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gradle-war-deployer for karuta embed deployed app on tomcat, like the tomcat-manager, psi-probe

Example of detailed install step-by-step for kapc 1.4.0


run with java 11 minimum

How to install


  • customize tomcat path install cp and edit
  • run ./gradlew tomcatInstall to
    • unzip tomcat from offical sources
    • deploy custom conf from etc/tomcat/ - this task call the tomcatConfig task that could be used for deploying only a new tomcat conf on an existing tomcat
    • copy karuta backend and filserver config from etc/karuta/ into $PROJECT_HOME path.
      • the default path use $CATALINA_BASE if set, or server.base property from
      • this variable will be overriden by $KARUTA_HOME if set
      • if no $KARUTA_HOME is set, this can be overriden by project.home property from or passed in argument of all gradle commands
      • WARNING: etc/karuta/ path is defined from appName property into, don't modify it !
  • run ./gradlew tomcatDeploy --refresh-dependencies will deploy on tomcat webapps directory
    • psi-probe for tomcat overview and management
    • karuta-backend
    • karuta-fileserver
    • karuta-frontend (on karuta)
  • run ./gradlew deployKarutaConfig to deploy into tomcat webapps the karuta-config webapp from etc/karuta-config/
  • customize your jvm env with a such configuration example to adapt:
  # check user environment variable is set or replace the user name
  export CATALINA_HOME=/opt/${USER}/tomcat
  export CATALINA_BASE=/opt/${USER}/tomcat
  export CATALINA_PID=/opt/${USER}/tomcat/

  export CATALINA_OPTS="$CATALINA_OPTS -server -Xms2G -Xmx6G -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:+PrintCommandLineFlags -XX:+PrintFlagsFinal"
  export CATALINA_OPTS="$CATALINA_OPTS -Dnetworkaddress.cache.ttl=3600"
  export CATALINA_OPTS="$CATALINA_OPTS -Djava.awt.headless=true -Dhttps.protocols=TLSv1.2,TLSv1.3"
  export CATALINA_OPTS="$CATALINA_OPTS -Dhttp.agent=Java-Karuta"
  export CATALINA_OPTS="$CATALINA_OPTS -Dserver.webapps=/opt/${USER}/webapps -Dserver.home=/opt/${USER}/tomcat"

  # to enable JMX - must be modified depending on context

  # to enable java remote debug
  # export JPDA_ADDRESS=6665
  # export JPDA_TRANSPORT=dt_socket

You can set this env conf into the ${karutaDeployerPath}/etc/tomcat/bin/ or in your script runing the tomcat start command.

NOTE 1: You can have a git repository to manage karuta-backend_config and karuta-fileserver_config, or have a NFS shared directory for all *_config + fileserver_data on which you apply snapshot save.

NOTE 2: You can set KARUTA_REPORT_FOLDER environnement variable to customize the folder where log reports will be produced.

Database init

The database should be created first with required grants for the server where is deployed Karuta. For that you can use the sql script etc/database/karuta-account.sql as example.

NB: The database should be tuned with this conf:

  • create custom file for mariadb 10.5 on debian 11 like /etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d/51-custom.cnf
  • edit and add the content

Following provide all commands that you should run from the project (it's an example on what can be done):

  1. mysql -h${} -u ${user} -p ${password} ${database} < etc/database/karuta-backend-func.sql
  2. mysql -h${} -u ${user} -p ${password} ${database} < etc/database/karuta-backend.sql
  3. mysql -h${} -u ${user} -p ${password} ${database} < etc/database/report-helper.sql

Tomcat configuration

Most important file to watch on is etc/tomcat/server.xml:

  • the connector configured by default is for proxy HTTP and not for AJP
  • you can set the <resource></resource> to use a secured, managed, monitored from jmx JDBC pool. The default conf is nearly a good one for production
  • accesslog valve is configured for a HAproxy frontend

Reverse proxy configuration

WARNING: don't expose to the public the /karuta-fileserver context.

