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Security Server Installation Guide


Version: 2.8 13.03.2017 Doc. ID: IG-SS

Version history

Date Version Description Author
01.12.2014 1.0 Initial version
19.01.2015 1.1 License information added
18.03.2015 1.2 Meta-package for security server added. Legacy securelog module removed
02.04.2015 1.3 “sdsb” change to “xroad”
27.05.2015 1.4 Some typos fixed
30.06.2015 1.5 Minor corrections done
06.07.2015 1.6 New repository address
18.09.2015 1.7 Reference data in 3.2 updated
18.09.2015 2.0 Editorial changes made
13.10.2015 2.1 Editorial changes made
10.12.2015 2.2 Updated the installing of the support for hardware tokens (2.7)
17.12.2015 2.3 Added xroad-addon-wsdlvalidator package
19.05.2016 2.4 Merged changes from xtee6-doc repo. Updated table 2.2 with p 1.12, added chapter 2.8 and updated 3.2.
30.09.2016 2.5 Added chapter „Different versions of xroad-* package after successful upgrade“.
07.12.2016 2.6 Added operational data monitoring packages. 2 GB RAM -> 3 GB RAM
23.02.2017 2.7 Converted to Github flavoured Markdown, added license text, adjusted tables for better output in PDF Toomas Mölder
13.04.2017 2.8 Added token ID formatting Cybernetica AS

Table of Contents


This document is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit

1 Introduction

1.1 Target Audience

The intended audience of this Installation Guide are X-Road Security server system administrators responsible for installing and using X-Road software. The daily operation and maintenance of the security server is covered by its User Guide [UG-SS].

The document is intended for readers with a moderate knowledge of Linux server management, computer networks, and the X-Road working principles.

1.2 References

  1. [UG-SS] Cybernetica AS. X-Road 6. Security Server User Guide. Document ID UG-SS

2 Installation

2.1 Supported Platforms

The security server runs on the Ubuntu Server 14.04 Long-Term Support (LTS) operating system on a 64-bit platform. The security server software is distributed as .deb packages through the official X-Road repository at

The software can be installed both on physical and virtualized hardware (of the latter, Xen and Oracle VirtualBox have been tested).

2.2 Reference Data

Note: The information in empty cells should be determined before the server’s installation, by the person performing the installation.

Caution: Data necessary for the functioning of the operating system is not included.

Ref Explanation
1.0 Ubuntu 14.04, 64-bit
3 GB RAM, 3 GB free disk space
Minimum requirements
1.1 X-Road package repository
1.2 The repository key
1.3 Account name in the user interface
1.4 TCP 5500 Port for inbound connections (from the external network to the security server)
Message exchange between security servers
  TCP 5577 Port for inbound connections (from the external network to the security server)
Querying of OCSP responses between security servers
  TCP 2080 Port for inbound connections (from the external network to the security server)
Message exchange between security server and operational data monitoring daemon (by default on localhost)
  TCP 9011 Port for inbound connections (from the external network to the security server)
Operational data monitoring daemon JMX listening port
1.5 TCP 5500 Ports for outbound connections (from the security server to the external network)
Message exchange between security servers
  TCP 5577 Ports for outbound connections (from the security server to the external network)
Querying of OCSP responses between security servers
  TCP 4001 Ports for outbound connections (from the security server to the external network)
Communication with the central server
  TCP 80 Ports for outbound connections (from the security server to the external network)
Downloading global configuration
  TCP 80,443 Ports for outbound connections (from the security server to the external network)
Most common OCSP and time-stamping services
1.6 TCP 4000 User interface (local network)
1.7 TCP 80 Information system access points (in the local network)
Connections from information systems
  TCP 443 Information system access points (in the local network)
Connections from information systems
1.8 Security server internal IP address(es) and hostname(s)
1.9 Security server public IP address, NAT address
1.10 <by default, the server’s IP addresses and names are added to the certificate’s Distinguished Name (DN) field> Information about the user interface TLS certificate
1.11 <by default, the server’s IP addresses and names are added to the certificate’s Distinguished Name (DN) field> Information about the services TLS certificate
1.12 TCP 2552 Port for communications between xroad-proxy and xroad-monitoring processes

2.3 Requirements for the Security Server

Minimum recommended hardware parameters:

  • the server’s hardware (motherboard, CPU, network interface cards, storage system) must be supported by Ubuntu 14.04 in general;

  • a 64-bit dual-core Intel, AMD or compatible CPU; AES instruction set support is highly recommended;

  • 3 GB RAM;

  • a 100 Mbps network interface card;

  • if necessary, interfaces for the use of hardware tokens.

