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Merge pull request #1 from 996icu/master
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kerbalwzy committed Jul 23, 2019
2 parents 25bd325 + b736515 commit 01a87d4
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Showing 214 changed files with 9,747 additions and 591 deletions.
13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions .gitignore
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# Created by .ignore support plugin (

# Editor directories and files

15 changes: 15 additions & 0 deletions ANTI-996 DAY.MD
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**Date: March 26th of each year.**

On March 26th, 2019, a Chinese programmer @996icu created a GitHub project 996.ICU. This project is about the 996-working mode in China. The project received more than 100,000 stars in just three days, and many Chinese programmers translated the project into multiple languages. We recommend to promote March 26th for each year as "ANTI-996 DAY".

反 996 工作制日

**日期:每年 3 月 26 日**

公元 2019 年 3 月 26 日,一名中国程序员 @996icu 创建了一个叫 996.ICU 的 GitHub 项目,以此吐槽国内互联网公司毫无人性的 996 工作制,没想到此项目得到广大中国劳动者的热烈欢迎,大家对此表示感同身受,此项目仅 3 天就收获了 10万+ 的赞,大家纷纷为此项目建言献策,并将此项目翻译为多国语言,鉴于此,诚建议将每年的 3 月 26 日定为 “反 996 工作制日”。
12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions LICENSE
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
Copyright (c) <year> <copyright holders>

Anti 996 License Version 1.0 (Draft)
"Anti 996" License Version 1.0 (Draft)

Permission is hereby granted to any individual or legal entity
obtaining a copy of this licensed work (including the source code,
documentation and/or related items, hereinafter collectively referred
to as the "licensed work"), free of charge, to deal with the licensed
work for any purpose, including without limitation, the rights to use,
reproduce, modify, prepare derivative works of, distribute, publish
reproduce, modify, prepare derivative works of, distribute, publish
and sublicense the licensed work, subject to the following conditions:

1. The individual or the legal entity must conspicuously display,
without modification, this License and the notice on each redistributed
without modification, this License and the notice on each redistributed
or derivative copy of the Licensed Work.

2. The individual or the legal entity must strictly comply with all
Expand All @@ -24,13 +24,13 @@ standards or its laws, regulations, rules and standards are
unenforceable, the individual or the legal entity are required to
comply with Core International Labor Standards.

3. The individual or the legal entity shall not induce or force its
employee(s), whether full-time or part-time, or its independent
3. The individual or the legal entity shall not induce, suggest or force
its employee(s), whether full-time or part-time, or its independent
contractor(s), in any methods, to agree in oral or written form, to
directly or indirectly restrict, weaken or relinquish his or her
rights or remedies under such laws, regulations, rules and standards
relating to labor and employment as mentioned above, no matter whether
such written or oral agreement are enforceable under the laws of the
such written or oral agreements are enforceable under the laws of the
said jurisdiction, nor shall such individual or the legal entity
limit, in any methods, the rights of its employee(s) or independent
contractor(s) from reporting or complaining to the copyright holder or
Expand Down
24 changes: 12 additions & 12 deletions LICENSE_CN
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1. 个人或法人实体必须在许可作品的每个再散布或衍生副本上包含以上版权声明和本许可证,不得自行修
2. 个人或法人实体必须严格遵守与个人实际所在地或个人出生地或归化地、或法人实体注册地或经营地
3. 个人或法人不得以任何方式诱导或强迫其全职或兼职员工或其独立承包人以口头或书面形式同意直接或
2. 个人或法人实体必须严格遵守与个人实际所在地或个人出生地或归化地、或法人实体注册地或经营地
3. 个人或法人不得以任何方式诱导、暗示或强迫其全职或兼职员工或其独立承包人以口头或书面形式同意

Expand Down
130 changes: 74 additions & 56 deletions
@@ -1,94 +1,112 @@
* [English version](./
**Please note that there exists NO other official account, app or merchandise except for the official domain and this repository.**

`996.ICU` 指的是 “工作996”, 生病ICU。在中国,这是程序员之间的一种自嘲的说法,意思是按照996的模式工作,那以后就得进ICU了。
* [中文版](./

The name `996.ICU` refers to **"Work by '996', sick in ICU"**, an ironic saying among Chinese developers, which means that by following the "996" work schedule, you are risking yourself getting into the ICU (Intensive Care Unit).



- 《中国青年报》:[被“996”工作制围困的年轻人:像是定好闹钟的机器](
- 《人民网》:[“996工作制”是谁的如意算盘?](
- 《南方日报》:[正视年轻人压力“爆棚”的危险](
- 《广州日报》:[“996工作制”不可持续](
- 《经济日报-中国经济网》:[拒绝“996”工作制!以人为本才能获得长远发展](

Related press coverage:
* *RadiiChina:* [GitHub Protest Over Chinese Tech Companies’ “996” Culture Goes Viral](
* *Financial Times:* [China tech worker protest against long working hours goes viral](
* *Wired:* [How github is helping overworked Chinese programmers](

See a [full list of press](externals/

“996”工作制,指的是一种越来越流行的非官方工作制(早上 9 点 ~ 晚上 9 点,每周 6 天)。在一个实行“996”工作制的公司工作就意味着每周至少要工作 60 个小时。

- 更新这个[名单](blacklist/附带证据),来帮助每一位工作者。
- 把这个[徽章](externals/加入你的项目来支持 996.ICU
- 为您的项目添加[反 996 许可证](LICENSE_CN)
- 给社区与项目发展提出新的议案。

What is 996?

