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2.0.1 - 2019/03/15
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ErikMoczi committed Mar 19, 2019
1 parent e3a4123 commit 10a5c4f
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Showing 117 changed files with 6,862 additions and 6,676 deletions.
265 changes: 137 additions & 128 deletions package/

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14 changes: 7 additions & 7 deletions package/

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514 changes: 272 additions & 242 deletions package/Documentation~/

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Binary file modified package/Documentation~/images/ar_session.png
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200 changes: 100 additions & 100 deletions package/Documentation~/
@@ -1,100 +1,100 @@
# Migration Guide

This will guide you through the changes coming from AR Foundation 1.0

## TL;DR

* Add an `ARInputManager` anywhere in your scene.
* Add an `ARCameraManager` to your AR camera (this replaces the `ARCameraOptions`).
* Raycast via the `ARRaycastManager` instead of the `ARSessionOrigin`
* Some `TryGet`/`TryAdd`/`TryRemove` APIs were renamed to just `Get`/`Add`/`Remove`
* `GetAllXXX` is now a `trackables` property
* Added, update, and removed events have been combined into a single event that gives you lists of all the added, updated, and removed trackables.

## Events

In 1.0, each trackable manager provided added, updated, and removed events for each trackable. In 2.0, each trackable manager has a single event invoked no more than once per frame containing all the changes (added, updated, and removed) since the last frame.


| 1.0 | 2.0 |
| `ARPlaneManager.planeAdded`, `ARPlaneManager.planeUpdated`, `ARPlaneManager.planeRemoved` | `ARPlaneManager.planesChanged` |

## Session Relative Data

Many of the trackables in AR Foundation 1.0 had "session relative data", e.g., `BoundedPlane` and `XRReferencePoint`. These are no longer directly accessible; all their memebers are now properties of an AR Foundation trackable.


| Trackable | 1.0 accessor | 2.0 accessor |

## Removed Try

Several APIs used a `TryGet` or `TryAdd` style of API. Such methods that dealt with reference types have dropped the `Try` prefix.


| 1.0 | 2.0 |
| `ARPlane.TryGetPlane(trackableId)` | `ARPlane.GetPlane(trackableId)` |
| `ARReferencePoint.TryAddReferencePoint` | `ARReferencePoint.AddReferencePoint` |
| `ARReferencePoint.TryAttachReferencePoint` | `ARReferencePoint.AttachReferencePoint` |
| `bool ARReferencePoint.TryRemoveReferencePoint` | `bool ARReferencePoint.RemoveReferencePoint` |

## Enumerating Trackables

Trackable managers previously had a way to obtain a `List` of all trackables, e.g., `ARPlaneManager.GetAllPlanes` and `ARReferencePointManager.GetAllReferencePoints`. There is now a common property called `trackables`, which can be used in a `foreach`, e.g.:

var planeManager = GetComponent<ARPlaneManager>();
foreach (var plane in planeManager.trackables) {
// Do something with the plane

This property returns a `TrackablesCollection` which does not generate any garbage or cause boxing.

## ARSubsystemManager Removed

The `ARSubsystemManager` has been removed in 2.0. It was previously a singleton which provided access to each of the "subsystems" (the low-level interface to the AR platform). However, some subsystems were also simultaneously managed by a `MonoBehavior`, e.g., `ARPlaneManager`.

The led to confusion about which object to interact with or subscribe to. Now, each "subsystem" has a manager component which not only provides access to that subsystem, but also manages its lifetime.

If you previously used the `ARSubsystemManager`, look for similar functionality on one of the managers:

| 1.0 Subsystem | 2.0 Manager |
| `XRPlaneSubsystem` | `ARPlaneManager` |
| `XRReferencePointSubsystem` | `ARReferencePointManager` |
| `XRDepthSubsystem` | `ARPointCloudManager` |
| `XRSessionSubsystem` | `ARSession` |
| `XRInputSubsystem` | `ARInputManager` (new) |
| `XRCameraSubsystem` | `ARCameraManager` (new) |
| `XRRaycastSubsystem` | `ARRaycastManager` (new) |

## ARInputManager

Previously, pose tracking was implicitly always on. Now, you must have an `ARInputManager` component in your scene to enable it. It does not matter what `GameObject` this is on.

The `ARInputManager` enables input tracking; the `TrackedPoseDriver` consumes pose data (as before).

## ARCameraManager and ARCameraOptions

The `ARCameraManager` enables the `XRCameraSubsystem`; without it, you will not be able to use background rendering or obtain light estimation information. This component should be placed on a Unity Camera, usually on the same one that is parented to the `ARSessionOrigin` and performs background rendering.

The `ARCameraBackground` now requires an `ARCameraManager` component.

The options that were previously on the `ARCameraOptions` component, like focus mode and light estimation mode, are now on the `ARCameraManager`. The `ARCameraOptions` no longer exists.

