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Hard mode fixes

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@Epicpkmn11 Epicpkmn11 released this 27 Mar 17:14
· 86 commits to main since this release

Bug fixes

  • Fixes hard mode letter counts not being reloaded on close and reopen, allowing for guesses that were missing letter you knew
  • Fixes green letters not being counted correctly for the letter counts in hard mode, breaking when you have one green and one yellow of the same letter
  • Fixes hard mode not allowing making guesses with more than the known amount of letters

Other changes

  • WordleDS.json is now minified to not waste SD space, you can prettify it with tools such as json prettify if you need to edit it for whatever reason

WordleDS.nds and WordleDS.dsi are identical except that the .dsi build has a title ID so it can be installed using TMFH or NTM while the .nds build doesn't so it works on flashcards. The .cia build can be used to install to the 3DS HOME Menu, here's a QR:

QR code for WordleDS.cia