrade:execute, system (sequence)

Triggered when executing an ElggUpgrade. The $object of the event is the ElggUpgrade.

activate, plugin

Return false to prevent activation of the plugin.

deactivate, plugin

Return false to prevent deactivation of the plugin.

init:cookie, <name>

Return false to override setting a cookie.

cache:invalidate, system (sequence)

Invalidate internal and external caches.

cache:clear, system (sequence)

Clear internal and external caches, by default including system_cache, simplecache, and memcache. One might use it to reset others such as APC, OPCache, or WinCache.

cache:purge, system (sequence)

Purge internal and external caches. This is meant to remove old/stale content from the caches.

send:before, http_response

Triggered before an HTTP response is sent. Handlers will receive an instance of SymfonyComponentHttpFoundationResponse that is to be sent to the requester. Handlers can terminate the event and prevent the response from being sent by returning false.

send:after, http_response

Triggered after an HTTP response is sent. Handlers will receive an instance of SymfonyComponentHttpFoundationResponse that was sent to the requester.

reload:after, translations

Triggered after the translations are (re)loaded.

User events

login:before, user

Triggered during login. Returning false prevents the user from logging

login:after, user

Triggered after the user logs in.

login:first, user

Triggered after a successful login. Only if there is no previous login.

logout:before, user

Triggered during logout. Returning false should prevent the user from logging out.

logout:after, user

Triggered after the user logouts.

validate, user

When a user registers, the user's account is disabled. This event is triggered to allow a plugin to determine how the user should be validated (for example, through an email with a validation link).

validate:after, user

Triggered when user's account has been validated.

invalidate:after, user

Triggered when user's account validation has been revoked.

profileupdate, user

User has changed profile

profileiconupdate, user

User has changed profile icon

ban, user

Triggered before a user is banned. Return false to prevent.

unban, user

Triggered before a user is unbanned. Return false to prevent.

make_admin, user

Triggered before a user is promoted to an admin. Return false to prevent.

remove_admin, user

Triggered before a user is demoted from an admin. Return false to prevent.

Relationship events

create, relationship

Triggered after a relationship has been created. Returning false deletes the relationship that was just created.

delete, relationship

Triggered before a relationship is deleted. Return false to prevent it from being deleted.

join, group

Triggered after the user $params['user'] has joined the group $params['group'].

leave, group

Triggered before the user $params['user'] has left the group $params['group'].

Entity events

create, <entity type>

Triggered for user, group, object, and site entities after creation. Return false to delete entity.

update, <entity type>

Triggered before an update for the user, group, object, and site entities. Return false to prevent update. The entity method getOriginalAttributes() can be used to identify which attributes have changed since the entity was last saved.

update:after, <entity type>

Triggered after an update for the user, group, object, and site entities. The entity method getOriginalAttributes() can be used to identify which attributes have changed since the entity was last saved.

delete:before, <entity type>

Triggered before entity deletion. Return false to prevent deletion.

delete, <entity type>

Triggered before entity deletion.

delete:after, <entity type>

Triggered after entity deletion.

disable, <entity type>

Triggered before the entity is disabled. Return false to prevent disabling.

disable:after, <entity type>

Triggered after the entity is disabled.

enable, <entity type>

Return false to prevent enabling.

enable:after, <entity type>

Triggered after the entity is enabled.

Metadata events

create, metadata

Called after the metadata has been created. Return false to delete the metadata that was just created.

update, metadata

Called after the metadata has been updated. Return false to delete the metadata.

delete, metadata

Called before metadata is deleted. Return false to prevent deletion.

enable, metadata

Called when enabling metadata. Return false to prevent enabling.

disable, metadata

Called when disabling metadata. Return false to prevent disabling.

Annotation events

annotate, <entity type>

Called before the annotation has been created. Return false to prevent annotation of this entity.

create, annotation

Called after the annotation has been created. Return false to delete the annotation.

update, annotation

Called after the annotation has been updated. Return false to delete the annotation.

delete, annotation

Called before annotation is deleted. Return false to prevent deletion.

enable, annotation

Called when enabling annotations. Return false to prevent enabling.

disable, annotations

Called when disabling annotations. Return false to prevent disabling.

River events

create:before, river

Called before the river item is saved to the database. Return false to prevent the item from being created.

create:after, river

Called after a river item is created.

delete:before, river

Triggered before a river item is deleted. Returning false cancels the deletion.

delete:after, river

Triggered after a river item was deleted.

File events

upload:after, file

Called after an uploaded file has been written to filestore. Receives an instance of ElggFile the uploaded file was written to. The ElggFile may or may not be an entity with a GUID.


Because of bugs in the Elgg core, some events may be thrown more than once on the same action. For example, update, object is thrown twice.