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Valheim Dedicated Server Azure IaaS Build


2022 JAN 16


All use of these tools are the sole responsibility of the user applying the build in their own Cloud Environments. Elijah Gartin/Falkon, Thunder Rock Gaming, ZeroBandwidth/And All Aliases, and any affiliated associates assume no liability for any issues or costs associated with utilizing these tools. You accept these terms and assume all responsibility by using and deploying any asset or artifact in this repository.


This repository is to build a Valheim Dedicated Server from Microsoft Azure. We assume you know how to use Microsoft Azure.

Pulling from Ubuntu Server immutable images and a dynamic Valheim Build library created by ZeroBandwidth and associates. Application Build Github.

All critiques are welcome via the Github Project or through Discord in the Valheim or Science and Technology areas. To access those areas in discord, click on the 🌲 and/or 🚀 emoji reactions to gain access to those respective channel groups in the #channel-picker after accepting the terms of service discord prompt.


Valheim Terraform AWS
Valheim Terraform Azure
Valheim Terraform Google Cloud Platform
Valheim Terraform Digital Ocean



You'll be editing some lines in the and files for the variables in your environment. The steps described below. Mileage may vary depending on what data center you try to push to.

You'll notice some of the taxonomy in referring to files such as ROOT:filename. Root will be the root of the folder structure. Any modules will change the name of ROOT to NETWORK for example where there is another grouping of similarily named files. This is a Terraform thing that some people may not be familiar with.

  1. Use curl to obtain your IP and input it in the variable for your_ip on line 10. This is essential for you to be able to SSH from your box. If you intend to use a bastion host, make sure you're putting in the ip for the bastion host.
  2. Make sure you have a keypair already made in ~/.ssh/ and insert that path in this section, or modify the location/name of it in the variables file on line 15.
  3. Change the location variable on line 21 to put it in the azure datacenter you want.
  4. file to input your unique identifiers for your azure subscription and active directory app:
  5. Once you've saved all your changes, open a terminal/command prompt to the location of this repository and run the following commands in succession:
    • terraform init
    • terraform apply
  6. To SSH to box, use odin as the username with the public key you provided. Ex: ssh -i {YOUR_SSH_KEY_PATH} odin@{server-public-ip}
  7. Install Valheim in the /opt/Dedicated_Valheim_Server_Script folder by executing ./
    • There are additional menus depending on what version you've used in the past and whether or not you want to use mods. Refer to their repo for docs and support on that.
  8. You can destroy all assets when you are completed using terraform destroy

WARNING Make sure you backup your game if you've made progress and want to keep it. If it becomes additionally requested I may add more functionality to play with the backup functionality that ZeroBandwidth and crew have developed.

Alternatively you can just backup with their scripts and then use SCP to download the backup.

Example: scp -i KEYNAME odin@IPADDRESS:/home/steam/backups/valheim-backup-DATEUUID.tgz ~/Downloads/valheim-backup-DATEUUID.tgz

You can then reupload this to Data Blobs and have it download from the /scripts/ script if you care to if you have to rebuild a server.

Network Schema - Main Subnet (Server will build here as (Nice))

The server will currently build as a Standard_B2s (2vCPU 4GB RAM). Depending on the size of the world and how many users, you may need to adjust the size. With Terraform, it should be as simple as updating the line of code in line 41 with the new sizing and re-running terraform apply. Make sure you stop the server and backup before doing it, just in case.

For testing, we'll use Standard_B1ls

Support for Infrastructure as Code

Author: Elijah Gartin (Falkon)

Support for Valheim Server Scripts

Author: ZeroBandwith (And Many More)


Building Ubuntu Server for Valheim Setup






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