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ProSnippets KnowledgeGraph

UmaHarano edited this page Nov 6, 2023 · 1 revision
Language:              C#  
Subject:               KnowledgeGraph  
Contributor:           ArcGIS Pro SDK Team <>  
Organization:          esri,  
Date:                  10/16/2023  
ArcGIS Pro:            3.2  
Visual Studio:         2022  
.NET Target Framework: .Net 6  

KnowledgeGraph Datastore

Opening a Connection to a KnowledgeGraph

string url = 

QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  //Create a connection properties
  var kg_props =
      new KnowledgeGraphConnectionProperties(new Uri(url));
    //Open a connection
    using (var kg = new KnowledgeGraph(kg_props))
      //TODO...use the KnowledgeGraph
  catch (GeodatabaseNotFoundOrOpenedException ex)

Getting a Connection from a KnowledgeGraphLayer

var kgLayer = MapView.Active.Map.GetLayersAsFlattenedList()
//KnowledgeGraphLayer is a composite layer - get the first 
//child feature layer or standalone table
QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  var featlayer = kgLayer?.GetLayersAsFlattenedList()?
  KnowledgeGraph kg = null;
  if (featlayer != null)
    using (var fc = featlayer.GetFeatureClass())
      kg = fc.GetDatastore() as KnowledgeGraph;
    //TODO use KnowledgeGraph
    //try standalone table
    var stbl = kgLayer?.GetStandaloneTablesAsFlattenedList()?
    if (stbl != null)
      using (var tbl = stbl.GetTable())
        kg = tbl.GetDatastore() as KnowledgeGraph;
      //TODO use KnowledgeGraph

Retrieving FeatureClasses and Definitions

QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  //Create a connection properties
  var kg_props =
      new KnowledgeGraphConnectionProperties(new Uri(url));
  //Connect to the KnowledgeGraph datastore
  //KnowledgeGraph datastores contain tables and feature classes
  using (var kg = new KnowledgeGraph(kg_props))
    //Get the featureclass definitions from the KG datastore
    var fc_defs = kg.GetDefinitions<FeatureClassDefinition>();
    //For each feature class definition, get the corresponding
    //feature class. Note: The name of the feature class will match 
    //the name of its corresponding KnowledgeGraph named object type
    //in the KnowledgeGraph graph data model
    foreach (var fc_def in fc_defs)
      var fc_name = fc_def.GetName();
      using (var fc = kg.OpenDataset<FeatureClass>(fc_name))
        //TODO - use the feature class

Retrieving Tables and Definitions

QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  //Create a connection properties
  var kg_props =
      new KnowledgeGraphConnectionProperties(new Uri(url));
  //Connect to the KnowledgeGraph datastore
  //KnowledgeGraph datastores contain tables and feature classes
  using (var kg = new KnowledgeGraph(kg_props))
    //Get the table definitions from the KG datastore
    var tbl_defs = kg.GetDefinitions<TableDefinition>();
    //For each table definition, get the corresponding
    //table. Note: The name of the table will match the name
    //of its corresponding KnowledgeGraph named object type in
    //the KnowledgeGraph graph data model
    foreach (var tbl_def in tbl_defs)
      var tbl_name = tbl_def.GetName();
      using (var fc = kg.OpenDataset<Table>(tbl_name))
        //TODO - use the table

KnowledgeGraph Graph Data Model

Retrieving the Data Model

QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  //Create a connection properties
  var kg_props =
      new KnowledgeGraphConnectionProperties(new Uri(url));
  using (var kg = new KnowledgeGraph(kg_props))
    //Get the KnowledgeGraph Data Model
    using(var kg_dm = kg.GetDataModel())
      //TODO use KG data model...

Get Data Model Properties

QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  //Create a connection properties
  var kg_props =
      new KnowledgeGraphConnectionProperties(new Uri(url));
  using (var kg = new KnowledgeGraph(kg_props))
    //Get the KnowledgeGraph Data Model
    using (var kg_dm = kg.GetDataModel())
      var kg_name = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(

        $"\r\n'{kg_name}' Datamodel:\r\n-----------------");
      var time_stamp = kg_dm.GetTimestamp();
      var sr = kg_dm.GetSpatialReference();
      System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"Timestamp: {time_stamp}");
      System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"Sref: {sr.Wkid}");
        $"IsStrict: {kg_dm.GetIsStrict()}");
        $"OIDPropertyName: {kg_dm.GetOIDPropertyName()}");
        $"IsArcGISManaged: {kg_dm.GetIsArcGISManaged()}");