* 996.ICU 是 IT 从业者发起的一项倡议,我们欢迎其他领域、其他国家的人士加入讨论。
A "996" work schedule refers to an unofficial work schedule (9 a.m.&ndash;9 p.m., 6 days per week) that has been gaining popularity. Serving a company that encourages the "996" work schedule usually means working for at least 60 hours per week.
Visit [996 working hour system]( on Wikipedia for more details.

* 这并不是一个政治运动,我们坚定维护劳动法,我们要求雇主尊重雇员的合法权益。

* 从闭源到开源是一次伟大的进步,从开源到同时强调保护劳工权益也将是一次伟大的进步,我们想要创造一个主张保护劳动者权益的开源软件许可证。
What can I do?

* 我们欢迎一切积极的、具有建设性意义的建议,倡导成熟的、负责任的发言。
- Update this [list](blacklist/ with evidence to help every worker. [Third party perfect list channel](
- Add this [badge](externals/ to your project to support 996.ICU.
- License your awesome projects with the [Anti 996 License](LICENSE).
- Add [proposals](proposal/ to give advice about the development of 996.ICU.
- Go home at 6 pm without feeling sorry.

* 目前反 996 许可证还处于起草阶段,希望有相关经验的专业人士能给予帮助。


- 阅读已接受的提议并且尝试改进。
- 根据提议做出行动。
- 用PR的方式来给出你自己的提议。
### State Media
- [The 996 shall disappear](

### Capitalists
- **Jack Ma, founder of Alibaba**: `It is a huge blessing to be able to '996'`.
- **Richard Liu, founder of**: `We will never force our employee to work as '996'`.
(However, as a result many anonymous employees says that there is a **list** of departments which **ranked** them by overtime hours. The shortest will take punishments. And the leaders never leave evidences when ask employees to work as '996'.)
- **Bai Ya, founder of Youzan**: `This will definitely be a right decision when we look back in a few years.`

### Developers
- **Guido van Rossum, founder of Python**: `The '996' working schedule is inhumane.`


Principles and purposes

[996.ICU 内容翻译](i18n/,请自由发挥你的能力,调整格式、添加内容或修正语法。不过要注意,添加过多的翻译版本并非我们的目标。
* 996.ICU is an initiative initiated by IT practitioners. We welcome people from other fields and other countries to join the discussion.

* This is not a political movement. We firmly uphold the labor law and request employers to respect the legitimate rights and interests of their employees.

* It is great progress from closed source to open source, and it will also be great progress from open source to emphasizing labor rights at the same time. What we want is to create an open source software license that advocates workers' rights.

- [955.WLB]( 996.ICU 的反向Repo,旨在让更多的人逃离 996,加入 955 的行列。
* We are willing to hear all positive and constructive proposals and advocate mature and responsible speech.

- [996.LAW]( 法律板块,此Repo主要收集大家的仲裁、民事诉讼信息。

- [996.TSC]( 周边文化创意板块,通过图片等形式的传播,让更多人知道并加入996.ICU的活动中来。
Expanding influence

Please feel free to [translate 996.ICU's contents](i18n/, adjust the format, add some contents or fix grammatical errors. Please note that adding too many translations is getting off the track.

- [996.LIST]( 此Repo为996和955的匿名投票列表。
Community powers

- [955.WLB]( is a repo that maintains a whitelist of 955 work-life balanced companies.
- [996.LIST]( is a repo of a rank list of 996 companies and 955 companies.
- []( This is a manual for workers who want to conduct labor arbitration and litigation on their own.
- [996.YAOCL]( Yet Another Overtime Corps List, current another anonymous voting list.
- [996.Leave]( encourages & introduces working overseas.
- [996.RIP]( Old news never vanished.
- [996.Petition]( initiates petitions by sending open letters to relevant government departments.
- [996.action]( Supporters are encouraged to participate in public supervision.
- [996.avengers]( adds `996ICU` and `955WLB` tags on recruitment websites.
- [996.OD]( occupational diseases are the forewarning of ICU.
- [support.996.ICU]( Microsoft and GitHub Workers Support 996.ICU

Where are the issues?

即使有互动限制,issues 区依然完全失去了控制。
因此我**个人**决定关闭 issues,这与 GitHub 或其他方面无关。
Even with interaction limits on, the issues area was totally out of control.
So I **personally** decided to switch it off, not by GitHub or others.


[反 996 许可证](LICENSE)
[Anti-996 License](LICENSE)

- The purpose of this license is to prevent anti-labour-law companies from using the software or codes under the license, and force those companies to weigh their way of working
- See a [full list of projects](awesomelist/ under Anti-996 License

- This draft is adapted from the MIT license. For a more detailed explanation, please see [Wiki]( This license is designed to be compatible with all major open source licenses.
- For law professionals or anyone who is willing to contribute to future version directly, please go to [Anti-996-License-1.0]( Thank you.


- 此许可证的目的是阻止违反劳动法的公司使用许可证下的软件或代码,并强迫这些公司权衡他们的行为。
- 在此处查看反 996 许可证下的[完整项目列表](awesomelist/
- 此许可证的灵感来源于 @xushunke[Design A Software License Of Labor Protection -- 996ICU License](
- 当前版本反 996 许可证由 [伊利诺伊大学法学院的 Katt Gu, J.D]( 起草;由 [Dimension]( 的首席执行官 [Suji Yan]( 提供建议。
- 该草案改编自 MIT 许可证,如需更多信息请查看 [Wiki](。此许可证旨在与所有主流开源许可证兼容。
- 如果你是法律专业人士,或是任何愿意为未来版本做出直接贡献的人,请访问 [Anti-996-License-1.0](。感谢你的帮助。
You can reach me by [E-mail]( if you need.

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