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What is FSTPatcher?

FSTPatcher is a proof-of-concept implementation of the FST pointer vulnerability for the Wii U. This patcher, using that vuln, will let you arbitrarily modify the code and contents of a legitimately installed title.

In the future, FSTPatcher may be used for gaining persistence in a more developed and user-ready coldboot exploit chain, but currently it is not expected to be supported except as a developers' curiosity.

View the Demo Video for an example of what's possible currently.

What doesn't it do?

First off, this is not a complete coldboot exploit chain.

This is not even a complete exploit chain - it is an implementation of one key aspect (the persistence phase) of an in-development exploit chain, which may be used in the Wii U homebrew installation process in the future.

This does not install the Homebrew channel.

This only performs the FST pointer rewrite necessary to gain persistent, on-boot or on-title-launch arbitrary code execution on the Wii U.

This does not allow piracy.

The Wii U has "Technological Protection Measures", c.f., DMCA, enforced cryptographically, which prevent the unauthorized copying or installation of copied title data and license/"ticket" information. This tool does NOT circumvent, inhibit, prohibit, emulate or otherwise tamper with those functions. Do not ask us to make it do that. That is entirely outside of the scope of intent for this project.


This vulnerability was found by Maschell in private discussions inside the 4TU Discord server.

This is just my implementation of the exploit and patcher.

How it works

Each file/directory entry in the FST file will be modified to point to a secondary header with flags 0x0200

IOSU then will not properly check the title, and therefore /code, /content, and /meta are freely editable.

The original title needs to be a proper, authorized title (NOT a custom channel or pirate content). There are several free/preinstalled titles that can be patched.


What can we do?

Patch and replace code in an application, then modify it's rpx and give codegen access, allowing for persistent homebrew program loading capability under a pre-installed system application (such as Health and Safety, WiiU chat, Daily Log, etc..)

What's needed from here?

A lot. We need the full boot chain to be further implemented to allow safe and accessible homebrew, automatically at boot-time, and with a better user experience. The 4TU group, alongside Maschell, had worked on a new homebrew environment, but still nothing is public or released.

How to unpatch a title (and uninstall this exploit)

  • Remove the every file and subdirectories from: /code, /content, /meta
  • Reinstall the title (downloaded from JNUSTool with -dlEncrypted).