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The Transformative Repair Tool

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TRT is the first tool for Automatic Program Repair (APR) of Solidity Smart Contracts.

How To Run TRT


  1. Clone repo
  2. Add your openAI key in the .env file (You can find an example on .env.example)
cd TRT
touch .env
echo "OPENAI_API_KEY=<your_openai_key>" > .env
  1. Edit experiment configs config.yml

Run in Docker

Docker compose

cd TRT
docker-compose up -d --build


cd TRT
docker build -t trt:latest .
docker run -tid\
  -v $(pwd)/config.yml:/app/config.yml \
  -v $(pwd)/experiment_results:/app/experiment_results \
  -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
  -v /tmp:/tmp \
  --name trt_container \

Enter container and run experiments

docker-compose exec trt_container bash
tmux new -s trt_session

Run locally

  1. Install smartbugs
cd TRT
git clone
cd smartbugs
  1. Install pip requirements
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  1. Run TRT

TRT experiment results on the Smartbugs Curated Dataset

  1. Prompt Engineering results
  2. Main Experimentation Results with natural Language Prompt

TRT experiments containers

  1. access_control
docker run -tid\
  -v $(pwd)/config_access_control.yml:/app/config.yml \
  -v $(pwd)/experiment_results:/app/experiment_results \
  -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
  -v /tmp:/tmp \
  --name trt_container_access_control \
docker exec -it trt_container_access_control bash
  1. arithmetic
docker run -tid\
  -v $(pwd)/config_arithmetic.yml:/app/config.yml \
  -v $(pwd)/experiment_results:/app/experiment_results \
  -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
  -v /tmp:/tmp \
  --name trt_container_arithmetic \
  docker exec -it trt_container_arithmetic bash
  1. reentrancy
docker run -tid\
  -v $(pwd)/config_reentrancy.yml:/app/config.yml \
  -v $(pwd)/experiment_results:/app/experiment_results \
  -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
  -v /tmp:/tmp \
  --name trt_container_reentrancy \
  docker exec -it trt_container_reentrancy bash
  1. tod
docker run -tid\
  -v $(pwd)/config_tod.yml:/app/config.yml \
  -v $(pwd)/experiment_results:/app/experiment_results \
  -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
  -v /tmp:/tmp \
  --name trt_container_tod \
  docker exec -it trt_container_tod bash
  1. unchecked
docker run -tid\
  -v $(pwd)/config_unchecked.yml:/app/config.yml \
  -v $(pwd)/experiment_results:/app/experiment_results \
  -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
  -v /tmp:/tmp \
  --name trt_container_unchecked \
  docker exec -it trt_container_unchecked bash

Helpful commands

  1. Enter Container
docker exec -it trt_container_<name> bash
  1. Stop container
docker stop trt_container_<name>
  1. count active containers
docker ps --format "{{.ID}}" | wc -l

Docker Cleanup procedure

  1. Remove all smartbugs images
docker ps -a | grep -E 'smartbugs/mythril:0.23.15|smartbugs/smartcheck|smartbugs/security:usolc|smartbugs/manticore:0.3.7|smartbugs/oyente:480e725|smartbugs/slither|smartbugs/maian:solc5.10|smartbugs/osiris:d1ecc37|trt:latest' | awk '{print $1}' | xargs docker rm -f
  1. Remove all trt containers
docker ps -a | grep trt:latest | awk '{print $1}' | xargs docker rm -f

#Prompt experiment roadmap Temperature 0.5 and 0.7. Top_p 0.95

  1. Basic. Just Fix this vulnerable Solidity Smart Contract basic
  2. Json info from analyzers analyzers_json_results
  3. Natural language info from analyzers analyzers_natural_language_results

Improvements to Smartbugs

  • Allow for parsing to common vulnerability types (labelled vulnerabilities)
  • Know what tools detect these different labels
  • Establish voting system between tools (vote in/out false positives)
  • Provide summary report of errors encountered
  • Get tools depending on vulnerability
  • Better Manticore Support
  • Select tmp folder location
  • Do not mute underlyning container logs (Mythril?). I want to be able to inspect the logs when I am inside

Improvements to TRT

  • Adapt to Smartbugs 2.0
  • Create compile check on specific version
  • Add config file for parsing of results
  • Do not reset execution time when retaking experiments
  • Automatically create tests for SC => fail if SC bugs are detected
  • TAT => Transformative Attack Tool. Shows how to attach an original SC
  • TDT => Transformative Detect Tool. Detection with LLMs
  • Adapt TRT to fix and assess at bug level
  • Build k3s architecture for running docker containers on different machines. To scale execution horizontally.
  • Increase dataset. keep hidden from LLMs
  • Create test harness for all contracts

Config.json parameters

Parameter Description Options/Examples
experiment name^1 Experiment name
delete old experiment name^1 Delete old experiment results with the same name
n repair threads^1 Number of threads for repair
patch examples directory^1 Directory for patch examples
llm model name^1 Name of the LLM (Large Language Model) to use
vulnerable contracts directory^1 Directory path for vulnerable smart contracts
target vulnerabilities^1 List of target vulnerabilities [access_control, arithmetic, transaction_order_dependence, reentrancy, unchecked_low_level_call, unhandled_exception]
n smartbugs threads^1 Number of threads for SmartBugs analysis
smartbugs tools^1 List of tools used for SmartBugs analysis [access_control_tools, arithmetic_tools, reentrancy_tools, unchecked_calls_tools, transaction_order_dependence_tools] or [oyente, slither, confuzzius, conkas, honeybadger, maian, mythril, osiris, securify, sFuzz, solhint]
smartbugs timeout^1 Timeout for SmartBugs analysis
smartbugs processes^1 Concurrent SmartBugs processes
prompt style^1 Style for prompts [basic, analyzers_json_results, analyzers_natural_language_results]
shave^1 List of elements to remove from the contract [comments, NatSpec, file directives]
threshold^1 Number of tokens that trigger shaving process
model name^2 Name of the LLM model (second occurrence)
secret api key^2 Secret API key for the LLM model (the name of the env variable)
temperature^2 Temperature setting for the LLM model
top p^2 Top-p setting for the LLM model
num candidate patches^2 Number of candidate patches for the LLM model
max time^2 Maximum time setting for the LLM model
stop^2 Stop token(s) for the LLM model

1: Experiment setting parameter. 2: LLM setting parameter.


The Transformative Repair Tool






Contributors 4