Get Data Model Identifier Info

QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  //Create a connection properties
  var kg_props =
      new KnowledgeGraphConnectionProperties(new Uri(url));
  using (var kg = new KnowledgeGraph(kg_props))
    //Get the KnowledgeGraph Data Model
    using (var kg_dm = kg.GetDataModel())
      var kg_id_info = kg_dm.GetIdentifierInfo();
      var kg_id_gen = kg_id_info.GetIdentifierGeneration();
      if (kg_id_info is KnowledgeGraphNativeIdentifier kg_ni)
          $"IdentifierInfo: KnowledgeGraphNativeIdentifier");
      else if (kg_id_info is KnowledgeGraphUniformIdentifier kg_ui)
          $"IdentifierInfo: KnowledgeGraphUniformIdentifier");
          $"IdentifierName: '{kg_ui.GetIdentifierName()}'");
        $"Identifier MethodHint: {kg_id_gen.GetMethodHint()}");

Get Data Model MetaEntityTypes/Provenance

//Provenance entity type is stored as a MetaEntityType 
QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  //Create a connection properties
  var kg_props =
      new KnowledgeGraphConnectionProperties(new Uri(url));
  using (var kg = new KnowledgeGraph(kg_props))
    //Get the KnowledgeGraph Data Model
    using (var kg_dm = kg.GetDataModel())
      var dict_types = kg_dm.GetMetaEntityTypes();
      //If there is no provenance then MetaEntityTypes will be
      //an empty collection
      foreach (var kvp in dict_types)
        var meta_entity_type = kvp.Value;
        if (meta_entity_type.GetRole() == 
          //TODO - use the provenance entity type
          var name = meta_entity_type.GetName();


Get Whether KG Supports Provenance

internal string GetProvenanceEntityTypeName(KnowledgeGraphDataModel kg_dm)
  var entity_types = kg_dm.GetMetaEntityTypes();
  foreach (var entity_type in entity_types)
    if (entity_type.Value.GetRole() == KnowledgeGraphNamedObjectTypeRole.Provenance)
      return entity_type.Value.GetName();
  return "";
internal bool KnowledgeGraphSupportsProvenance(KnowledgeGraph kg)
  //if there is a provenance entity type then the KnowledgeGraph
  //supports provenance
  return !string.IsNullOrEmpty(

Get KnowledgeGraph Entity Types

QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  //Create a connection properties
  var kg_props =
      new KnowledgeGraphConnectionProperties(new Uri(url));
  using (var kg = new KnowledgeGraph(kg_props))
    //Get the KnowledgeGraph Data Model
    using (var kg_dm = kg.GetDataModel())
      var dict_types = kg_dm.GetEntityTypes();

      foreach (var kvp in dict_types)
        var entity_type = kvp.Value;
        var role = entity_type.GetRole();
        //note "name" will be the same name as the corresponding
        //feature class or table in the KG's relational gdb model
        var name = entity_type.GetName();



Get Whether KG Has a Document Type

internal string GetDocumentEntityTypeName(KnowledgeGraphDataModel kg_dm)
  var entity_types = kg_dm.GetEntityTypes();
  foreach (var entity_type in entity_types)
    var role = entity_type.Value.GetRole();
    if (role == KnowledgeGraphNamedObjectTypeRole.Document)
      return entity_type.Value.GetName();
  return "";//Unusual - probably Neo4j user-managed

internal bool KnowledgeGraphHasDocumentType(KnowledgeGraph kg)
  //uncommon for there not to be a document type
  return !string.IsNullOrEmpty(

Check Whether A KG Entity Is a Document

//Use GetDocumentEntityTypeName(KnowledgeGraphDataModel kg_dm) from
//the 'Get Whether KG Has a Document Type' snippet to
//get the documentNameType parameter
protected bool GetEntityIsDocument(KnowledgeGraphEntityValue entity,
  string documentNameType = "")
  if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(documentNameType))
    return false;
  return entity.GetTypeName() == documentNameType;

Get KnowledgeGraph Relationship Types

QueuedTask.Run(() =>
  //Create a connection properties
  var kg_props =
      new KnowledgeGraphConnectionProperties(new Uri(url));
  using (var kg = new KnowledgeGraph(kg_props))
    //Get the KnowledgeGraph Data Model
    using (var kg_dm = kg.GetDataModel())
      var dict_types = kg_dm.GetRelationshipTypes();

      foreach (var kvp in dict_types)
        var rel_type = kvp.Value;
        var role = rel_type.GetRole();
        //note "name" will be the same name as the corresponding
        //feature class or table in the KG's relational gdb model
        var name = rel_type.GetName();
        //Get relationship end points
        var end_points = rel_type.GetEndPoints();
        foreach (var end_point in end_points)
            $"Origin: '{end_point.GetOriginEntityTypeName()}', " +
            $"Destination: '{end_point.GetDestinationEntityTypeName()}'");


