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Unit Testing with RSpec

Clinic overview

In this clinic, we will go over:

##Getting RSpec Set Up

  • gem install rspec
  • In the project root set up the following file structure:
  • spec/lib/class_spec.rb
  • lib/class.rb goes in lib
  • Configure RSpec for color tests. In the root folder touch .rspec and insert "--color" "--fail-fast"
  • To reference our classes, our tests need require_relative '../../lib/class.rb'
  • We can set up a spec_helper to make sure all of our classes are referenced when running tests.

##TDD workflow

  • Why tests?
  • Write tests - thinking through all of our use cases.
  • Get a failing test suite
  • Let failing tests guide our code development
  • Do the simplest thing to get the test to pass
  • Refactor

##Building Classes with TDD

  • Dice object, with state of sides and behavior of rolling.
  • Pokemon objects, with states and behavior such as name, ability, strength, attack, evolve, etc.

###Start with a Test

  • Start building our first tests
    • require_relative '../lib/dice.rb'
  • Let's describe our Dice class.
    • RSpec.describe Dice do standard to start with a describe for the class/ initialize method
    • Method definition in a describe block with ".notation" for class methods and "#notation" for instance methods
    • '.new' constructor, class method
    • '#roll' instance method
  • Let's build out our Pokemon class.
    • Constructor, initialize method: name, ability, birthday
    • add a hit_points with a default value
    • add a strength counter
    • add behavior for training
    • add behavior for attacking
    • add behavior for checking if a pokemon is ready to evolve
    • add behavior for checking if a pokemon alive
  • Refactoring
    • We can refactor our tests (e.g move the let(:pokemon) up to the top to have access to all)
    • We can look back at our code and refactor methods and run the test suite to make sure it passes our intended outcomes.


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