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CLI Tool for Managing Solana Validators - "solv"

The utility tool for Solana Validators

solv is an open-source tool designed to simplify the setup and operation of Solana validators and RPC nodes.

πŸ“– Server Spec

  • Linux Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
  • Linux Ubuntu 22.04 LTS

Solana Validator Setup

Login in to your Validator server by ssh and run the following command.

$ bash -c "$(curl -sSfL "")"
$ cd ~ && source ~/.profile
$ solv setup

Then, select the type of node you want to target.



After startup, the snapshot download will start automatically. The Solana validator will start 🎊


If your node does not start, you can try the following command.

$ solv stop
$ solv rm:snapshot
$ solv get snapshot
$ solv start

This will remove the snapshot and restart the Solana Validator from the new snapshot.

New Features - v4.0.0~v4.1.0

  • Jito Relayer Setup
  • Jito RPC Setup
  • No Downtime Migration
  • Snapshot Download Speed Improved 100x~ Faster

Snapshot Download Speed Improved 100x~ Faster

solv integrated with solana snapshot finders for Solana Mainnet and Testnet. This will improve the snapshot download speed 100x~ faster than before. Greatly reduce the time to start the Solana Validator.

Special Thanks to c29r3 for the great OSS ⭐️

No Downtime Migration

solv supports no downtime migration for Solana Validator. You can migrate your Solana Validator to other servers without restarting the Solana Validator.

solv change command will help you to migrate your Solana Validator to other servers.

Prepare your new server(Inactive) and current server(Active) with the latest slot. Then run the following command on new server(Inactive) and current server(Active).

β€» Please make sure to backup your keys before running the command. β€» Please make sure to run the new server with solv4 as a dummy mode.

Run the following command on the current server(Active). You will be asked to enter the new server IP address.

$ solv change

Then, you should quickly run the following command on the new server(Inactive).

$ solv change

This function was created with reference to the following link.

Special Thanks to pumpkins-pool for the great OSS ⭐️

Jito MEV Setup

You can select the mainnet for Jito MEV or RPC Jito ClientπŸŽ‰

Also you have option to select Jito Relayer.

Run solv Server CLI - from your validator server

$ solv s

solv s

Solana Validator Logs

$ solv log


Show only error logs

$ solv log -e

Show Solana Validator Config

This command will show your all config paths which are used by solana validator.

$ solv config

Solana Delegation Program

solv CLI

$ solv --help
Usage: solv [options] [command]

πŸ’Ž Solana Validator All-in-One CLI πŸ’Ž

  -V                   Output the current version
  -h, --help           Display help for solv commands

  server|s             Open solv Dashboard
  start                Start Solana Validator
  restart [options]    Restart Solana Validator
  stop                 Stop Solana Validator
  status               Show Solana Validator Status
  update|u [options]   Update Solana Validator Version
  log|l [options]      tail logs
  install|i [options]  Install/Update Solana Version
  stake                Solana Delegate Stake
  unstake              Solana Delegate Stake
  get <cmd>            Get Solana Validator Info Commands
  scp <cmd>            Download/Upload Solana Validator Keypairs
  cron <cmd>           Run Schedule Tasks
  setup [options]      Setup Solana Validator
  client|c             Open solv Client Dashboard
  balance|bal          Show Keypairs Balance
  mtr                  Mount Reload Command
  disks                Show unmounted disks
  relayer              Jiro Relayer Commands
  rm:log               Remove Logs
  rm:snapshot          Remove Snapshot
  withdraw             Withdraw SOL from Vote Account to Authority Account
  login                Login to Validatoors Cloud
  change               Change Identity of Validator to New Validator
  monitor|m            Monitor Solana Node
  catchup|ca           Check Solana Catchup Status
  config               Show Solv Config
  help [cmd]           Display help for solv commands

If you have any questions, please contact us on Discord.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The package is available as open source under the terms of the Apache-2.0 License.

Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting in the SKEET project’s codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.