Graph Query and Text Search

Submit a Graph Query

//On the QueuedTask...
//and assuming you have established a connection to a knowledge graph
//Construct an openCypher query - return the first 10 entities (whatever
//they are...)
var query = "MATCH (n) RETURN n LIMIT 10";//default limit is 100 if not specified
//other examples...
//query = "MATCH (a:Person) RETURN [, a.age] ORDER BY a.age DESC LIMIT 50";
//query = "MATCH (b:Person) RETURN { Xperson: { Xname:, Xage: b.age } } ORDER BY DESC";
//query = "MATCH p = (c:Person)-[:HasCar]-() RETURN p ORDER BY DESC";

//Create a query filter
//Note: OutputSpatialReference is currently ignored
var kg_qf = new KnowledgeGraphQueryFilter()
  QueryText = query
//Optionally - u can choose to include provenance in the results
//(_if_ the KG has provenance - otherwise the query will fail)
if (includeProvenanceIfPresent)
  //see "Get Whether KG Supports Provenance" snippet
  if (KnowledgeGraphSupportsProvenance(kg))
    //Only include if the KG has provenance
    kg_qf.ProvenanceBehavior = 
      KnowledgeGraphProvenanceBehavior.Include;//default is exclude
//submit the query - returns a KnowledgeGraphCursor
using (var kg_rc = kg.SubmitQuery(kg_qf))
  //wait for rows to be returned from the server
  //note the "await"...
  while (await kg_rc.WaitForRowsAsync())
    //Rows have been retrieved - process this "batch"...
    while (kg_rc.MoveNext())
      //Get the current KnowledgeGraphRow
      using (var graph_row = kg_rc.Current)
        //Graph row is an array, process all returned values...
        var val_count = (int)graph_row.GetCount();
        for (int i = 0; i < val_count; i++)
          var retval = graph_row[i];
          //Process row value (note: recursive)
          //See "Process a KnowledgeGraphRow Value" snippet

Submit a Text Search

//On the QueuedTask...
//and assuming you have established a connection to a knowledge graph
//Construct a KG search filter. Search text uses Apache Lucene Query Parser
//syntax -
var kg_sf = new KnowledgeGraphSearchFilter()
  SearchTarget = KnowledgeGraphNamedTypeCategory.Entity,
  SearchText = "Acme Electric Co.",
  ReturnSearchContext = true,
  MaxRowCount = 10 //Default is 100 if not specified

//submit the search - returns a KnowledgeGraphCursor
using (var kg_rc = kg.SubmitSearch(kg_sf))
  //wait for rows to be returned from the server
  //note the "await"...
  while (await kg_rc.WaitForRowsAsync())
    //Rows have been retrieved - process this "batch"...
    while (kg_rc.MoveNext())
      //Get the current KnowledgeGraphRow
      using (var graph_row = kg_rc.Current)
        //Graph row is an array, process all returned values...
        var val_count = (int)graph_row.GetCount();
        for (int i = 0; i < val_count; i++)
          var retval = graph_row[i];
          //Process row value (note: recursive)
          //See "Process a KnowledgeGraphRow Value" snippet

Call WaitForRowsAsync With Cancellation

//On the QueuedTask...
//and assuming you have established a connection to a knowledge graph
//submit query or search to return a KnowledgeGraphCursor
//using (var kg_rc = kg.SubmitQuery(kg_qf)) {
//using (var kg_rc = kg.SubmitSearch(kg_sf)) {
//wait for rows to be returned from the server
//"auto-cancel" after 20 seconds
var cancel = new CancellationTokenSource(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 20));
//catch TaskCanceledException
  while (await kg_rc.WaitForRowsAsync(cancel.Token))
    //check for row events
    while (kg_rc.MoveNext())
      using (var graph_row = kg_rc.Current)
        //Graph row is an array, process all returned values...
        var val_count = (int)graph_row.GetCount();
        for (int i = 0; i < val_count; i++)
          var retval = graph_row[i];
          //Process row value (note: recursive)
          //See "Process a KnowledgeGraphRow Value" snippet
//Timeout expired
catch (TaskCanceledException tce)
  //Handle cancellation as needed

