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Quick start guide

ZhongPing Guo edited this page Jul 12, 2021 · 4 revisions

Harvester Quick Start Guide

Using harvesting CSW records to a local folder as an example for a quick start guide for using Geoportal harvester, following are the steps:

1. Create input broker

2. Create output broker

  • Click "Brokers" > Output brokers > Add
  • Select a broker type (e.g. Folder)
  • Enter necessary information, e.g.
    • Title: myoutputfolder
    • Root folder: \\servername\myoutputfolder (make sure the folder has write permission)
  • Submit

3. Create harvest task

  • Click on "Tasks" > Tasks > Add
  • Select an input
  • Select an output
  • Submit

4. Run harvest task

  • Click on "Tasks"
  • Click on "run" link for a particular task on the list
  • Check "Ignore robots.txt" and Click on "Ok" to run the task
  • Submit

5. Check results

  • Click "Home" on the left
  • Check the status of current running tasks in the "Processes" section
  • When the status shown as "completed", click "history" link for the task to show the harvest result
  • Open the output folder (e.g. \\servername\myoutputfolder) to see if there is metadata harvested.