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PHP Currency Parser

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PHP Currency Parser enable integrating and manipulating the ISO 4217 Code List in PHP codebase.

This work is heavily inspired by

What is ISO 4217 ?

ISO 4217 is a standard published by the International Organization for Standardization, which delineates currency designators, country codes (alpha and numeric), and references to minor units in three tables.

-- Wikipedia


  • Simple API
  • Self Update Currencies Data
  • Fully documented
  • Fully unit tested
  • Framework-agnostic
  • Composer ready, PSR-2 and PSR-4 compliant

System Requirements

You need PHP >= 5.5.9 but the latest stable version of PHP/HHVM is recommended.


The library is available on Packagist and should be installed using Composer. This can be done by running the following command on a composer installed box:

$ composer require nyamsprod/php-currency-parser


Retrieving The public currency list.


use Pcp\PublicListManager;

$manager = new PublicListManager();
$collection = $manager->getList(); //$collection is a Pcp\Collection object

$euro = $collection['EUR'];
// or
$euro = $collection->getByNumCode('978');

//in both cases a Pcp\Currency object representing the EURO currency is returned

$euro->getName();              // Euro
$euro->getAlphaCode();         // EUR
$euro->getNumCode();           // 978
$euro->getMinorUnitExponent(); // 2
$euro->isFund();               // returns false
$euro->getCountries();         // [..., 'BE' => 'BELGIUM', ..., 'FR' => 'FRANCE', ....]
$euro->isLegalIn('FR');        // returns true
$euro->isLegalIn('US');        // returns false
echo $euro;                    // displays 'EUR'


The Public List Manager

Obtaining, writing and caching the currency list is done using the Pcp\PublicListManager object.

Getting the currencies data

The Pcp\PublicListManager constructor can takes 2 optional arguments:

  • a directory path if you prefer another location to write and cache the currency listing instead of the library data directory.
  • a Pcp\Http\Client implementing object to suite your own requirements

use Pcp\PublicListManager;
use Pcp\Http\CurlClient;

$cacheDir = '/another/path';
$httpClient = new CurlClient();
$manager = new PublicListManager($cacheDir, httpClient);
$collection = $manager->getList();

The PublicListManager::getList method will instantiate and return a Pcp\Collection object from the cached files data. If they do not exist, the object will try to fetch and recreate the data into the specified directory before Pcp\Collection instantiation.

Updating the Currency list

If you need to force the currency data update. You can call the PublicListManager::refreshList method.


use Pcp\PublicListManager;

$manager = new PublicListManager();
$collection = $manager->getList();

Refreshing the currency data

While a cached PHP copy of the currency list is provided for you in the data directory, that copy may or may not be up to date. Please use the provided vendor binary to refresh your cached copy of the currency list.

From the root of your project, simply call:

$ ./vendor/bin/update-currency-list

You may verify the update by checking the timestamp on the files located in the data directory.


  • The vendor binary update-currency-list depends on an internet connection to update the cached Currency List.
  • If the country code is "Unknown or Invalid Territory" the ZZ ISO 3316-1-ALPHA-2 code is used

Manipulating currencies

The Pcp\Collection class ease manipulating a collection of Pcp\Currency objects.

To instantiate a new Pcp\Collection object you need to call its constructor:


use Pcp\Collection;

$currencies = new Collection(); //An empty collection is created

$currencies = new Collection($data); // Where $data is an array or an object
                                     // usable by foreach
                                     // containing only Pcp\Currency objects.

The Pcp\Collection class extends PHP's ArrayObject class. Currencies are accessible as Pcp\Currency objects by providing their alphabetic code to the ArrayAccess interface methods.


foreach ($collection as $alphaCode => $currency) {
    //$currency is a Pcp\Currency object
    //$alphaCode === $currency->getAlphaCode();

$euro = $collection['EUR']; // $euro is a Pcp\Currency object for the euro currency
isset($collection['USD']);  // returns true
count($collection);         // returns the number of Currency available in a given collection

Alternatively you can access the currencies using their numeric code using the following methods:

  • getByNumCode retrieves a Currency object by its Numeric Code
  • hasNumCode tells whether a Currency with the given numeric code exists in the collection

$euro = $collection->getByNumCode(978); // $euro is a Pcp\Currency object for the euro currency
$collection->hasNumCode(003); // returns a bool, true if the Currency is present in the collection

Of Note: If the Currency is not found in the collection an OutOfBoundsException is thrown by:

  • Pcp\Collection::getOffsetGet
  • Pcp\Collection::getByNumCode

You can filter the Pcp\Collection using the filter method. This method accepted a callback whose first argument is a Pdp\Currency object and returns a new Collection containing only the objects that validate the predicate.


use Pcp\Currency;
use Pcp\PublicListManager;

$collection = (new PublicListManager())->getList();
$predicate = function (Currency $currency) {
    return $currency->isLegalIn('US');

$usCurrencies = $collection->filter($predicate);
echo count($currencies); // all the Currencies legal in the US

The Currency object

This Pcp\Currency class represents a currency value object.


use Pcp\Currency;

$currency = new Currency(
    'Full Currency Name',  // the ISO 4217 Currency Full name
    'XOX',                  // the ISO 4217 Alphabetic Code
    '088',                  // the ISO 4217 Numeric Code
    '2',                    // the ISO 4217 Minor Unit Exponent (an integer or null if not applicable)
    false,                  // is this a Fund Currency
        'BE' => 'BELGIUM',  // An associative array containing the ISO 3166 Alpha-2 country code as
        ...                 // key and its country full name as its associated value

Once instantiated, in addition to getting all of its properties through its getter methods. you can also determine using its corresponding ISO 3166 Alpha-2 country code if a the currency is legal in a given country.


use Pcp\Currency;

$euro->isLegalIn('FR'); // returns true
$euro->isLegalIn('US'); // returns false

The class also:

  • implements the JsonSerializable interface
  • provides a toArray method to get an array reprensentation of the currency
  • provides a __toString method to return the Alphabetic Code


PHP Currency Parser has a PHPUnit test suite and a coding style compliance test suite using PHP CS Fixer. To run the tests, run the following command from the project folder.

$ composer test


Contributions are welcome and will be fully credited. Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


If you discover any security related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.



This material is licensed by its maintainers under the Public Domain Dedication and License.

Nevertheless, it should be noted that this material is ultimately sourced from ISO and other standards bodies and their rights and licensing policies are somewhat unclear. As this is a short, simple database of facts there is a strong argument that no rights can subsist in this collection. However, ISO state on their site:

ISO makes the list of alpha-2 country codes available for internal use and non-commercial purposes free of charge.

This carries the implication (though not spelled out) that other uses are not permitted and that, therefore, there may be rights preventing further general use and reuse.

If you intended to use these data in a public or commercial product, please check the original sources for any specific restrictions.


The MIT License (MIT). Please see LICENSE for more information.


ISO 4217 Currency List parsing implemented in PHP







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