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update size calculation logic
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lisicky committed Aug 8, 2022
1 parent 96e9483 commit cc7559e
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Showing 4 changed files with 235 additions and 63 deletions.
131 changes: 131 additions & 0 deletions rust/src/tx_builder/batch_tools/
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
use std::collections::HashMap;
use crate::tx_builder::batch_tools::assets_groups::{AssetIndex, PolicyIndex, UtxoIndex};
use super::super::*;

pub(super) struct UtxosStat {
total_policies: usize,
assets_in_policy: HashMap<PolicyIndex, usize>,
coins_in_assets: HashMap<AssetIndex, Coin>,
ada_coins: Coin,

impl UtxosStat {
pub(super) fn new(total_ada: &Coin, policy_to_asset: &HashMap<PolicyIndex, HashSet<AssetIndex>>,
amounts: &HashMap<(AssetIndex, UtxoIndex), Coin>) -> Self {
let mut utxos_stat = UtxosStat {
total_policies: 0,
assets_in_policy: HashMap::new(),
coins_in_assets: HashMap::new(),
ada_coins: Coin::zero(),
for (policy_index, assets) in policy_to_asset {
utxos_stat.assets_in_policy.insert(policy_index.clone(), assets.len());

for ((asset_index, utxo_index), amount) in amounts {
if let Some(coins) = utxos_stat.coins_in_assets.get(asset_index) {
utxos_stat.coins_in_assets.insert(asset_index.clone(), coins.clone() + amount);
} else {
utxos_stat.coins_in_assets.insert(asset_index.clone(), amount.clone());

utxos_stat.total_policies = policy_to_asset.len();
utxos_stat.ada_coins = total_ada.clone();


#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Clone)]
pub(super) struct AssetCalculator {
assets_name_sizes: Vec<usize>,
policies_sizes: Vec<usize>,
utxo_stat: UtxosStat,
bare_output_size: usize

impl AssetCalculator {

pub(super) fn new(utxo_stat: UtxosStat, assets_name_sizes: Vec<usize>,
policies_sizes: Vec<usize>, address: &Address) -> Self {
let bare_output_size =
Self::prepare_output_size_without_assets(&utxo_stat.ada_coins, address);
Self {

// According to the CBOR spec, the maximum size of a inlined CBOR value is 23 bytes.
// Otherwise, the value is encoded as pair of type and value.
fn get_struct_size(items_count: u64) -> usize {
if items_count <= MAX_INLINE_ENCODING {
return 1;
} else if items_count < 0x1_00 {
return 2;
} else if items_count < 0x1_00_00 {
return 3;
} else if items_count < 0x1_00_00_00_00 {
return 5;
} else {
return 9;

fn get_coin_size(coin: &Coin)-> usize {

pub(super) fn calc_aprox_value_size(&self, assets: &HashSet<AssetIndex>) -> usize {
let mut size = 0;
let mut policy_groups = self.get_grouped_assets(assets);
size += Self::get_struct_size(policy_groups.len().into());
for (policy_index, assets_in_policy) in policy_groups {
size += self.policies_sizes.get(policy_index).unwrap().clone();
size += Self::get_struct_size(assets_in_policy.len().into());
for asset_in_policy in &assets_in_policy {
size += self.assets_name_sizes.get(asset_in_policy).unwrap().clone();
let asset_coins = self.utxo_stat.coins_in_assets.get(asset_in_policy).unwrap();
size += Self::get_coin_size(asset_coins);

pub(super) fn calc_value_size(&self, assets: &HashSet<AssetIndex>, utxos: &HashSet<UtxoIndex>,
assets_amounts: &HashMap<(AssetIndex, UtxoIndex), Coin>) -> usize {
let mut size = 0;
let mut policy_groups = self.get_grouped_assets(assets);
size += Self::get_struct_size(policy_groups.len().into());
for (policy_index, assets_in_policy) in policy_groups {
size += self.policies_sizes.get(policy_index).unwrap().clone();
size += Self::get_struct_size(assets_in_policy.len().into());
for asset_in_policy in &assets_in_policy {
size += self.assets_name_sizes.get(asset_in_policy).unwrap().clone();
let mut asset_coins = Coin::zero();
for uxto in utxos {
if let Some(coin) = assets_amounts.get(&(asset_in_policy.clone(), uxto.clone())) {
asset_coins += coin.clone();
size += Self::get_coin_size(&asset_coins);

fn get_output_size_without_assets(&self) -> usize {

fn prepare_output_size_without_assets(max_coins: &Coin, address: &Address) -> usize {
let value = Value::new(max_coins);
let output = TransactionOutput::new(address, &value);
//output size without assets + overhead for storing coins and assents in the same time
//see cardano cddl for more info
output.to_bytes().len() + AssetSize::get_struct_size(2)

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