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Releases: Empyreal96/WP_Device_Portal


12 Feb 23:10
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Windows Phone Device Portal

What's new?

  • Added: Switched to Windows.UI.XAML v2.6 so minimum Windows Build is now 15063.
  • Added: Bluetooth control is now available for local connections (Turning on/off, searching and pairing/unpairing.
  • Added: CPU name on performance page
  • Removed: ETW Trace page is gone for Windows Mobile connections due to crashes and not user friendly info shown.
  • Fixed: Performance graphs now scroll and don't build up until graph is clogged up.
  • Fixing: Started code changes to prevent crashes when connecting remotely to Microsoft Xbox Device Portal targets. (Still crashes on connecting to Xbox currently)
  • Broken: Updater has stopped working for some reason, I plan on changing how updates are delivered


  • This release will require installation of the Microsoft.UI.XAML 2.6 dependency
  • PC users will need to install the certificate as it is different from last release


17 Jan 23:29
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Only change is updated certificate for PC Installs


23 Aug 22:12
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Windows Device Portal Client

What's Updated?

  • Fixed "Connect" Button not showing after failed connection attempt.
  • Fixed "Reboot" and "Shutdown" buttons showing after failed connection.
  • Fixes to "Check for Update" finding update with wrong address.
  • App Install failure message now more readable.
  • About page textbox now uses text wrapping (Aimed at small scaling on mobile).
  • App Icon on Windows Mobile home page now shows app name.


This is likely my last update to this application for the foreseeable future, despite the enjoyment I get from creating this app, I sadly no longer much free time to actively work on it

WP Device Portal

29 May 12:44
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What's new?

  • WiFi management
  • Application Install and information improvements
  • File Transfers
  • Re-designed Devices and Processes page
  • Crash Dump Management (Desktop only)
  • ETW Tracing
  • UI Improvements
  • Crash Fixes


  • Minimum build is now 14393
  • Connection to PC from Mobile has issues, but works fine to Mobile from PC

View the readme for full details, source will be updated shortly


09 Feb 14:35
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What's New?

  • Test to see if Update works
  • Added more Application info when viewing package info
  • Fixed an Exception thrown on some WP devices viewing IP Config


08 Feb 22:51
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Windows Phone Device Portal Client

  • Added "Check for update" feature to check and install updates to WPDevPortal
  • Improved the Devices page to help performance


  • Currently Processes pages uses the most resources in the app, I am looking at improving the memory footprint


08 Feb 11:43
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What's New:

  • Real-Time Performance graphs!
  • Fixes and improvements in Processes tab


  • This version is broken in W10M builds 16212 and 14973


06 Feb 00:34
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First release:
Many things likely to change as development progresses


  • Windows Device Portal enabled with Authentication off.
  • Windows build 10240+

Easily access Windows Device Portal features on your Windows Phone!

  • Install, Uninstall, Launch and view info on Applications
  • View running processes and details
  • View Performance Info
  • View Hardware info

Notes: UI Likely to change, as well as functions and features