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Repository for Fall 2021 Capstone Prototype 1 Project

--Git Standards--

Basic Etiquette Since the entire team is working in a repository, all members must be mindful of each other when pushing changes. Git and command line seem scary at first, but once you get the hang of it it’s not that bad. Since this project is entirely remote, it is extremely important that we all follow the rules outlined below.

Communication is very important when using Git as a team. Make sure that you let the team know when you are merging branches, and speak up if you run into a merge conflict. This will help in not overwriting someone else’s work. If you feel that someone else’s work should be changed, make sure that you ask them first. Do not change other people’s code without asking.

Overview of Branches

Master Branch - Branch meant for the finished/polished product. Do not work on the master branch!

Dev Branch - Work in progress branch. This branch is where all of the unstable code and unfinished assets go.
	     Artists can push assets to this branch without issue or needing to worry about merging branches.
	     Designers and programmers should not touch code while in this branch!

Feature Branches - Branches created off of the dev branch that are meant for specific features.
		   	A Feature Branch should relate to a user story.

		   	These branches are mostly for the programmers or designers to mess around with game features.

		   	Keep pushing to these branches while a feature is still in progress,
		   		and make sure that you notify the other programmers/designers in Discord when you are
		   		going to push and pull from a branch.

		   	Notifying others when you push and pull will help to avoid merge conflicts.
		   		It also lets everyone else on the team know what you are working on,
				and what kind of progress has been made.
			In order to get a completed feature into the dev branch submit a pull request, modelled after pull 						request #8 for reference, and request reviews from at least 2 other programmers

Once a feature is complete and you are ready to merge there is a two-step process to follow. First, on your personal machine merge the dev branch into your feature branch and resolve any merge conflicts. Once any merge conflicts are resolved, push your branch to the remote and write a pull request describing the feature and your code, asking Alex Waters for guidance if you don't know what to write, and request at least one other programmers to review it. If you have trouble setting up or writing a pull request ask around for help.


Updating Your Branch

Before doing anything on any branch or when starting a new work session, make sure that your working tree is clear and your branch is up to date.

Follow these steps to update your current branch:

1. git status (Checks for any changes on your local machine)
2. git fetch (Checks for any changes in remote repository)
3. Notify the team in Discord that you are pulling changes from a specific branch.
4. git pull (If fetch shows changes, pull the changes to your local machine)

Basic workflow while on any branch

This is the workflow that everyone will follow while on their own branch.

General Workflow

Important note: You do not need to include <> in any of the following commands, they are just being used to differentiate the command from a file/folder name

1. git status (Checks for any changes on your local machine)
2. git add <file/folder name> (Stages files for commit)
	Optional add commands:
		git add -u (Stages all modified files for commit, will not stage newly created files)
		git add <folder name> (Stages everything in that folder)

3. git commit -m 'message' (Commits files to be pushed, add a commit message so you know what was worked on)

	Example commit messages:
'Adding README.txt'
'Adding move function to player.cs'
'Adding playerSprite.png to Assets folder'

4. Notify the team that you are pushing to your branch.
4. git push (Pushes files to the remote repository ON YOUR CURRENT BRANCH)

Branch Management Workflow

Branch Naming Conventions:

All feature branches should follow this naming convention: feature_featureName

Example of creating a feature branch for player movement:

git checkout -b feature_playerMovement

Creating a new branch

git checkout -b <branch name>    (Creates a new branch and switches to it)
git push --set-upstream origin <branch name> (Pushes branch to the remote repository)

Deleting a branch

git branch -d <branch name>

Swapping to a different branch

git checkout <branch name>

Merging branches

Merging branches should only be done once a feature is complete unless the programmers are unified in awareness and agreement.

1. Make sure you are on the branch that you want to merge into
2. Follow steps 1-5 in the General Workflow
3. git checkout <branch name>    (Switch to the feature branch or branch that you want to merge from)
4. Again follow steps 1-5 in the General Workflow
5. Follow steps 1-4 in updating branches
6. git merge <branch you're merging into>
7. Fix any merge conflicts
6. git status
7. git push
8. Pull request & review

Example merging test branch into dev:

(On test branch)
1. git status
2. If changes exist:
3. git add <file/folder name>
4. git commit -m 'commit message'
5. git push
6. If no changes/after committing changes:
7. git merge dev (this merges dev into your branch)
8. resolve any merge conflicts, if none, proceed to step 9
9. git checkout dev    (Switch to dev branch)

(On dev branch)
10. Create a pull request in Github following the standard (
11. Request a code review from another programmer
12. If there are any changes requested/errors, resolve them
13. Once the pull request is approved, merge it in by clicking the button

If you run into merge conflicts and are having trouble ask for help


A tag in Git for this project is a pointer to a specific commit. We will use tags for testing builds. This will make it easy to refer back to different stages of the project if needed.

To create a tag on a commit, use the git tag command with one or both of the following options.

Use the -a <tag_name> option to add a name to a tag

Use the -m <tag_name> option to add a message to a tag

Using no option with the tag name will create a lightweight pointer to a commit

Follow the string of options with the commit ID of your current commit.

To find a specific commit ID, use the git log command and copy and paste the desired ID (Only copy the hex number).

To push the tag to the remote repository, use the git push origin tag <tag_name> command.

To list all of the tags that have been created, use the git tag command.

Artist Pipeline

Asset Location

Neresnica/$(Unreal Project Name)/Content/$(The appropriate folder for the type of asset that you are adding)/

Pushing Assets in Git (Artists)

1. Make sure you are on the dev branch
2. git checkout dev
3. git status
4. git fetch
5. git pull (if fetch finds changes)
6. git status
7. git add <file/folder name>
8. git status
9. git commit -m 'commit message'
10. git status
11. git push


Champlain College Capstone Game 2021-22






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