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Number Theory

This repository for essential number theory laws and methods

Modular Arithmetic

  • x % n = r
    • 0 <= r <= n-1
  • x = q * n + r
  • ((a - b) % c + c) % c → This is genral formula for C++
  • (a + b) % c = (a % c + b % c) % c
  • (a * b) % c = (a % c * b % c) % c
  • (a - b) % c = (a % c - b % c + c) % c
  • (a / b) % c = (a % b * b-1 % c) % c

Binary Exponentiation (Fast power)

The Basic method for solving xn → O(N)

def power(x,n):
    ans = 1

    for i in range(n):
        ans *= x
    return ans

The Fastest method for solving xn → O(Log N)

def fast_power(x,n):
    ans = 1

    while n:
        if n % 2:
            ans *= x
        x *= x
        n //= 2
    return ans

Fermat’s little theorem & Primality testing

Fermat’s little theorem : if P is prime number and a is any positive integer not divisible by P then:
$a^{P - 1}$ = 1 (mod P)
for all values of a between 1 and P-1

import random
def fermat(n: int,k:int = 128) -> bool:
    for _ in range(k):
        x = random.randint(1,n-1)
        if pow(x,n-1,n) != 1:
            return False
    return True


Factorization means to find all factors (divisors) of a number

Basic method to get all factors → O(N)

def factorization(n):
    factors = []

    for i in range(1,n+1):
        if n % i == 0:
    return factors

Fastest method to get all factors → O(Sqrt(N))

def factorization(n):
    factors = []

    i = 1
    while i * i <= n:
        if n % i == 0:
            if n // i == i:
                factors.append(n // i)
        i += 1
    return factors

Prime Factorization

def prime_factorization(n):
    prime_factors = []

    i = 2
    end = n

    while i*i <= end:
        while n % i == 0:
            n //= i
        i += 1
    if n != 1:
    return prime_factors

Euclidean Algorithm Proof


  • gcd → Greatest Common Divisor
  • co-primes → have no common divisors

Assume that gcd(r0,r1) → g and r0 > r1
Ex: gcd(20,15)

r0 = g * x
r1 = g * y
where x > y, and x and y are co-primes
by subtracting r1 from r0
r0 - r1 = (g * x) - (g * y) = g * (x - y)
it's ovious that (x - y) and y are also co-primes
and by comparing the two equations:

  • x = q * n + r → r = x - q * n
  • r0 - r1 = (g * x) - (g * y)

we found that r in the first equation is exactly r0 - r0 in the secod on
we can refer to r0 - r1 with r2

then we can say that gcd(r0,r1) → gcd(r1,r0 - r1) → gcd(r1,r2) → gcd(g * y , g * (x - y))

As we can repeat this procces as much as we want
we repeat it until it becomes gcd(rn,0)
and as you can observe that we get the result of gcd(r0,r1) → rn.

And as you observe, we can replace the subtraction with modulus (%).

Greatest Common Divisor GCD (Euclidean Algorithm)

def GCD(n: int, m: int) -> int:
    if m == 0:
        return n
    return GCD(m, n % m)

Note: When GCD(n,m) = 1 → called Co-Prime

Least Common Multiple LCM

def LCD(n: int, m: int) -> int:
    return (n*m) // GCD(n,m)

Extended Euclidean Algorithm

gcd(r0,r1) = s * r0 + t * r1
our goal now is to find the gcd(r0,r1) and the values of s and t.

As we know earlier

i gcd(ri-2,ri-1) ri-2 = ri-1 * qi-1 + ri ri = [si] * r0 + [ti] * r1
2 gcd(973,301) 973 = 3 * 301 + 70 70 = [1] * 973 + [-3] * 301
70 = [1] * r0 + [-3] * r1
3 gcd(301,70) 301 = 4 * 70 + 21 21 = 301 + (-4) * 70
21 = 301 + (-4) * (973 + (-3) * 301)
21 = [-4] * 973 + [13] * 301
21 = [-4] * r0 + [13] * r1
4 gcd(70,21) 70 = 3 * 21 + 7 7 = 70 + (-3) * 21
7 = r2 + (-3) * r3
7 = ( [1] * r0 + [-3] * r1 ) + (-3) * ( [-4] * r0 + [13] * r1 )
7 = [13] * r0 + [-42] * r1
_ gcd(21,7) 21 = 3 * 7 + 0 _

As you observe that we go through this process untill the ri becomes 0.

The final formula for ri , si and ti is :

  • ri = ri-2 + (-qi-1) * ri-1
  • si = si-2 + (-qi-1) * si-1
  • ti = ti-2 + (-qi-1) * ti-1

After all of these equations we know that :

  • s0 = 1 , s1 = 0
  • t0 = 0 , t1 = 1
def EEA(r0,r1):
    s0 , s1 = 1 , 0
    t0 , t1 = 0 , 1
    # swap the two numbers if the second one is greater than the first one.
    if r1 > r0:
        r0 , r1 = r1 , r0

    while r1:
        q = (r0 // r1) # compute the quotient
        # put r1 in r0 and compute the next r and put it in r1
        r0 , r1 = r1 , r0 - q * r1
        # put s1 in s0 and compute the next s and put it in s1
        s0 , s1 = s1 , s0 - q * s1
        # put t1 in t0 and compute the next t and put it in t1
        t0 , t1 = t1 , t0 - q * t1

    # r0 -> GCD
    # s0 -> s
    # t0 -> t
    return r0 , s0 , t0      # return t0 % the initial r0 to get positive value (for Modular Multiplication Inverse).

Modular Multiplicative Inverse

The problem is a-1 = ? (mod n)
a * a-1 = 1 (mod n)

First before computing the a-1 we should know that to have a modular multiplicative inverse of number a :

  • gcd(n,a) = 1 → co-primes.
  • a-1 will be withen range of (0,n-1).

Proof of modular multiplication inverse existance when gcd(n,a) = 1

as we do in Extend Euclidean Algorithm.
gcd(n,a) = n * s + a * t
1 = n * s + a * t (mod n)
1 = 0 + (a * t) mod n
then there is a modular multiplicative inverse of a.

Brute force method → O(N)

def modular_multiplicative_inverse(a,n):
    a %= n
    for i in range(1,n):
        if (a * i) % n == 1:
            return i
    return None

Extend Euclidean Algorithm method → O(Log N)

Apply the Extend Euclidean Algorithm and get the value of [t] this will be the modular multiplicative inverse.

def modular_multiplicative_inverse(a,n):
    return EEA(n,a)[2]


This repository for essential number theory laws and methods






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