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Curriculum QA Engineering

SoftUni's QA engineering professional program aims to build all the fundamental knowledge and practical skills needed for the QA engineer profession, following current IT trends and learning top practices from manual and automated software testing. The curriculum for QA engineers includes training modules, through which we lay the foundations with "Manual QA" and continue with "QA Automation", where we learn programming and software technologies and techniques, practices and tools for automated testing. Each training module contains courses with a strong focus on practice, and at the end of each training, students pass a practical exam, demonstrating the acquired skills.

Manual QA

Training modules for mastering the profession "manual software testing specialist (manual QA)"

QA Basics

3 credits | 1 month Free preparatory course "QA Basics" on the basics of software testing. It concludes with an entrance exam to enter the QA program.

QA Fundamentals

12 credits | Four months In the QA Fundamentals module, students build on what they learned from QA Basics and learn fundamental concepts from the world of software technology and the basics of manual software testing.

Automation QA

Training modules for mastering the profession "engineer in automated software testing (QA automation)"

Programming for QA

27 credits | Four months In the "Programming for QA" module, students learn the basics of programming, data structures, OOP and writing unit tests.

Back-End Test Automation

27 credits | Four months In the "Back-End Test Automation" module, students are introduced to back-end development (databases, ORM technologies, server web technologies, Web APIs, Web apps, MVC) and techniques and tools for automated back-end testing (integration and API testing).

Front-End Test Automation

27 credits | Four months In the "Front-End Test Automation" module, students are introduced to front-end development and UI technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, DOM, AJAX) and techniques and tools for automated UI testing (such as Selenium and Appium).


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