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Enzoic Go Client Library


This README covers the following topics:


$ go get

Create Enzoic Client

The first step to use the API is to instantiate the Enzoic Client with your API key and secret.

enzoicClient, err := enzoic.NewClient("API_KEY", "API_SECRET")
if err != nil {panic(err)}

Passwords API Examples


// Check whether a password has been compromised
passwordCompromised, err := enzoicClient.CheckPassword("password-to-test")
if err != nil {panic(err)}

if passwordCompromised {
    fmt.Println("Password is compromised")
} else {
    fmt.Println("Password is not compromised")

Credentials API Examples


// Check whether a specific set of credentials are compromised
credsCompromised, err := enzoicClient.CheckCredentials("", "password-to-test")
if err != nil {panic(err)}

if credsCompromised {
	fmt.Println("Credentials are compromised")
} else {
	fmt.Println("Credentials are not compromised")

// Enhanced version of checkCredentials offering more control over performance.
// The call introduces 3 additional parameters:
// lastCheckDate: 
// The timestamp for the last check you performed for this user.
// If the date/time you provide for the last check is greater than the timestamp Enzoic has for the last
// breach affecting this user, the check will not be performed.  This can be used to substantially increase performance.
// excludeHashAlgorithms: 
// An array of PasswordTypes to ignore when calculating hashes for the credentials check.   
// By excluding computationally expensive PasswordTypes, such as BCrypt, it is possible to balance the performance of this
// call against security.
// useRawCredentials:
// For accounts that have been approved for raw credentials access, this changes the way Enzoic identifies compromised
// credentials.  Rather than passing partial hashes of the calculated credentials up to the Enzoic API, it will instead 
// pull all credentials that Enzoic has for that user and compares them locally.  This can be important for customers 
// who have some sensitivity or compliance issues with passing even partial credential hashes to a third party.

// this would be a stored value for last time we checked these credentials
lastCheckDate := time.Date(2018, 3, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC) 
credsCompromised, err = enzoicClient.CheckCredentialsEx("", "password-to-test", &lastCheckDate, 
	[]enzoic.PasswordType {BCrypt, SCrypt}, false)
if err != nil {panic(err)}

if credsCompromised {
    fmt.Println("Credentials are compromised")
} else {
    fmt.Println("Credentials are not compromised")

// get all passwords Enzoic has for the specified user.  Your account must have approval to call this API.
// returns results per 
userPasswords, err := enzoicClient.GetUserPasswordsWithExposureDetails("")
if err != nil {panic(err)}

// print user passwords
for i := 0; i < len(userPasswords.Passwords); i+= 1 {
    fmt.Println("Password: " + userPasswords.Passwords[i].Password)

Exposures API Examples


// get all exposures for the given user
exposuresForUser, err := enzoicClient.GetExposuresForUser("")
if err != nil {panic(err)}
fmt.Println(exposuresForUser.Count, "exposures found for")

// now get the full details for the first exposure returned in the list
exposureDetails, err := enzoicClient.GetExposureDetails(exposuresForUser.Exposures[0])
if err != nil {panic(err)}
fmt.Println("First exposure for was", exposureDetails.Title)

// get all exposures for a given domain
// returns paged results per 
exposuresForDomain, err := enzoicClient.GetExposuresForDomainIncludeDetails("", 20, "")
if err != nil {panic(err)}

// print first page of results
for i := 0; i < len(exposuresForDomain.Exposures); i+= 1 {
    fmt.Println("Domain Exposure: " + exposuresForDomain.Exposures[i].Title)

// get second page of results 
if (exposuresForDomain.PagingToken != "") {
    exposuresForDomain, err = enzoicClient.GetExposuresForDomainIncludeDetails("", 20, exposuresForDomain.PagingToken)
    if err != nil {panic(err)}
	// process second page of results, etc.