## ARPointCloudManager

In 1.0, the `ARPointCloudManager` managed a single point cloud. Now, it can manage a collection of them, similar to the way other trackable managers work. Some AR platforms, like ARCore and ARKit, still only have a single point cloud. However, other platforms (supported in the future) will generate multiple point clouds.

As a result, the `ARPointCloudManager.pointCloud` property no longer exists. You can enumerate the point clouds like any other trackable manager, by iterating over its `trackables` property.

## ARRaycastManager

The raycasting API is the same as before, only now it is on a new component `ARRaycastManager`. Previously it was on the `ARSessionOrigin`. If you need to perform a raycast, make sure you have a `ARRaycastManager` on the same `GameObject` as the `ARSessionOrigin` and use the `Raycast` methods on that component.
# Migration Guide

This will guide you through the changes coming from AR Foundation 1.0

## TL;DR

* Add an `ARInputManager` anywhere in your scene.
* Add an `ARCameraManager` to your AR camera (this replaces the `ARCameraOptions`).
* Raycast via the `ARRaycastManager` instead of the `ARSessionOrigin`
* Some `TryGet`/`TryAdd`/`TryRemove` APIs were renamed to just `Get`/`Add`/`Remove`
* `GetAllXXX` is now a `trackables` property
* Added, update, and removed events have been combined into a single event that gives you lists of all the added, updated, and removed trackables.

## Events

In 1.0, each trackable manager provided added, updated, and removed events for each trackable. In 2.0, each trackable manager has a single event invoked no more than once per frame containing all the changes (added, updated, and removed) since the last frame.


| 1.0 | 2.0 |
| `ARPlaneManager.planeAdded`, `ARPlaneManager.planeUpdated`, `ARPlaneManager.planeRemoved` | `ARPlaneManager.planesChanged` |

## Session Relative Data

Many of the trackables in AR Foundation 1.0 had "session relative data", e.g., `BoundedPlane` and `XRReferencePoint`. These are no longer directly accessible; all their memebers are now properties of an AR Foundation trackable.


| Trackable | 1.0 accessor | 2.0 accessor |

## Removed Try

Several APIs used a `TryGet` or `TryAdd` style of API. Such methods that dealt with reference types have dropped the `Try` prefix.


| 1.0 | 2.0 |
| `ARPlane.TryGetPlane(trackableId)` | `ARPlane.GetPlane(trackableId)` |
| `ARReferencePoint.TryAddReferencePoint` | `ARReferencePoint.AddReferencePoint` |
| `ARReferencePoint.TryAttachReferencePoint` | `ARReferencePoint.AttachReferencePoint` |
| `bool ARReferencePoint.TryRemoveReferencePoint` | `bool ARReferencePoint.RemoveReferencePoint` |

## Enumerating Trackables

Trackable managers previously had a way to obtain a `List` of all trackables, e.g., `ARPlaneManager.GetAllPlanes` and `ARReferencePointManager.GetAllReferencePoints`. There is now a common property called `trackables`, which can be used in a `foreach`, e.g.:

var planeManager = GetComponent<ARPlaneManager>();
foreach (var plane in planeManager.trackables) {
// Do something with the plane

This property returns a `TrackablesCollection` which does not generate any garbage or cause boxing.

## ARSubsystemManager Removed

The `ARSubsystemManager` has been removed in 2.0. It was previously a singleton which provided access to each of the "subsystems" (the low-level interface to the AR platform). However, some subsystems were also simultaneously managed by a `MonoBehavior`, e.g., `ARPlaneManager`.

The led to confusion about which object to interact with or subscribe to. Now, each "subsystem" has a manager component which not only provides access to that subsystem, but also manages its lifetime.

If you previously used the `ARSubsystemManager`, look for similar functionality on one of the managers:

| 1.0 Subsystem | 2.0 Manager |
| `XRPlaneSubsystem` | `ARPlaneManager` |
| `XRReferencePointSubsystem` | `ARReferencePointManager` |
| `XRDepthSubsystem` | `ARPointCloudManager` |
| `XRSessionSubsystem` | `ARSession` |
| `XRInputSubsystem` | `ARInputManager` (new) |
| `XRCameraSubsystem` | `ARCameraManager` (new) |
| `XRRaycastSubsystem` | `ARRaycastManager` (new) |

## ARInputManager

Previously, pose tracking was implicitly always on. Now, you must have an `ARInputManager` component in your scene to enable it. It does not matter what `GameObject` this is on.

The `ARInputManager` enables input tracking; the `TrackedPoseDriver` consumes pose data (as before).

## ARCameraManager and ARCameraOptions

The `ARCameraManager` enables the `XRCameraSubsystem`; without it, you will not be able to use background rendering or obtain light estimation information. This component should be placed on a Unity Camera, usually on the same one that is parented to the `ARSessionOrigin` and performs background rendering.

The `ARCameraBackground` now requires an `ARCameraManager` component.

The options that were previously on the `ARCameraOptions` component, like focus mode and light estimation mode, are now on the `ARCameraManager`. The `ARCameraOptions` no longer exists.

