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Sidebar content: item detail

Mike Tschudi edited this page Jan 27, 2015 · 2 revisions
  • Replicates item's entry in items list at top of content, but with a left-facing arrow inserted before the title
  • Below the title, shows item using item's layer's popup
  • Below the popup, shows a fixed-height actions bar containing
    • "Like" button to increment the count of likes in the title
    • "Comment" button to insert a comment
  • Below the actions bar, displays list of item's comments
    • Display is in reverse chronological order
    • Vertical overflow handled by scrollbar within comments list only
  • Shows each comment using comment table's popup
  • Clicking on left arrow in title switches sidebar content to the item list display
Configuration items
  • layer field names for name, vote
  • table field names for name, date
  • layer's popup's title pattern
  • color set (background, foreground, shading)
I18N items
  • left arrow (back) button tooltip
  • votes tooltip
  • "Comments" heading
  • Like button
    • label
    • tooltip
  • Comment button
    • label
    • tooltip
  • "Attached" label

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