// get all users exposed for a given domain
// returns paged results per 
exposedUsersForDomain, err := enzoicClient.GetExposedUsersForDomain("", 20, "")
if err != nil {panic(err)}

// print first page of results
for i := 0; i < len(exposedUsersForDomain.Users); i+= 1 {
    fmt.Println("Exposed User: " + exposedUsersForDomain.Users[i].Username)

// if pagingToken present, get next page of results
if (exposedUsersForDomain.PagingToken != "") {
    exposedUsersForDomain, err = enzoicClient.GetExposedUsersForDomain("", 20, exposedUsersForDomain.PagingToken)
    if err != nil {panic(err)}
    // process second page of results, etc.

Breach Monitoring by User API Examples


// couple of email addresses you wish to monitor
usernames := []string{"", ""}

// subscribe for alerts for these users
addResponse, err := enzoicClient.AddUserAlertSubscriptions(usernames, "exampleCustomData")
if err != nil {panic(err)}

fmt.Println("New subscriptions added: " + strconv.Itoa(addResponse.Added))
fmt.Println("Subscriptions already existing: " + strconv.Itoa(addResponse.AlreadyExisted))

// delete subscriptions for these users
deleteResponse, err := enzoicClient.DeleteUserAlertSubscriptions(usernames)
if err != nil {panic(err)}

fmt.Println("Subscriptions deleted: " + strconv.Itoa(deleteResponse.Deleted))
fmt.Println("Subscriptions not found: " + strconv.Itoa(deleteResponse.NotFound))
// check whether a user is already subscribed
subscribed, err := enzoicClient.IsUserSubscribedForAlerts(usernames[0])
if err != nil {panic(err)}

if (subscribed) {
    fmt.Println("User already subscribed")
} else {
    fmt.Println("User not already subscribed")

// get all users subscribed for alerts on this account 
// returns paged results per
subscriptionsResponse, err := enzoicClient.GetUserAlertSubscriptions(4 /* page size */, "" /* paging token - empty on first call */)
if err != nil {panic(err)}

// print first page of results
for i := 0; i < len(subscriptionsResponse.UsernameHashes); i += 1 {
   fmt.Println("Username Hash: " + subscriptionsResponse.UsernameHashes[i])

// if PagingToken present, get next page of results
if subscriptionsResponse.PagingToken != "" {
    subscriptionsResponse, err = enzoicClient.GetUserAlertSubscriptions(4, subscriptionsResponse.PagingToken)
	// process second page of results, etc.

Breach Monitoring by Domain API Examples


// test domains for alert subscriptions
domains := []string{"", ""}

// subscribe for alerts for these domains
addResponse, err = enzoicClient.AddDomainAlertSubscriptions(domains)
if err != nil {panic(err)}

fmt.Println("New subscriptions added: " + strconv.Itoa(addResponse.Added))
fmt.Println("Subscriptions already existing: " + strconv.Itoa(addResponse.AlreadyExisted))

// delete subscriptions for these domains
deleteResponse, err = enzoicClient.DeleteDomainAlertSubscriptions(domains)
if err != nil {panic(err)}

fmt.Println("Subscriptions deleted: " + strconv.Itoa(deleteResponse.Deleted))
fmt.Println("Subscriptions not found: " + strconv.Itoa(deleteResponse.NotFound))

// check whether a domain is already subscribed
subscribed, err = enzoicClient.IsDomainSubscribedForAlerts(domains[0])
if err != nil {panic(err)}

if subscribed {
    fmt.Println("Domain already subscribed")
} else {
    fmt.Println("Domain not already subscribed")

// get all domains subscribed for alerts on this account 
// returns pages results per
domainSubsResponse, err = enzoicClient.GetDomainAlertSubscriptions(4 /* page size */, "" /* paging token - empty on first call */)
if err != nil {panic(err)}

// print first page of results
for i := 0; i < len(domainSubsResponse.Domains); i += 1 {
   fmt.Println("Domain: " + domainSubsResponse.Domains[i])

// if pagingToken present, get next page of results
if domainSubsResponse.PagingToken != "" {
    domainSubsResponse, err = enzoicClient.GetDomainAlertSubscriptions(4, domainSubsResponse.PagingToken)
    // process second page of results, etc.