Following example of proxy http configurations on a frontal server


<VirtualHost *:443>
    # SSL stuff
    # required arguments for proxying app
    RequestHeader set X-Forwarded-Proto "https"
    RequestHeader set X-Forwarded-Port "443"
    ProxyPreserveHost On

    ProxyPass /karuta/ http://an_ip:8080/karuta/
    ProxyPass /karuta-backend http://an_ip:8080/karuta-backend
    ProxyPass /karuta-config http://an_ip:8080/karuta-config
    # not needed expect for redirecting from inside
    #ProxyPassReverse / http://an_ip:8080/


frontend https-in
  bind PUBLIC_IP ssl .....

  acl acl_uri_karuta path -i /karuta
  acl acl_uri_karuta path_beg -i /karuta/ /karuta-backend/ /karuta-config/
  use_backend bk_karuta if acl_uri_karuta

backend bk_karuta

    option forwardfor

    redirect scheme https code 301 if !{ ssl_fc }

    http-request set-header X-Forwarded-Proto https if { ssl_fc }
    http-request set-header X-Forwarded-Port %[dst_port]

    server karuta AN_IP:8080


server {
   server_name URL_KARUTA;
   listen 443 ssl;
   listen [::]:443 ssl;

   # SSL stuff and other things

   # etc...  

   #Proxy headers
   proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
   proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
   proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
   proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
   proxy_pass_header Content-type;

   # Le proxy
   location /karuta {
   proxy_pass http://IP_VM:8080/karuta/;
   location /karuta-backend {
   proxy_pass http://IP_VM:8080/karuta-backend;
   location /karuta-config {
   proxy_pass http://IP_VM:8080/karuta-config;

   ... etc ...

Run and init

./gradlew tomcatStart

Connect to the Karuta app and import the ZIP files that are into etc/model/ in the order of file names (a number provide the order to import).

Optional: Exporting some pages as a PDF file and traces as a ZIP file

You can also import two optional files (JS and CSS) from the etc/model/optional-export/ folder. These files are used to enable the printing functionality of certain pages and the export of traces into a ZIP file. This allows you to print (or export to PDF):

  • Each page in "Mes formations actuelles et leurs référentiels"
  • Each page in "Mes formations passées"
  • Each page in "Mon référentiel de compétences personnalisées"
  • The page "Mes traces"
  • Each page in "Mes SAé"
  • Each page in "Mes stages et alternances"
  • Each page in "Mes autres actions"
  • The page "Tableau de bord de mes compétences par formation"
  • The page "Tableau de bord compétences personnalisées"
  • Each page of "Compétences personnalisées (partie Bilan)"
  • Each page of "Bilans par compétences de la formation"

This also allows you to export all the traces on the "Mes traces" page into a ZIP file. The name of the ZIP archive can be configured with the exportTraceZipPrefix property.

To inject the files, you need to import the print.js file into KARUTA-Configuration > KARUTA - CONFIGURATION - TECH > Fichiers Javascript > Ajouter un fichier JS, then follow the same principle for the print.scss file by going to the Instructions CSS et fichiers CSS section.


Before any upgrade, consider to make:

  1. a dump of the database
  2. a backup of the fileserver data (path from $KARUTA_HOME/karuta-fileserver_data/)

General case

For most case you should only do some git command updates to upgrade the karuta-deployer which permit to upgrade all karuta's apps. But see all docs indicated, or watch around commit change on this project for more actions during upgrade process.

git pull #(maybe git stash && git pull && git stash --apply)
# watch all files properties for changes (_init.js,
./gradlew tomcatInstall
./gradlew tomcatDeploy
./gradlew deployKarutaConfig

Database Migration

  • When migrating from kapc1.2 or 1.3.x, apply :

    • mysql -h${} -u ${user} -p ${password} ${database} -e "DROP TABLE vector_table;"
    • mysql -h${} -u ${user} -p ${password} ${database} < etc/database/report-helper.sql
  • When migrating from kapc 1.3, apply also such change on database:

    • make dump of database, apply sed -e 's/^) ENGINE=MyISAM/) ENGINE=InnoDB/' on file and import dump - warning fonctions (routines) should be dumped too, or you will need to import etc/database/karuta-backend-func.sql