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A telegram bot asks async questions to a group of people.

What is this?

This Telegram bot has born out of the need to simplify the retrospective process and the opportunity to create a workshop at Codemotion Milan 2023.

The requirements for this bot are as follows:

  • At a customizable frequency, the bot must ask a series of questions to a group of people.
  • After each response, it sends the next question.
  • Once the responses are collected, they are saved on a Google Sheet (each response is a column).
  • Optional: Users can respond with a voice message, and the bot will convert the audio into text.


Italian 🇮🇹

Title: "2023: Odissea nella retrospettiva"

Nel 2023 l'umanità è stata decimata dall'ansia di fare retrospettive lunghe e noiose, dove dimenticavi sempre di dire qualcosa e non riuscivi a ricordare tutto quello che volevi dire.

Non c'era speranza e l'estinzione sembrava inevitabile.

Ma un gruppo di eroi ha deciso di cambiare le cose. Con solo 1 workshop a disposizione dovranno creare un bot di Telegram che debelli l'ansia da retrospettiva.

Prepara il tuo editor preferito e vieni a scrivere codice Node.js per salvare l'umanità! In questo workshop imparerai a creare un bot di Telegram integrato con Google e pubblicato su Platformatic.

Ci salverai dall'ansia da retrospettiva?

English 🇬🇧

Title: "2023: Odyssey in Retrospective"

In 2023, humanity had been decimated by the anxiety of enduring long and tedious retrospectives, where you always forgot to mention something and couldn't remember everything you wanted to say.

There was no hope, and extinction seemed inevitable.

But a group of heroes decided to change things. With only one workshop opportunity, they must create a Telegram bot to overthrow retrospective anxiety.

Prepare your favorite code editor and come write Node.js code to save humanity! In this workshop, you will learn to create a Telegram bot integrated with Google and deployed on Platformatic.

Will you rescue us from retrospective anxiety?


All the requirements are free and every participant must have:

More details will be provided before the workshop and will be listed here.


Copyright Manuel Spigolon, Licensed under MIT.


A telegram bot to run async stand up meetings



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