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App Engine application for the Udacity training course.

Design choices

Session implementation

Sessions have been implemented in a manner similar to Conferences. Each Session is an ancestor of a single Conference, which can be used in querying.

The createSession() method also puts a query into the taskqueue to determine if the same speaker has ben registered for a second or additional Session. If so, the taskqueue will set the memcache key for FEATURED_SPEAKER.

The private _copySessionToForm() method handles the possibility that a key could either be urlsafe (as when it is passed in as an argument for an inquiry).

Several data fields in Session are StringPropertys: name (required), highlights (a collection of strings), and typeOfSession—all are strings. The date is handled as a DateProperty and the time as a TimeProperty, straightforwardly enough. The third party dateutil makes this feature robust against a variety of entries. The speakerKey field is a KeyProperty, which provides some protection against data-entry errors or malicious input. The duration field is expressed in minutes as an IntegerProperty.

Sessions are stored as keys to a wishlist held in user profiles.

Speaker implementation and rationale

Speakers are implemented as a model that contains only a name. An alternative implementation would have been to permit speakers to be created through the creation of a Session. But it should not necessarily require any permission to create a Speaker because a Speaker need not be associated with any particular Conference or Session.

Methods involving Speakers require key-based lookups. E.g., getSessionBySpeaker()

The getFeaturedSpeaker() method returns either a string corresponding to the featured speaker’s name or an empty string if there is not a featured speaker.

Data modeling

Sessions are modeled similarly to Conferences. Sessions are children of Conferences. Speakers can be in a one-to-many relationship with Sessions, which is the basis of determining a featured speaker.

I have opted throughout for strong consistency rather than eventual consistency. I recongize that this results in lower performance, but until performance becomes an issue for a website for creating conferences (which does not seem plausibly to require high performance), I generally opted for accuracy over speed.

Additional queries

The query_noSeminarsOrLateNights() works around the limitation on inequality queries (caused by the requirement that two different properties—time and type of session—have inequality filters) by composing two separate queries as a set union. This method was suggested here.

The additional queries are straightforward. The query_afterLunchSessions() method works by returning all Sessions after 1 p.m. The query_smallConferences() method returns all Conferences with fewer than 50 seats available.




Setup Instructions

  1. Run the app with the devserver using DIR, and ensure it’s running by visiting your local server’s address (by default localhost:8080.)
  2. (Optional) Generate your client library(ies) with the endpoints tool.
  3. To view the deployed instance of this app, visit


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