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terraform module for provisioning a lambda function

For most scenarios I would reccomend using the "create_empty_function" argument, rather than using terraform to deploy the function code. Once all infrastructure, functions, and permisisons have been provisioned using terraform, you should use your CI/CD tooling to deploy the function code, typically with and aws lambda update command.


Many of the module arguments map directly to the aws_lambda_function resource arguments:

  • function_name
  • filename
  • description
  • runtime
  • handler
  • timeout
  • memory_size
  • environment_variables
  • tags
  • vpc_config
  • reserved_concurrent_executions
  • publish

Additional arguments are:

  • create_empty_function - (Required) (bool) - Create an empty lambda function without the actual code if set to true
  • policies - (Required) (list) - The module automatically creates a base IAM role for each lambda, This is a list of statement policies to add to that role. The contents are converted to json using the jsonencode() function.
  • permissions - (Optional) (list) - A list of external resources which can invoke the lambda function such as s3 bucket / sns topic. Properties are:
    • statement_id
    • action
    • principal
    • source_arn

Event trigger arguments

SNS topic trigger

  • sns_topic_subscription (Optional) (map) - The SNS topic ARN which trigger the lambda function`

Cron schedule

S3 bucket trigger

In addition to the trigger, make sure you

  • Add sufficient permissions to the lambda role to interact with s3 (E.g s3:GetObject)

  • Add the source resource has permissions to invoke the lambda (see permissions argument)

  • bucket_trigger - (Optional) (map) - Configures the lambda function to trigger on s3 bucket ObjectCreated events. Has two properties:

    • enabled (bool) - true | false
    • bucket (string) - The bucket name only (Not the full bucket arn!)

SQS trigger

Ensure you add the following permissions to the lambda role

  • sqs:ReceiveMessage

  • sqs:DeleteMessage

  • sqs:GetQueueAttributes

  • source_mappings - (Optional) (list) - A list of maps to configured the lambda function to trigger on sqs events. Maps to resource aws_lambda_event_source_mapping. Has the following properties

    • enabled (bool) - true | false
    • event_source_arn (string) - arn of the event source
    • batch_size (int) - The largest number of records that Lambda will retrieve from your event source at the time of invocation


terraform module for provisioning aws lambda functions







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