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DfAnalyzer tool


  1. Software requirements
  2. Installation
  3. An overview of DfAnalyzer components, lib and documentations
  • Raw Data Extractor and Indexer
  • Dataflow Viewer (DfViewer)
  • Query Interface (QI)
  • Query Dashboard (QD)
  1. Docker image
  2. Computational Science and Engineering (CSE) applications
  • systems_of_equations_ex2
  • prototype_multi-physics


This repository presents DfAnalyzer, a dataflow tool for monitoring, debugging, steering, and analyzing dataflow paths of scientific applications.

Important note: The components Provenance Data Extractor (PDE), Dataflow Viewer (DfViewer), Query Interface (QI), and Query Dashboard (QP) are implemented as Web applications and RESTful services in DfAnalyzer project.

Software requirements

The following softwares have to be configured / installed for running this application.

RESTful services, Raw Data Extractor (RDE), and Raw Data Indexer (RDI)

  1. Java as the main programming language. (Please read the tutorials provided by Oracle Technology)
  2. Apache Maven, the software project management and comprehension tool.
  3. MonetDB as the open-source column-store database system. (Please follow their user guide)
  4. FastBit, an efficient compressed bitmap index technology.

C++ library

  1. GCC, the GNU Compiler Collection. (Please consider their installation guide)
  2. curl, a command line tool and library for transferring data with URLs. (Please read their installation instructions)
  3. boost, a package of free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries.

Python library

  1. Python, Python language interpreter version >= 3.5.2


RESTful services

DfAnalyzer project can be easily built by running the following command lines:

cd DfAnalyzer
mvn clean package

Then, the package file JAR is generated for DfAnalyzer project. It allows Java runtimes to efficiently deploy our tool. This JAR file is named as DfAnalyzer-v2.jar and it can be found in ./DfAnalyzer/target.

Raw Data Extractor and Indexer: RDE and RDI

RDE and RDI can also be compiled in the same way of RESTful services, as follows:

# Install maven libraries
cd maven

cd ../RawDataExtractor
mvn clean package

cd ../RawDataIndexer
mvn clean package

C++ library: dfa-lib-cpp

The DfAnalyzer library for the programming language C++ can be built with the following command lines:

cd library/dfa-lib-cpp

Then, a static compiled library file, named as, is generated at the directory library/dfa-lib-cpp/lib.

Python library: dfa-lib-python

The DfAnalyzer library for the programming language Python can be built with the following command lines:

cd library/dfa-lib-python
make install

An overview of DfAnalyzer components and their documentations

RESTful services


The project DfAnalyzer at dfanalyzer contains all web applications and RESTful services provided by our tool. Therefore, the following components are present in this project: Provenance Data Extractor (PDE), Dataflow Viewer (DfViewer), Query Interface (QI), and Query Dashboard (QP).

We provide a compressed file of our MonetDB database (to DfAnalyzer) for a local execution of the project DfAnalyzer. Therefore, users only need to run the script at the path application/dfanalyzer. We assume the execution of these steps in an Unix-based operating system, as follows:

cd application/dfanalyzer

Then, a similar output message should be displayed in the terminal tab:

Restoring MonetDB database...
Starting database system...
property            value
hostname         localhost
dbfarm           /dfanalyzer/applications/dfanalyzer/data
status           monetdbd[3068] 1.7 (Jul2017-SP1) is serving this dbfarm
mserver          /program/monetdb/bin/mserver5
logfile          /dfanalyzer/applications/dfanalyzer/data/merovingian.log
pidfile          /dfanalyzer/applications/dfanalyzer/data/
sockdir          /tmp
listenaddr       localhost
port             50000
exittimeout      60
forward          proxy
discovery        true
discoveryttl     600
control          no
passphrase       <unknown>
mapisock         /tmp/.s.monetdb.50000
controlsock      /tmp/.s.merovingian.50000
starting database 'dataflow_analyzer'... done
      name         state   health                       remarks
dataflow_analyzer  R  0s  100% 11s  mapi:monetdb://localhost:50000/dataflow_analyzer
Starting DfA RESTful API

  .   ____          _            __ _ _
 /\\ / ___'_ __ _ _(_)_ __  __ _ \ \ \ \
( ( )\___ | '_ | '_| | '_ \/ _` | \ \ \ \
 \\/  ___)| |_)| | | | | || (_| |  ) ) ) )
  '  |____| .__|_| |_|_| |_\__, | / / / /
 :: Spring Boot ::        (v1.5.8.RELEASE)

