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Code for the TRADYN paper (Guttikonda, S., Achterhold, J., Haolong, L., Boedecker, J. and Stueckler, J.: "Context-Conditional Navigation with a Learning-Based Terrain- and Robot-Aware Dynamics Model", ECMR 2023)



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Code for the TRADYN model

This repository contains code and evaluations for the TRADYN model presented in the paper "Context-Conditional Navigation with a Learning-Based Terrain- and Robot-Aware Dynamics Model", accepted for publication at ECMR 2023

Terrain- and robot-aware throttle-control-efficient navigation. Paths are planned from the white cross to the black cross. A heavy robot (m = 4 kg, blue, orange) is allowed to take longer detours to avoid high-friction terrain (yellow) than a light robot (m = 1 kg, green, red), as the dissipated energy is higher for the heavy robot.

Guttikonda, Suresh and Achterhold, Jan and Li, Haolong and Boedecker, Joschka and Stueckler, Joerg:
Context-Conditional Navigation with a Learning-Based Terrain- and Robot-Aware Dynamics Model
Accepted at the IEEE European Conference on Mobile Robots (ECMR) 2023.


If you use the code, data or models provided in this repository for your research, please cite our paper as:

    title={Context-Conditional Navigation with a Learning-Based Terrain- and Robot-Aware Dynamics Model},
    author={Suresh Guttikonda Jan Achterhold and Haolong Li and Joschka Boedecker and Joerg Stueckler},
    booktitle={Accepted at the IEEE European Conference on Mobile Robots (ECMR) 2023},

Note: The behaviour and results of the numeric algorithms used in this code varies among computing architectures, hardware, and driver versions, even when using the same Python package versions, enabling deterministic computations, and when using fixed seeds. Thus, when re-running this code, results can slightly vary from the paper.

1. Install environment

We use Python 3.8 with CUDA 11.6 / CuDNN 8.4.1.

pip install --upgrade pip
pip install torch==1.13.0+cu116 --extra-index-url
pip install torch-scatter -f
pip install -r requirements.txt

All python commands of the form python -m ... should be executed from the root directory of this repository. Important note: Training data will be stored in data/, trained models in experiments/. Please be aware that data and experiments take up several GB of disk space, so you may symlink these directories to somewhere where you can store large amounts of data.

2. Download terrain profiles (landscapes)

The terrain profiles are hosted at the Keeper service of the Max Planck Society. Download and extract them with

wget -O landscapes.tgz
tar xvz -f landscapes.tgz -C context_exploration/data/envs/

See at for information on licensing of the terrain profiles.

3. Generate or download trajectory data


python -m

to generate trajectory data, or

mkdir -p data/experience/unicycle_robotvary_terrainpatches
wget -O data/experience/unicycle_robotvary_terrainpatches/np_container_0-14999.npz

to download. See at for information on licensing of the trajectory data.

4. Train or download models

You can either download pretrained models (also providing evaluation files), or run training and evaluation yourself.

Download pre-trained models

You can download pre-trained models (and their corresponding evaluations), with

wget -O trained_models.tgz
mkdir -p experiments/train_model
tar xvz -f trained_models.tgz -C experiments/train_model/ --strip-components=1 trained_models

Train models yourself

First, the experiments have to be initialized with

mkdir experiments
parallel < jobs/jobs_training_unicycle_init.txt

The commands in the above file should finish with an InitializationFinishedInterrupt. Then, to continue training, run each command in jobs/jobs_training_unicycle_restart.txt until training finishes with exit code 0 (you would probably use your favourite job scheduling tool for this). To circumvent the job scheduler, e.g., to continue training the first model, you could call

until pythonwcuda -m context_exploration.train_model restart_base=model_env=unicycle_robotvary_terrainpatches_uselocalctx=True_seed=1
; do sleep 1; done

Evaluate trained models

To evaluate the prediction performance of the models, run each command in jobs/jobs_unicycle_eval_prediction.txt.

To evaluate the planning performance of the models, run each command in jobs/jobs_unicycle_eval_planning.txt.

Create plots

To generate the paper figures, see the notebook at paper_figures/unicycle/paper_figures.ipynb and context_exploration/evaluation/notebooks/evaluation_unicycle.ipynb.

Code license


Third-party software

The file context_exploration/utils/sacred_utils/ contains code from the 'sacred' experiment management repository at, licensed under the MIT License. A copy of the license is at context_exploration/utils/sacred_utils/SACRED_LICENSE. See the source file for case-by-case highlighting of the borrowed code excerpts.


Code for the TRADYN paper (Guttikonda, S., Achterhold, J., Haolong, L., Boedecker, J. and Stueckler, J.: "Context-Conditional Navigation with a Learning-Based Terrain- and Robot-Aware Dynamics Model", ECMR 2023)







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