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It's an app that let's you organize your files.


You can see the releases a the side of the page. Download the one for your system. You can run the app against this test folder before using it in the real one, just to get familiar with it.

How to use

  1. Download the corresponding version for your Operating System and unzip the file (this can be anywhere in your machine).
  2. To run the application:
    • If you're on windows find the exe inside the folder and double click it.
    • If you're on mac, copy the folder to "Applications" and type Organizer, it should appear a black miniature with green text, press enter.
  3. Have all your folders on the same directory and in the same level.
  4. Secondly answer the questions:
    • How many comics do you want to have minimum per artist or group, the recommended quantity is 2 because that ensures that the ones that are left untouched are unique.
    • Do you want to organize previous comics, this option should be marked "y" when it could be that some comics are already organized in their group but no artist.
    • The path that you want to organize, all your comics should be on this path. If you are in windows just copy the path that is on the explorer, in case of mac you don't need to escape the path so if you have backslashes () then erase them. For example:
      • This: Users/user/Test\ Comics
      • Correct it to: Users/user/Test Comics
  5. Wait for it to complete.

Tutorial Mac


  1. It works slower on a external drive, it's probably because the writing speed of most flashdrives is slower than the writing speed of your computer, have patience.
  2. Be carefull with the path that you input as your main path, remember to delete all the extra "" and other stuff if your on mac.

What's next

  1. I'll try adding different languages, spanish is definitvely one of them.

How to compile from source code

  • Install Visual Studio.
  • You can just click run on the IDE or use the cake tool to generate a build.