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Build Status

The Agent SDK

The Enterprise-Connect SDK Repo.

Dependency Matrix

Mode Avaialble Releases CF Service Docker OAuth
Client v1, v1beta Service 1.x Optional UAA
Gateway v1, v1beta Service 1.x Optional UAA
Server v1, v1beta Service 1.x Optional UAA
GW:Client v1, v1beta Service 1.x Optional UAA
GW:Server v1, v1beta Service 1.x Optional UAA

Revision Matrix

Rev. Download/Release CF Instance CF Service CF Broker SDK/Plugins Tools Build QA
v1 hokkaido.212
Release Note
Predix CF1, GovCloud, Frankfurt kyushu.145 project access okinawa.8 [project access] v1.hokkaido.212 Cloud Foundry Only Gitlab-CI Integration
v1beta fukuoka.1725
Release Note
Predix CF3 sendai.1079 [project access] okayama.49 [project access] v1beta.fukuoka.1725 xcalrii@v2beta.detroit.80 Gitlab-CI Integration

x509 Certificates, RSA keypair, licensing, security

Please contact for detais.


## Verify the checksum
### Linux
$ sha256 ./path/to/file/ecagent_linux_sys
$ awk 's=index($0,"b3bf9cd9686e") { print "line=" NR, "start position=" s}' checksum.txt
line=2 start position=1

Mac OS

$ shasum -a 256 ./path/to/file/ecagent_linux_sys
$ awk 's=index($0,"b3bf9cd9686e") { print "line=" NR, "start position=" s}' checksum.txt
line=2 start position=1


c: \> CertUtil -hashfile C:\path\to\file\ecagent_windows.exe sha256
b3bf9cd9686e (find the checksum in the checksum.txt)

Release History

Please verify the Release History for previous releases.

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Predix, Cloud Foundry, and all subsidiary software products are the DT/RT copyrights all rights reserved by GE Digital LLC. EC Cloud Foundry Service (including the CF Broker) are the products owned by GE Corp, currently maintained by Enterprise-Connect R&D Team. Components that DO NOT associate with Predix, Cloud Foundry, are all under the MIT license, and actively developed and being authored by the Enterprise Connect R&D team. The team (Enterprise Connect R&D Team) is sponsored by GE Corp. Enterprise Connect R&D Team CA is the highest Certificate Authority of its security ECO system, under its own terms.