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EZFX Developer User Interface

This framework intend to provide an easy to use tool for development team develop their internal tool.

We call it Developer User Interface. It is similar to the graphics user interface but it is tailored for developers not for end users.

We use C# to develop is frontend. Because it is the most easy GUI tool for windows. It has a WYSIWYG design time. Developers can make a C# win-form GUI just by drag-and-drop.

We make it even easier by simplify the configuration to JSON. And save it to history or bookmarks.

As well as several classes to bind win-form controls to configuration.

In the example, We demonstrate that a DUI can be developed by just dozens of lines.

EZFX stands for Easy Framework.

How to Use?

Call External Process

Call bat files

string batContent = "cd py \n";
batContent += "python \n";
batContent += "pause \n";


We use

Save C# configuration to JSON

var settings = Properties.Settings.Default;

Bind configuration to toolstrip textbox

var settings = Properties.Settings.Default;
settings.Bind("package", packageTextBox.TextBox);

Bind configuration to radio buttons

First, in the design window, drag and drop a group box control and add three radio buttons in it.

radio buttons

Then bind to the category property of the settings.

settings.BindRadios(settings, "category", categoryGroupBox);

This binds package to

Bind configuration to combo-box

In constructor:

var settings = Properties.Settings.Default;
categoryComboBox.DataSource = System.Enum.GetNames(typeof(Category));

In the form load event:

categoryComboBox.SelectedIndex = this.categoryComboBox.FindString(settings.category);

History and Bookmarks

Apply History and Bookmarks menus


HistoryUI.AddMenuItems(hisotryToolStripMenuItem, 20);
BookmarkUI.AddMenuItems(bookmarkButton, 20);


Developer User Interface






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