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A platform to convert markdown to pretty resumes (Archived & no longer running)


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⚠️ Warning: Project archived! Due to lack of time, I was not able to continue working on this project 😔
It served mainly as a playground to test ReasonML both on the FE & BE, but ultimately it was taking too much time and I'd like to shift my focus on different stuff.
Feel free to ping me if you think the development should resume.

Tech resume

Getting started



The issue behind the choice of choosing vscode editor as a requirement is that reasonML intellisense and warning / error display (in editor) uses artifacts generated by the bucklescript compiler.
Since the bucklescript compiler runs and generates artifacts inside a docker container, it's not possible to get the features described above to work correctly.
The solution right now is to use an extension like remote-containers, which allows you to use a Docker container as a full-featured development environment.
This means that you will get access to the filesystem inside the container, with an already-defined set of vscode extensions.

Further documentation about remote-container extension
Further documentation about remote-container in a monorepo

The steps required to start the remote-container extension for a specific module are:

  1. open the action menu (cmd + shift + p on macOs)
  2. select Remote-Containers: Open Folder in Container
  3. select the module folder (i.e. web)

Here's a demo:

Alt Text

⚠️ Warning:

  • the 1st time (only) that you run this, it will take a LOT of time, since it will create the docker images for all the services and spawn containers from them
  • containers don't stop automatically after closing vscode editor - this can be easily done through docker container stop [CONTAINER_ID] though


All the services logs can be checked through docker logs --follow [CONTAINER_ID]. Container ids can be retrieved through docker ps (useful to debug bsb / gatsby / nodemon issues)


Single module-related documentation:


Continuous delivery is managed through google cloudbuild.
Commits on master will thus automatically trigger a build => test => deploy pipeline.
There are 2 kind of cloudbuild pipeline triggers implemented:

  • module-specific trigger: when an update to a specific module is detected, the correlated specific module pipeline will trigger - no deploy pipeline will be triggered when no change is detected
  • base-image trigger: when an update to the base Dockerfile is detected, the build & push base image pipeline will be triggered


The bsb compiler/gatsby is no longer working correctly and needs to be restarted
In order to restart bsb, close vscode, stop the container through docker container stop [CONTAINER_ID], and restart vscode through the method described above.
This will restart the container correctly, and will probably fix your issue.


A platform to convert markdown to pretty resumes (Archived & no longer running)







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