Requirements to software and settings:

  • an installed and configured Ubuntu 14.04 LTS x86-64 operating system;

  • if the security server is separated from other networks by a firewall and/or NAT, the necessary connections to and from the security server are allowed (reference data: 1.4; 1.5; 1.6; 1.7). The enabling of auxiliary services which are necessary for the functioning and management of the operating system (such as DNS, NTP, and SSH) stay outside the scope of this guide;

  • if the security server has a private IP address, a corresponding NAT record must be created in the firewall (reference data: 1.9).

2.4 Preparing OS

  • Add system user (reference data: 1.3) whom all roles in the user interface are granted to. Add a new user with the command

    sudo adduser username

    User roles are discussed in detail in X-Road Security Server User Guide [UG-SS].

  • Set the operating system locale. Add following line to the /etc/environment file.


2.5 Installation

To install the X-Road security server software, follow these steps.

  1. Add to /etc/apt/sources.list.d/xroad.list the address of X-Road package repository (reference data: 1.1) and the nginx repository:

    deb trusty main
    deb trusty main
    deb trusty main
  2. Add the X-Road repository’s signing key to the list of trusted keys (reference data: 1.2):

    curl | sudo apt-key add -
    sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys 00A6F0A3C300EE8C
    sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys EB9B1D8886F44E2A
  3. Issue the following commands to install the security server packages:

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install xroad-securityserver

Upon the first installation of the packages, the system asks for the following information.

  • Account name for the user who will be granted the rights to perform all activities in the user interface (reference data: 1.3).

  • The Distinguished Name of the owner of the user interface’s self-signed TLS certificate (Subject DN) and its alternative names (subjectAltName) (reference data: 1.8; 1.10). The certificate is used for securing connections to the user interface. The name and IP addresses detected from the operating system are suggested as default values.

    • The Subject DN must be entered in the format:

    • All IP addresses and domain names in use must be entered as alternative names in the format:

  • The Distinguished Name of the owner of the TLS certificate that is used for securing the HTTPS access point of information systems (reference data: 1.8; 1.11). The name and IP addresses detected from the system are suggested as default values.

    • The Subject DN must be entered in the format:

    • All IP addresses and domain names in use must be entered as alternative names in the format:


The meta-package xroad-securityserver also installs metaservices module xroad-addon-metaservices, messagelog module xroad-addon-messagelog, operational data monitoring module xroad-addon-opmonitoring and WSDL validator module xroad-addon-wsdlvalidator.

2.6 Post-Installation Checks

The installation is successful if system services are started and the user interface is responding.

  • Ensure from the command line that X-Road services are in the start/running state (example output follows):

    sudo initctl list | grep "^xroad-"
    xroad-jetty start/running, process 19796
    xroad-confclient start/running, process 19563
    xroad-signer start/running, process 19393
    xroad-opmonitor start/running, process 20669
    xroad-proxy start/running, process 19580
  • Ensure that the security server user interface at https://SECURITYSERVER:4000/ (reference data: 1.8; 1.6) can be opened in a Web browser. To log in, use the account name chosen during the installation (reference data: 1.3). While the user interface is still starting up, the Web browser may display the “502 Bad Gateway” error.

2.7 Installing the Support for Hardware Tokens

To configure support for hardware security tokens (smartcard, USB token, Hardware Security Module), act as follows.

  1. Install the hardware token support module using the following command:

    sudo apt-get install xroad-addon-hwtokens

  2. Install and configure a PKCS#11 driver for the hardware token according to the manufacturer's instructions.

  3. Add the path to the PKCS#11 driver to the file /etc/xroad/devices.ini (as described in the example given in the file).

  4. After installing and configuring the driver, the xroad-signer service must be restarted:

    sudo service xroad-signer restart

If you are running a high availability (HA) hardware token setup (such as a cluster with replicated tokens) then you may need to constrain the token identifier format such that the token replicas can be seen as the same token. The token identifier format can be changed in /etc/xroad/devices.ini via the token_id_format property (default value: {moduleType}{slotIndex}{serialNumber}{label}). Removing certain parts of the identifier will allow the HA setup to work correctly when one of the tokens goes down and is replaced by a replica. For example, if the token replicas are reported to be on different slots the {slotIndex} part should be removed from the identifier format.

2.8 Installing Support for Monitoring

Enabling the monitoring functionality on a security server requires installation of one additional package:

sudo apt-get install xroad-monitor

This installs and starts the xroad-monitor process that will gather and make available the monitoring information.

3 Security Server Initial Configuration

During the security server initial configuration, the server’s X-Road membership information and the software token’s PIN are set.

3.1 Prerequisites

Configuring the security server assumes that the security server owner is a member of the X-Road.

