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System Check Two Notes

Learning Goals

  • Generate a dynamic web page in response to a GET request.
  • Persist information from a user submitted via a POST request.
  • Implement code based on acceptance tests.

Building a Bucket List App

Building a list keeping app with Sinatra with dynamic web pages and saves information to a file.

Our app should satisfy the following requirements:

  • Visiting GET /launcher-bucket-list should display a list of "goals" to accomplish before the end of the cohort as well as a form for adding a new item to the list.
  • Visiting GET / should redirect the user to GET /launcher-bucket-list.
  • The "goal" listed must be in html list element.
  • The form requires a new goal to be specified.
  • The list of goals is read from the bucket_list.csv file which stores each item on a new line.
  • The form submits to POST /launcher-bucket-list which saves the new item to the bucket_list.csv file.
  • Submitting an empty form does not modify the bucket_list.csv file.
  • Passing test suite.

To use this as a practice:

  • Run this in your terminal: git clone
  • Then go into the directory cd launcher-bucket-list
  • bundle then rspec
  • Work through the test errors
When finished it you would like to push this to your github do the following:
  • In the terminal: git remote rm origin
  • Go to Github and set up your own repo
  • Terminal: git remote add origin <your-remote-repo-url>
  • Then add and push your own work.
    • git add .
    • git commit -m "initial commit"
    • git push origin master


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