2017-11-09 09:12:44.451  INFO 3073 --- [           main] rest.server.WebApplication               : Starting WebApplication v1.0 on mercedes with PID 3073 (/dfanalyzer/applications/dfa/DfA-1.0 started by vitor in /dfanalyzer/applications/dfanalyzer)
2017-11-09 09:12:55.397  INFO 3073 --- [           main] o.s.j.e.a.AnnotationMBeanExporter        : Registering beans for JMX exposure on startup
2017-11-09 09:12:55.419  INFO 3073 --- [           main]  : Starting beans in phase 0
2017-11-09 09:12:55.815  INFO 3073 --- [           main] s.b.c.e.t.TomcatEmbeddedServletContainer : Tomcat started on port(s): 22000 (http)
2017-11-09 09:12:55.833  INFO 3073 --- [           main] rest.server.WebApplication               : Started WebApplication in 12.433 seconds (JVM running for 13.257)

Provenance Data Extractor (PDE)

Provenance Data Extractor (PDE) is a DfAnalyzer component responsible for extracting provenance and scientific data from scientific applications. With this purpose, PDE delivers a RESTful API that users can send HTTP request with POST method in order to register data extracted from their applications. These extracted data follows a dataflow abstraction, considering file and data element flow monitoring. Then, PDE stores these extracted data into a provenance database to enable online query processing.

Since our RESTful application has been initialized, users can submit HTTP requests with POST method to PDE for extracting provenance and scientific data. Then, considering the dataflow abstraction followed by DfAnalyzer, users have to introduce a message according to this abstraction. Therefore, PDE provides a set of methods to be present in the HTTP message, as follows:

PDE RESTful services

This web page (http://localhost:22000/dfview/help) can be accessed using a browser after the initialization of DfAnalyzer.


Dataflow specification

As an example of dataflow specification to be included in our provenance database, users submit the following HTTP request to PDE, considering a dataflow with one data transformation of our libMesh application (systems_of_equations_ex2):

HTTP message send to the URL http://localhost:22000/pde/dataflow


program(systems_of_equations_ex2::solver.solve(), /root/systems_of_equations_ex2)

dataset(ocreate_equation_systems, {n_dofs}, {NUMERIC})
            {dt, timesteps, nonlinear_steps, nonlinear_tolerance, nu},
            {timestep, time, nonlinear_steps, linear_iterations, final_linear_residual, norm_delta, converged},

transformation(solve_equation_systems, {ocreate_equation_systems, isolve_equation_systems}, {odeduplication}, )

Task record

After the dataflow specification, provenance and scientific data generated during the execution of scientific applications can be registered in our provenance database. In this case, PDE has to capture HTTP request in the task level (i.e., execution of a data transformation).

For example, the following message should be sent in an HTTP request to the URL http://localhost:22000/pde/task

task(systems_of_equations,  solve_equation_systems, 1, RUNNING)

collection(ocreate_equation_systems, {{ dofs }})
collection(isolve_equation_systems, {{ timestep, time, nonlinear_steps, 
            linear_iterations, final_linear_residual, norm_delta, converged }})

dependency({create_equation_systems}, {1})

More details about DfAnalyzer RESTful services can be found here.

Dataflow Viewer (DfViewer)

After the provenance and domain data capture, users can also analyze dataflow specifications stored in our provenance database using DfViewer. DfViewer is a feature provided by our Web application.

As a first step, users have to use a Web browser (e.g., Google Chrome) with the following URL for accessing DfViewer features:

http://localhost:22000 # users can also use the hostname for external connections

Then, they have access to a list of dataflow specifications stored in DfAnalyzer's database.

List of dataflow specifications

Since users have decided to view a specific dataflow by clicking on the button with the name View (e.g., to analyze dataflow specification with tag systems_of_equations_ex2), then the following web page will be provided to them. This visualization consists of a dataset perspective view of the dataflow specification, where users can investigate the schema (i.e., attributes of each dataset).

List of dataflow specifications

Query Interface (QI)

Query Interface (QI) is a DfAnalyzer component responsible to get user input, which characterizes and specifies the parameters and properties of the desired data, and then crafts a query responsible to retrieve the necessary datasets, data transformations and data attributes from the database.

