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Eduardo Pinho edited this page Apr 24, 2020 · 4 revisions

Welcome to the DICOM-rs project wiki!

This page was created by the original author to serve as a public notebook for exposing the vision, or future perspectives, of the DICOM-rs project. In an initial phase, this roadmap is not intended to be contributed to by other peers, but questions and suggestions can be made using the repository's issue tracker. Moreover, the same contents may be transferred to a more open format as the project expands.

Please see the latest DICOM-rs roadmap here. This document is likely to be expanded further in the future, and may then reflect into specific entries at the issue tracker.

How can I contribute to DICOM-rs?

Please have a look at the roadmap and look into existing issues to provide feedback. If you are interested in contributing with code, please reach out through the issue tracker first.

You can also have a chat at the official Gitter room.

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