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Apiato 2FA Container

Multi-Factor Authentication MFA , 2FA.

This Container is used to manage the 2 Factor Authentication using any app like Google Authenticator

Note: This container is not fully tested, use with caution.


Only Works in Existing Apiato Application
Read more about the Apiato container installer in the docs!


composer require elshaden/apiato-mfa

use HasMfaKeyTrait

Add the use HasMfaKeyTrait in the User Model or Any Other Model you want to use it with

Migrate the table 'otp_keys'

and you are ready to go

Check Config File in Configs Dir for any changes


To find if user has MFA Key

$user-> HasOtp();

This will return the full record of the Otp Key.

object   // MfaKey
id          // Hashed MfaKey Id
code      // Base64 MfaKey Code
qr_code    // QR Code Image

To Create New MFA key

Assuming the Model using the HasMfaTrati is the user Nodel
$user-> CreateMfaKey();

This will return : The Otp_key Record created with otp Key ( basse 64 TOTP key) QR code inform of Base 64 Image and the user Id

Update the Key


This will regnertae the Key and updates the record

To Verfiy a given Token is valid ( the six numbers in the authenticator)

$user->ValidateKey($Code, $slots =1);       // The code must be the six digits in the Authenticator

Generate Code


This will generate a 6 Digits Code based on the user token, at any given time The code should match any authenticator App's such as Google Authenticator

API Endpoints

if You specify the parameter calss in any call the action will be taken on the class specified. Classes must be set in the config file, example Customer , must be specified in the config file if you do not specify any calss, the action ill be made on the default calss, mostly User

Endpoint Method Parameteres Usage Response
/mfakeys POST id, (optional)class Creates New User Token int "id", string "code", image "qr_code" ``
/validate-mfa POST id , pin , slots, class Validates 6 digits pin bool "result"
/generate-pin/{id}/{class?} GET Generates 6 Digits pin int "code"
/mfakeys/{id}/{class?} PATCH Create New Mfa and revokes the old one int "code"

In Addition to Find, delete and Update OtpToken for any user.

Note when validating the Otp in validate-mfa slots means validate the key for past minutes.

One Minute slot equal two 30 seconds slots. meaning the number can change once and still the pin can be true.

the longer the period the more time it takes to check the validity, so please try to be conservative.