Process a KnowledgeGraphRow Value

//Base class for entities and relationships
//(including documents and provenance)
public void ProcessGraphNamedObjectValue(
  KnowledgeGraphNamedObjectValue kg_named_obj_val)
  if (kg_named_obj_val is KnowledgeGraphEntityValue kg_entity)
    var label = kg_entity.GetLabel();
    //TODO - use label
  else if (kg_named_obj_val is KnowledgeGraphRelationshipValue kg_rel)
    var has_entity_ids = kg_rel.GetHasRelatedEntityIDs();
    if (kg_rel.GetHasRelatedEntityIDs())
      var origin_id = kg_rel.GetOriginID();
      var dest_id = kg_rel.GetDestinationID();
      //TODO - use ids
  var id = kg_named_obj_val.GetID();
  var oid = kg_named_obj_val.GetObjectID();
  //Note: Typename corresponds to the name of the feature class or table
  //in the relational gdb model -and- to the name of the KnowledgeGraphNamedObjectType
  //in the knowledge graph data model
  var type_name = kg_named_obj_val.GetTypeName();
  //TODO use id, object id, etc.

//Object values include entities, relationships, and anonymous objects
public void ProcessGraphObjectValue(KnowledgeGraphObjectValue kg_obj_val)
  switch (kg_obj_val)
    case KnowledgeGraphEntityValue kg_entity:
    case KnowledgeGraphRelationshipValue kg_rel:
      //Anonymous objects
  //graph object values have a set of properties (equivalent
  //to a collection of key/value pairs)
  var keys = kg_obj_val.GetKeys();
  foreach (var key in keys)

//Process a KnowledgeGraphValue from a query or search
public void ProcessGraphValue(KnowledgeGraphValue kg_val)
  switch (kg_val)
    case KnowledgeGraphPrimitiveValue kg_prim:
      //KnowledgeGraphPrimitiveValue not currently used in
      //query and search 
    case KnowledgeGraphArrayValue kg_array:
      var count = kg_array.GetSize();
      //Recursively process each value in the array
      for (ulong i = 0; i < count; i++)
    case KnowledgeGraphPathValue kg_path:
      var entity_count = kg_path.GetEntityCount();
      //Recursively process each entity value in the path
      for (ulong i = 0; i < entity_count; i++)

      //Recursively process each relationship value in the path
      var relate_count = kg_path.GetRelationshipCount();
      for (ulong i = 0; i < relate_count; i++)
    case KnowledgeGraphObjectValue kg_object:
      var type_string = kg_val.GetType().ToString();
        $"Unknown: '{type_string}'");

//Process each value from the KnowledgeGraphRow array
public void ProcessKnowledgeGraphRowValue(object value)
  switch (value)
    //Graph value?
    case KnowledgeGraphValue kg_val:
      var kg_type = kg_val.KnowledgeGraphValueType.ToString();
        $"KnowledgeGraphValue: '{kg_type}'");
    //Primitive types...add additional logic as needed
    case System.DBNull dbn:
    case string str:
      System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"'{str}' (string)");
    case long l_val:
      System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"{l_val} (long)");
    case int i_val:
      System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"{i_val} (int)");
    case short s_val:
      System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"{s_val} (short)");
    case double d_val:
      System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"{d_val} (double)");
    case float f_val:
      System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"{f_val} (float)");
    case DateTime dt_val:
      System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"{dt_val} (DateTime)");
    case DateOnly dt_only_val:
      System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"{dt_only_val} (DateOnly)");
    case TimeOnly tm_only_val:
      System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"{tm_only_val} (TimeOnly)");
    case DateTimeOffset dt_tm_offset_val:
        $"{dt_tm_offset_val} (DateTimeOffset)");
    case System.Guid guid_val:
      var guid_string = guid_val.ToString("B");
      System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"'{guid_string}' (Guid)");
    case Geometry geom_val:
      var geom_type = geom_val.GeometryType.ToString();
      var is_empty = geom_val.IsEmpty;
      var wkid = geom_val.SpatialReference?.Wkid ?? 0;
        $"geometry: {geom_type}, empty: {is_empty}, sr_wkid {wkid} (shape)");
      //Blob? Others?
      var type_str = value.GetType().ToString();
      System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"Primitive: {type_str}");

// ...submit query or search
//using (var kg_rc = kg.SubmitQuery(kg_qf)) {
//using (var kg_rc = kg.SubmitSearch(kg_sf)) {
//  ...wait for rows ...
//  while (await kg_rc.WaitForRowsAsync()) {
//   ...rows have been retrieved
//   while (kg_rc.MoveNext()) {
//     ...get the current KnowledgeGraphRow
//     using (var graph_row = kg_rc.Current) {
//        var val_count = (int)graph_row.GetCount();
//        for (int i = 0; i<val_count; i++)
//           ProcessKnowledgeGraphRowValue(graph_row[i]);
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