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TrialGroup implements gameplay logic and level-design tools to assist level designers with the making of GTR (Group Trials) maps for Unreal Tournament 2004.

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Group Trials on The Bastion of Chizra

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Usage for Players

Console Commands

  • JoinGroup <GroupName> Joins or creates a specific group by name!
  • LeaveGroup
  • GroupCountDown [Seconds]
  • GroupGO Initiates a shortened countdown to GO!
  • GroupFast
  • GroupSlow
  • ShowGroupMembers
  • Waize Summons a marker to where you are pointing

Tip! Bind a shortcut for GroupGO using set input Q GroupGO.

Key Bindings

  • [F] Initiates Waize

Usage for Level Designers

If you wish for your map to have solo records, you must make sure that you have placed only one GroupObjective in your map. Your map should also be prefixed with GTR-MapName or the older accepted form AS-Group-MapName


  • GroupManager Info->Mutator

    • Required in order to enable your map to support groups. The actor lets you configure the size of members that a group is required to have.
  • GroupTriggerVolume

    • A touch volume, activates the Event when all members of a group are inside of the volume.
  • GroupMultiTriggerVolume

    • A touch volume, activates the Event when a partition of the members of a group are inside of all the linked up volumes.

    • GroupMultiVolumesManager Actor->Info

      • Required in order to setup a GroupMultiTriggerVolume
  • GroupMessageTrigger Triggers->GroupTrigger

    • A trigger, when activated the GroupMessage will be displayed for each member of the instigating group.
  • GroupTaskComplete Triggers->GroupTrigger

    • A task much like an Assault objective that can be completed when triggered by an instigator of a group.
    • For instance a GroupTriggerVolume, ShoortTarget, or anything else you can come up with! Tasks may be used to reward players, or prevent groups from skipping ahead of a room. The task can be configured as required.
  • GroupEventTrigger Triggers->GroupTrigger

    • A trigger, when activated the Event will be instigated for each member of the instigating group.
    • e.g. Let's say you have a trigger that gives a player a weapon, but you need this trigger to be instigated for each member of a group.
    • For instance: YourEventTrigger -> YourGroupEventTrigger -> YourWeaponTrigger
  • GroupObjective NavigationPoint->JumpDest->JumpSpot->GameObjective->TriggeredObjective

    • A TriggeredObjective, but can only be completed by a group that has completed all of the GroupTaskComplete tasks that are marked as non-optional.
    • For instance: YourEventTrigger -> YourGroupObjective -> YourTrigger_ASRoundEnd
  • GroupTeleporter NavigationPoint->SmallNavigationPoint->Teleporter

    • A Teleporter, but upon activation will also teleport all the members of the instigating group.

Maps of Fame

In no particular order

  • GTR-EgyptianRush-Classic (Formerly GTR-EgyptianRush)

    Rush your way through this Egyptian temple with a Team Mate and escape! Map created 25/4/2010 Classic version includes DMSG noob filter.


  • GTR-EgyptianRush-Prelude

    You've stumbled across a cave and decided to explore it with your fellow group members can you complete the Egyptian Rush?


  • GTR-GeometricAbsolution (Formerly GTR-GeometryBasics-Pt2)

    Welcome to Absolution, the uniform sister facility of Geometric-Basic, your only task is A-to-B. Good luck!

  • GTR-GeometryBasics

    A simple group map taking you back to the bare basics of group trials, for those who are new to the game mode.

  • GTR-GSGShooterTech

    This test facility was build for the purpose of pitting two people against eachother with the big twist of teamwork, the idea is to race the end of this blood stained puzzle of a test facility for the prize of escaping alive but it isn't that straight forward, some rooms require perfect synchronicity and others pure teamwork. Can you beat the monster that is GSG.

  • GTR-Hostility


  • GTR-Hostility2

    Welcome back to the friendship running, frustration building team exorcise that is the Hostility Test Facility


  • GTR-IceWastes

  • GTR-MothershipKran

    Welcome to the Skaarj Mothership Kran, sister ship to the galactic brood carrier, the ship is war-torn and old, much of which is still damaged from previous encounters with space marines which has dwindled the number of skaarj aboard. As you awake to the sound of your door being beaten, there is a revolution, the young green rankless skaarj are defecting and now is your best chance to get out and find a way to take controll of the ship, passages have been unlocked and doors busted open, explore the dark halls of the Mothership Kran, but beware, the guards are alert and looking for you!

  • GTR-TheEldoraPassages

    Welcome to the Eldora Passages, you have made your way here through The Eldora Well, located deep under the Glathriel Village, your task is to find out what is at the end of these passages and locate the Nali locals have gone missing exploring these passages.

    Shot00008 Shot00007

  • GTR-TheBastionOfChizra

  • GTR-ForgottenTemple

  • GTR-EpicFailures

  • GTR-MastersOfDodge

  • GTR-Escape (Dylan)

    Watch the video

Unreleased maps

  • GTR-FractalMap (Billa, Unreleased 2015)

  • GTR-Dungeon (Billa, Unreleased 2016)

  • GTR-Yoke (EliotVU, Unreleased 2015)

    A 2-player map, each player must choose their favorite weapon(s), each weapon can only be picked up by one player.

    Will you go for the Momentum Reflector Gun or the Assault Rifle? More weapons can be acquired in later stages.


  • GTR-? (Martijn Prins, Unreleased 2011)


Gameplay sample

Some examples of the trigger tools being used in various GTR maps:

  • GTR-EpicFailures (A crazy 10-people group trials map)

    Watch the video

  • GTR-GeometryBasics

    Watch the video


Released circa 2010.

  • Haydon ' Billa ' Jamieson for taking the initiaitve to develop a group trials mode, and for designing a majority of the maps.