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A plugin that bans players on the UBL and updates on a regular schedule.

Stores a backup in /AutoUBL/backup.json in case of API going down + server restart.

This plugin should work in any version of Bukkit/Spigot from 1.2.5-R5.0 onwards

Minecraft 1.7.6+

This plugin will stop players from joining the server with a UUID that is on the ban list

Minecraft < 1.7.6

No UUIDs are available on login in < 1.7.6. When a player joins they are allowed into the server. Every 5 seconds the server will lookup UUIDs for each unknown player that has joined if needed. If any online player UUID is then detected as banned they will be kicked. Any subsequent joins will be denied login as the UUID will already be known and is checked against the ban list immediately


This plugin is a work in progress to use the new API. Until the API is in public use and this plugin is completed this plugin should not be used



minutes per refresh: 10
ubl endpoint:
ban template: "&c{ign} ({uuid}) is banned - {reason} ({link}), expires: {expires}"
uninitialized message: Please wait, ban list is loading
failed to lookup uuid message: Failed to lookup UUID for your username
run update checker: true

minutes per refresh

How many minutes between automatically pulling new ban list from the server

ubl endpoint

Where to query the current ban list from. Shouldn't need to be changed


In < 1.7.6 this endpoint will be used for bulk UUID lookups for logged in users. Shouldn't need to be changed

ban template

Allows use of the following:

{ign}, {uuid}, {reason}, {link}, {created}, {expires}

uninitialized message

Message to show if a user joins before the initial load, this should only really end up happening if there was no backup to load from and the server is slow

failed to lookup uuid message

In < 1.7.6 when UUIDs are looked up, if there is an error looking up the UUID of users we 'safety' kick them. This is the message to show the kicked players

run update checker

Whether to check for updates or not. Checks this github page for any plugin updates and notifies ops/console