Thus, QI generates a SQL-based query according to a specification, where:

  • The SELECT clause is populated according to the user-specified projections, representing the data attributes chosen by the user;
  • The WHERE clause, which is the most important one from the viewpoint of provenance tracing, acts like a filter by selecting and limiting the query to retrieve only the data elements (from datasets) that met a set of specified criteria (conditions);
  • and, finally, the FROM clause contains the datasets from where the data attributes specified in the SELECT clause and the conditions specified in the WHERE clause are part of.

Query Interface key function is called generateSqlQuery, which requires the following input arguments that need to be informed by the users:

  • D: the dataflow to be analyzed (it includes dataflow tag and identifier)
  • dsOrigins: the datasets to be used as sources for the path finding algorithm;
  • dsDestinations: the datasets to be used as destinations (ends) for the path finding algorithm;
  • type: the attribute mapping type, which can be either logical (based on domain-specific attributes), physical (based on the identifiers of data transformations) or hybrid;
  • projections: data attributes chosen to be part of the SELECT clause;
  • selections: set of conditions intended to potentially filter and limit the query results, being part of the WHERE clause;
  • dsIncludes: datasets that must be present in the paths found by the path finding algorithm;
  • dsExcludes: datasets that must not be present in the paths found by the path finding algorithm.

By calling generateSqlQuery with the desired arguments, the user is capable of generating and running a SQL code using QI.

Using the RESTful API of DfAnalyzer, users can submit HTTP requests with the POST method to run queries in DfAnalyzer's database. So, these requests have to use the URL http://localhost:22000/query_interface/{dataflow_tag}/{dataflow_id} and to add a message, which should contain the query specification as follows:

Table: query specification using QI.

Concept Method (body of the HTTP request) Additional information
Mapping mapping(type) type = PHYSICAL, LOGICAL, HYBRID
Source datasets source(datasetTags)
Target datasets target(datasetTags)
Includes include(datasetTags) Datasets to be included in the fragment of dataflow path.
Excludes exclude(datasetTags) Datasets to be excluded from the fragment of dataflow path.
Projections projection(attributes) attributes argument defines which attributes will be obtained after query processing, e.g., attributes = {table1.att1;table2.att2}
Selections selection(conditions) conditions is used to filter only relevant data elements, e.g., table1.att1 > 100


Considering our libMesh application (more details below) instrumented to extract provenance and scientific data using DfAnalyzer, users might like to investigate the data element flow from the input dataset osolve_equation_systems to the output dataset oextract_data, when the velocity of the fluid at the axis x is greater than 0.01. More specifically, they want to know in which times and distances (oextract_data.x, which is equivalent to the point in coordinate x) this situation occurs. The figure below presents the dataflow fragment analyzed by this query.

Dataflow representation of the application systems_of_equations_ex2

Based on this dataflow analysis, an HTTP request has to be submitted to our RESTful API with the following URL and message (i.e., HTTP body).




projection(osolve_equation_systems.time; oextract_data.x;oextract_data.u)
selection(oextract_data.u > 0.01)

As a result, our RESTful API returns a CSV-format file with the selected content after the query processing.

Query Dashboard (QD)

Besides the query processing capabilities provided by QI, users can develop their queries using our graphical interface, as follows:

Query specification using our graphical interface

DfA-lib in C++ and Python

Since the most of our computational scientists use the programming languages C++ and Python , we develop two libraries to make easier the addition of DfAnalyzer calls in scientific applications, named as dfa-lib-cpp and dfa-lib-python. In this regard, we also deliver a documentation of dfa-lib in C++ or dfa-lib-cpp and a documentation of dfa-lib in Python or dfa-lib-python.


The user guide of RDE and RDI can be found in their respective directories, as follows:

RawDataExtractor (easy access with this link)

RawDataIndexer (easy access with this link)

Use in scientific applications

C++ library

When computational specialist needs to configure the Makefile of his scientific application, he has to add the following set of directives used by a make build automation tool to generate a target/goal.

LDFLAGS  += -lcurl -L$(DFANALYZER_DIR)/lib -ldfanalyzer

Then, he can run the command make for generating an executable file of his application.

