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FAQ's and Troubleshooting

Sri Harsha edited this page Jun 30, 2021 · 1 revision

How do I install additional Python libraries using the console that are not in my Kernel Gateway?

You can do this by putting an explanation point in front of a pip install command. Like,

!pip install BeautifulSoup4

If all goes well (after running the command), download activity will apear in the output cell. When the command finishes, you can then import your library and run scripts like normal.

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
soup = BeautifulSoup("<p>Hello Insights!</p>")

Insights is running in the web browser and when making a Kernel Gateway connection it says "Not able to add this connection. Try with a different URL or web socket or check if your gateway is running."

If you've followed the guide (and ran the file), you have created a self signed SSL certificate. It may be possible that Insights cannot make a connection because the web browser itself does not trust the certificate. To work around this problem open the kernel gateway URL in the web browser and accept the browser warning. Then try connecting again. For more detailed instructions, check out link

WebSocket connection to gateway url failed: Error during WebSocket handshake: Incorrect 'Sec-WebSocket-Accept' header value?

This error can occur on a windows machine and when this happens, you will see an indefinite progress spinner in the scripting environment. This error can be found in the browser console and can be resolved by installing Websockets on IIS. Go to the Server Manager > Manage > Add Roles and Features > Server Roles > Web Server > Application Development > WebSocket Protocol. Make sure this is checked. Refer: Link

My Kernel Gateway is on a different machine and I am having trouble making a connection using Insights?

A fundamental way to troubleshoot this problem is confirm that all needed computers can talk to each other. If you are running Insights in Enterprise this means each ArcGIS Server machine, plus your Kernel Gateway and personal computer must all be able to communicate with each other. Insights Desktop entails less troubleshooting. For Insights Desktop deployments, only the Kernel Gateway and your personal computer need to talk to each other.

Try getting the IP address of:

  • Your personal computer machine
  • Your kernel gateway machine
  • Your ArcGIS Server machine(s)

and then from each machine run the ping command to see if ping messages are received.

Tip: On windows, run ipconfig and reference the Iv4 address to get the IP address. On mac, run ipconfig getifaddr en0 and note the address.