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Front End Mentor E-Commerce-Product-Page Solution

This is a solution to the Interactive rating component Challenge on Frontend Mentor. Frontend Mentor challenges help you improve your coding skills by building realistic projects.


I'm transitioning back into Full-Time Web Development after a long hiatus away from the tech industry. From experience I know the fastest way to learn/relearn any skill is through consistent building and that is why I've found Front End Mentor Challenges to be the perfect fit for me at this stage in my career journey.

This is the tenth challenge I'm attempting. My completion time is getting shorter so I'm definitely excited about that.

The Challenge


My Process

  • Create React App
  • Mobile first design approach
  • Structured with HTML and CSS
  • Added functionalities using the power of React useState hook.
  • Created a GitHub repository and consistently push to it.

Built with

  • HTML5 markup.
  • CSS3 custom styling [Vanilla CSS only. NO LIBRARIES USED].
  • ReactJS.

What I learned

  • I took on this project to challenge my skills and push myself to the edge, and I must say it did just that.
  • Used the project to improve my skills with ReactJS, which is the Frontend framework I've chosen to know more about because of it's high demand in the industry.
  • Overall I'm grateful to Frontend Mentor for the wonderful platform and community that has given the opportunity to attempt challenges like this. It doesn't get more hands on than this.

Continued Development

  • I feel ready to take on more challenges, and look forward to completing and sharing more solutions.



Frontend Mentor Design Implementation






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