Docker image

Besides the source code of DfAnalyzer tool and its libraries, we also provide a Docker image, named as dataflow_analyzer, with DfAnalyzer tool; its libraries in C++ and Python, known as dfa-lib; and two Computational Science and Engineering (CSE) applications, named as systems_of_equations_ex2 and prototype_multi-physics.

The CSE application systems_of_equations_ex2 was downloaded from an example in libMesh website and developed using dfa-lib in C++, while the application prototype_multi-physics used dfa-lib in Python.

DfAnalyzer, its libraries, and CSE applications are stored in directories DfAnalyzer, library, and applications at the path /dfanalyzer.

Computational Science and Engineering applications

Here we present the software requirements and how to run Computational Science and Engineering (CSE) applications systems_of_equations_ex2 and prototype_multi-physics.

Software requirements

Systems of Equations - Example 2

  1. HDF5, a data model, library, and file format for storing and managing data.
  2. PETSc, the Portable, Extensible Toolkit for Scientific Computation.
  3. libMesh as a framework for the numerical simulation of partial differential equations using arbitrary unstructured discretizations on serial and parallel platforms.

There are also some optional software requirements, if raw data extraction and indexing capabilities are enabled, as follows.

  1. ParaView, an open-source, multi-platform data analysis and visualization application.
  2. FastBit, an efficient compressed bitmap index technology.

Prototype of Multiphysics Application

  1. FEniCS as a framework for the numerical simulation of partial differential equations using arbitrary unstructured discretizations on serial and parallel platforms.
  2. DfA-lib-Python A DfAnalyzer library implemented in Python for extracting provenance data, extracting raw data from data sources, and generating indexes of extracted data at runtime based on the usage of DfAnalyzer RESTful services.
  3. Conda, a package dependency and environment management for Python.

How to run applications

Systems of Equations - Example 2

Source code compilation

Application files are stored in directory applications/systems_of_equations_ex2 and it has to be compiled. However, it is necessary to define the environment variable LIBMESH_DIR with the installation path of libMesh before to run the following command lines:

cd applications/systems_of_equations_ex2

Environment configuration for raw data extraction and visualization

If visualization and raw data extraction/indexing are enabled in the CSE application (according to the #define statements in systems_of_equations_ex2.C), it is necessary to configure some environment variables (PARAVIEW, FASTBIT), since this application will use ParaView tool for extracting raw data from files in ExodusII format and FastBit for applying bitmap indexing technique. Please find below the definition of these variables in our Docker image, besides the environment variable LIBMESH_DIR.

export LIBMESH_DIR=/program/libmesh
export PARAVIEW=/program/paraview
export FASTBIT=/program/fastbit

Important note: In our Docker image, it is not necessary to compile this application or configure the environment variables.

Run application

Then, the second example of Systems of Equations from libMesh website can be executed using DfAnalyzer. In this case, two terminal connections have to be initialized. In the first terminal connection, we will initialize DfAnalyzer RESTful services by running the script at applications/dfanalyzer. After that, we start the CSE application by running the script at applications/systems_of_equations_ex2.

Command lines to the first terminal connection (DfAnalyzer):

cd applications/dfanalyzer

Command lines to the second terminal connection (CSE application):

cd applications/systems_of_equations_ex2

Prototype of Multiphysics Application

Source code

Application files are stored in directory applications/prototype_multiphysics_application divided in three folders each one specific for one execution type, are they: baselineand dfa. It's necessary to install conda and them execute the following commands.

cd applications/prototype_multiphysics_application
conda create -n prototype_multiphysics_application -c conda-forge fenics
source activate prototype_multiphysics_application
make init

Important note: In our Docker image, it is not necessary to install the dependencies above.

Run application

Then, the prototype multiphysics application application can be executed using DfAnalyzer.


In this case, two terminal connections have to be initialized. In the first terminal connection, we will initialize DfAnalyzer RESTful services by running the script at applications/dfanalyzer. After that, we start the CSE application by executing the command line make run-dfa at applications/prototype_multiphysics_application.

Command lines to the first terminal connection (DfAnalyzer):

cd applications/dfanalyzer

Command lines to the second terminal connection (CSE application):

cd applications/prototype_multiphysics_application
source activate prototype_multiphysics_application
make run-dfa

License Terms

The MIT License (MIT)

Copyright (c) 2019 Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ).

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.



DfAnalyzer: Runtime Dataflow Analysis Tool for Computational Science and Engineering Applications. To cite this software publication:







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