3.2 Reference Data

ATTENTION: Reference items 2.1 - 2.3 in the reference data are provided to the security server owner by the X-Road central’s administrator.

The security server code and the software token’s PIN will be determined during the installation at the latest, by the person performing the installation.

Ref Explanation
2.1<anchor file>
ee-dev - development environment
ee-test - test environment
EE - production environment
Global configuration anchor file
2.2 GOV - government
COM - commercial
Member class of the security server's owner
2.3 <security server owner register code> Member code of the security server's owner
2.4 <choose security server identificator name> Security server's code
2.5 <choose PIN for software token> Software token’s PIN

3.3 Configuration

To perform the initial configuration, open the address


in a Web browser (reference data: 1.8; 1.6). To log in, use the account name chosen during the installation (reference data: 1.3).

Upon first log-in, the system asks for the following information.

  • The global configuration anchor file (reference data: 2.1).

    Please verify anchor hash value with the published value.

If the configuration is successfully downloaded, the system asks for the following information.

  • The security server owner’s member class (reference data: 2.2).

  • The security server owner’s member code (reference data: 2.3). If the member class and member code are correctly entered, the system displays the security server owner’s name as registered in the X-Road center.

  • Security server code (reference data: 2.4), which is chosen by the security server administrator and which has to be unique across all the security servers belonging to the same X-Road member.

  • Software token’s PIN (reference data: 2.5). The PIN will be used to protect the keys stored in the software token. The PIN must be stored in a secure place, because it will be no longer possible to use or recover the private keys in the token once the PIN has been lost.

4 Installation Error handling

4.1 Cannot Set LC_ALL to Default Locale

If running the locale command results in the error message

locale: Cannot set LC_ALL to default locale: No such file or directory,

then the support for this particular language has not been installed. To install it, run the command (the example uses the English language):

sudo apt-get install language-pack-en

Then, to update the system’s locale files, run the following commands (the example uses the US locale):

sudo locale-gen en_US.UTF-8
sudo update-locale en_US.UTF-8

Set operating system locale. Add following line to /etc/environment file:


After updating the system’s locale settings, it is recommended to restart the operating system.

4.2 PostgreSQL Is Not UTF8 Compatible

If the security server installation is aborted with the error message

postgreSQL is not UTF8 compatible,

then the PostgreSQL package is installed with a wrong locale. One way to resolve it is to remove the data store created upon the PostgreSQL installation and recreate it with the correct encoding.

WARNING: All data in the database will be erased!

sudo pg_dropcluster --stop 9.3 main
LC_ALL="en_US.UTF-8" sudo pg_createcluster --start 9.3 main

To complete the interrupted installation, run the command

sudo apt-get -f install

4.3 Could Not Create Default Cluster

If the following error message is displayed during PostgreSQL installation:

Error: The locale requested by the environment is invalid.
Error: could not create default cluster. Please create it manually with pg_createcluster 9.3 main –start,

use the following command to create the PostgreSQL data cluster:

LC_ALL="en_US.UTF-8" sudo pg_createcluster --start 9.3 main

The interrupted installation can be finished using

sudo apt-get -f install

4.4 Is Postgres Running On Port 5432?

If the following error message appears during installation

Is postgres running on port 5432 ?
Aborting installation! please fix issues and rerun with apt-get -f install,

check if any of the following errors occurred during the installation of PostgreSQL.

  • Error installing the data cluster. Refer to section “Could not create default cluster”.

  • The PostgreSQL data cluster installed during the installation of the security server is not configured to listen on port 5432. To verify and configure the listening port, edit the PostgreSQL configuration file in /etc/postgresql/9.3/main/postgresql.conf. If you change the listening port, the postgresql service must be restarted.

The interrupted installation can be finished using

sudo apt-get -f install

4.5 Different versions of xroad-* packages after successful upgrade

Sometimes, after using sudo apt-get upgrade command, some of the packages are not upgraded. In the following example xroad-securityserver package version is still 6.8.3 although other packages are upgraded to 6.8.5:

# sudo dpkg -l | grep xroad-
ii xroad-addon-messagelog
ii xroad-addon-metaservices
ii xroad-addon-wsdlvalidator
ii xroad-common
ii xroad-jetty9
ii xroad-proxy
ii xroad-securityserver 6.8.3-3-201605131138

apt-get upgrade command doesn’t install new packages - in this particular case new packages xroad-monitor and xroad-addon-proxymonitor installation is needed for upgrade of xroad-securityserver package.

To be sure that packages are installed correctly please use sudo apt upgrade or sudo apt-get dist-upgrade commands.

Please note that xroad-jetty9 package version can be different from other packages’ versions.