## ARPointCloudManager

In 1.0, the `ARPointCloudManager` managed a single point cloud. Now, it can manage a collection of them, similar to the way other trackable managers work. Some AR platforms, like ARCore and ARKit, still only have a single point cloud. However, other platforms (supported in the future) will generate multiple point clouds.

As a result, the `ARPointCloudManager.pointCloud` property no longer exists. You can enumerate the point clouds like any other trackable manager, by iterating over its `trackables` property.

## ARRaycastManager

The raycasting API is the same as before, only now it is on a new component `ARRaycastManager`. Previously it was on the `ARSessionOrigin`. If you need to perform a raycast, make sure you have a `ARRaycastManager` on the same `GameObject` as the `ARSessionOrigin` and use the `Raycast` methods on that component.
16 changes: 8 additions & 8 deletions package/Editor.meta

Some generated files are not rendered by default. Learn more about how customized files appear on GitHub.

142 changes: 71 additions & 71 deletions package/Editor/ARCameraBackgroundEditor.cs
@@ -1,71 +1,71 @@
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.XR.ARFoundation;

namespace UnityEditor.XR.ARFoundation
internal class ARCameraBackgroundEditor : Editor
SerializedProperty m_UseCustomMaterial;

SerializedProperty m_CustomMaterial;

SerializedProperty m_UseCustomRendererAsset;

SerializedProperty m_CustomRendererAsset;

static class Tooltips
public static readonly GUIContent useCustomMaterial = new GUIContent(
"Use Custom Material",
"When false, a material is generated automatically from the shader included in the platform-specific package. When true, the Custom Material is used instead, overriding the automatically generated one. This is not necessary for most AR experiences.");

public static readonly GUIContent customMaterial = new GUIContent(
"Custom Material",
"The material to use for background rendering.");

public static readonly GUIContent useCustomRendererAsset = new GUIContent(
"Use Custom Renderer Asset",
"When false, default background renderer is used. When true, the Custom Render Asset is used to generate a background renderer, overriding the default one.");

public static readonly GUIContent customRendererAsset = new GUIContent(
"Custom Renderer Asset",
"The Render Asset to use to create background renderer.");


public override void OnInspectorGUI()

EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(m_UseCustomMaterial, Tooltips.useCustomMaterial);

if (m_UseCustomMaterial.boolValue)
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(m_CustomMaterial, Tooltips.customMaterial);

EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(m_UseCustomRendererAsset, Tooltips.useCustomRendererAsset);

if (m_UseCustomRendererAsset.boolValue)
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(m_CustomRendererAsset, Tooltips.customRendererAsset);


void OnEnable()
m_UseCustomMaterial = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_UseCustomMaterial");
m_CustomMaterial = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_CustomMaterial");
m_UseCustomRendererAsset = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_UseCustomRendererAsset");
m_CustomRendererAsset = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_CustomRendererAsset");
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.XR.ARFoundation;

namespace UnityEditor.XR.ARFoundation
internal class ARCameraBackgroundEditor : Editor
SerializedProperty m_UseCustomMaterial;

SerializedProperty m_CustomMaterial;

SerializedProperty m_UseCustomRendererAsset;

SerializedProperty m_CustomRendererAsset;

static class Tooltips
public static readonly GUIContent useCustomMaterial = new GUIContent(
"Use Custom Material",
"When false, a material is generated automatically from the shader included in the platform-specific package. When true, the Custom Material is used instead, overriding the automatically generated one. This is not necessary for most AR experiences.");

public static readonly GUIContent customMaterial = new GUIContent(
"Custom Material",
"The material to use for background rendering.");

public static readonly GUIContent useCustomRendererAsset = new GUIContent(
"Use Custom Renderer Asset",
"When false, default background renderer is used. When true, the Custom Render Asset is used to generate a background renderer, overriding the default one.");

public static readonly GUIContent customRendererAsset = new GUIContent(
"Custom Renderer Asset",
"The Render Asset to use to create background renderer.");


public override void OnInspectorGUI()

EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(m_UseCustomMaterial, Tooltips.useCustomMaterial);

if (m_UseCustomMaterial.boolValue)
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(m_CustomMaterial, Tooltips.customMaterial);

EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(m_UseCustomRendererAsset, Tooltips.useCustomRendererAsset);

if (m_UseCustomRendererAsset.boolValue)
EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(m_CustomRendererAsset, Tooltips.customRendererAsset);


void OnEnable()
m_UseCustomMaterial = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_UseCustomMaterial");
m_CustomMaterial = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_CustomMaterial");
m_UseCustomRendererAsset = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_UseCustomRendererAsset");
m_CustomRendererAsset = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_CustomRendererAsset");
22 changes: 11 additions & 11 deletions package/Editor/ARCameraBackgroundEditor.cs.meta

Some generated files are not rendered by default. Learn more about how customized files appear on GitHub.

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