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Releases: ElisaTronetti/vord-online

Refined complete version

05 Sep 09:15
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Client: removed button in the modal of the manage shared group when a user can not actually modify the shared group. Fixed non empty fields controls.

Complete version

02 Sep 22:00
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Added notification triggers when a document is unlocked and when a document is shared with a user.
General bug fixes.
User interface refactor.

Sharing document handling

09 Aug 08:46
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Server milestone:

  • added function to copy a local document;
  • added function to share a local document;
  • added function to share an already shared document;
  • added function to get a shared document to open it with the editor;
  • added mechanism to lock a resource if already open using and a local list of documents locked and the user it is using that resource;
  • added mechanism to unlock the resource if requested by the user or if the user socket is disconnected;
  • added function to delete a shared document and add it in the local documents if there is only one user in the shared group;
  • added function to get a shared group;
  • added function to modify a shared group.

Client milestone:

  • added tools in EditorJs;
  • added modal to share a document to one or more users;
  • implemented the different opening request of a document based on the sharing state;
  • added dependecy to open a socket to connect to the server in order to handle the lock and unlock requests of a shared document;
  • added modal to ask for a confirm to delete some documents;
  • added modal to ask if a owned document is going to be deleted only for the user or for all the share group;
  • added copy local document function.

Server and Client editor handling

18 Jul 12:44
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Server milestone:

  • added function to create a new document;
  • added function to delete a document;
  • added function to get a document from its id;
  • added function to save a document state.

Client milestone:

  • added EditorJs dependency;
  • added creation of a new document;
  • implemented mechanism to open a new document on the editor;
  • implemented saving mechanism of the current state of the document in the editor;
  • added navbar to go back to the homepage and to logout.

Server and Client file system interactions

12 Jul 15:16
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Server milestone:

  • modified user schema in order to contain the file system;
  • fixed APIs to interact with the file system.

Client milestone:

  • created basic data structure for the file system initialization;
  • created redux storage in order to save the file system;
  • implemented function to open files, in order to navigate the file system without modifying it;
  • implemented functions to move and delete files, modifying the file system structure.

Server and client basic signup and login interactions

29 Jun 09:22
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Server milestone:

  • created MongoDB schemas;
  • created API to signup and login a user;
  • created authentication token to keep a user logged for an interval of time after the signup and login;
  • created API to retrieve the file system.

Client milestone:

  • created GUI for signup and login;
  • created ajax calls to the server to actually perform the signup and the login;
  • created redux store to save the authentication token and retrieve it whenever it is necessary;
  • imported file system library and redirecting mechanism in /home route after signup and login. The actual file system is not implemented yet, the DEMO of the library is shown.