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3 Slots And Requirements

Yanbing Zhao edited this page Jun 20, 2019 · 8 revisions

As an example, here is a configuration that can sell wheats and deduct the corresponding amount of money:

Slot0 {
  Item {
    Count = 1
    ItemType = "minecraft:wheat"
    UnsafeDamage = 0
    DisplayName = "&lWheat seller"
    ItemLore = [
      "&ePrice for %player_name%: $10 => 9 wheats"
      "&eYou can left or right click to buy some wheats"
  Action {
    Command = "cost: 10; console: give %player_name% minecraft:wheat 9"
    KeepInventoryOpen = true
  Requirements = "%economy_balance% >= 10"

The configuration for slots contains 8 options, 3 of which are shown above:

  • Item
  • Action
  • Requirements

And there are also 5 options not shown above:

  • PrimaryAction
  • SecondaryAction
  • PrimaryShiftAction
  • SecondaryShiftAction
  • IgnoredPermissions