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Russian Demons

  • make the portrait card type
  • make the ability card type
  • make the wealth card type

Startrek Chthulhu

  • make the profession card type
  • make the alien card type
  • make the character card type
  • make the item card type


Milestone 1: Basic Type Editing

  • ✓ can edit a card type
  • ✓ fields can be selected
  • ✓ fields can be dragged to move around
  • ✓ can modify name
  • ✓ can modify alignment
  • ✓ add fields to the card type
  • ✓ remove fields from the card type

Milestone 2: Basic Card Editing

  • ✓ a bar up top to show all the card types [ -dk. grey- ]
  • ✓ in the bar, list all card types as buttons [ {#card types} ]
  • ✓ these buttons will show the cardtype below as a list of card data [ {#card types} ]
  • ✓ second bar will switch between the different card-type views [ view | layout -light green- ]
  • ✓ a table of existing cards [ view | layout | data -light green- ]
  • ✓ each card has a number beside it denoting how many in the deck (4x)

Milestone 3: Field Patterns

  • ✓ cards have a template field that is modifyable
  • ✓ there is a callback onkeyup() that sets a Timeout which will save the field when it is up. If it's called again, it resets the timer
  • ✓ if a card doesn't have a FieldData, use the template
  • ✓ you can use {title} in the fields to print out the title
  • ✓ you can use {count} in the fields to print out the count
  • ✓ each card-type has a set of data that each card must possess
  • ✓ each card has a dataset of the data that corresponds with the values and names of the card-type data. Possible implementation: text-field of an array of integers: [1,2,3,4,5]
  • ✓ can add data type to card type
  • ✓ can view data types
  • ✓ can rename data type
  • ✓ fields can reference data in the cards with {#data-name}

Milestone 4: Advanced Card Editing:

  • ✓ remove style from model
  • ✓ add italic boolean to field
  • ✓ add bold boolean to field
  • ✓ create side bar for cardtype editing
  • ✓ change name of cardtype
  • ✓ add font-family selectbox to field font-family: 'Arial', sans-serif; font-family: 'Open Sans Condensed', sans-serif; font-family: 'Amatic SC', cursive;
  • ✓ add text-size number to field
  • ✓ text-size changes font-size
  • ✓ changing text-side saves in model
  • ✓ changing fields in the text edit view popup
  • ✓ on save, will save all card data
  • ✓ create a new card creates a new row in the table
  • ✓ show existing fields on popup
  • ✓ save modified fields



  • [ -black- ] bar at top of screen to show current project
  • [ Project Name -black- ] Project name is the name of the active project
  • [ Project Name -black- {gear} ] where {gear} is the project settings page!
  • make text size two buttons: once that increments by 10% and one that decreases by 10%


Symbols, Tags, and Advanced Patterns

  • can create symbols at the project level that have an image and a name
  • can rename symbols
  • can delete symbols
  • create a symbol group which serves as a folder for symbols
  • symbols can be referenced in fields with {@symbol-name}
  • {@symbol-name#height} will put symbol symbol-name in the card height times
  • along with symbols, projects have enumerations which are like select box items
  • {#height:One,Two} will show One if height is == 1 and Two if it's 2
  • can create tags with a name and value
  • can create up to 10 tags per card type
  • tags can be deleted
  • tags can only be deleted if unused
  • tags can be added at will to cards with toggleable buttons
  • tags can be seen in the data table
  • tags can be put as labels on the card with {tags}


Art on Card

  • allow file uploads as hashed jpgs
  • as an extra piece of data for each card: have unique art
  • this can be uploaded from the card data entry area
  • there are checks for size to make sure it's not too big, or small
  • {art} puts the image in the field with pos:abs, w/h:100%


Code Health

  • ✓ add secret_key env to heroku account
  • ✓ add secret_key env to pycharm environment
  • ✓ add travis build key to heroku account
  • ✓ spruce up the page
  • cleanup: add minifier and cocatenator to the pipeline
  • port css to less
  • cleanup: generalise the REST APIs in the views
  • cleanup: move the URLs to the cards module
  • improvement: write tests for model properties
  • cleanup: close the tickets that are open
  • improvement: use the PostgreSQL database
  • improvement: check data that is being saved on server wtih regexes too
  • if there's only one of them, use id not class
  • ✓ use Open Sans Condensed for site
  • ✓ use Oswald for the cards
  • can remove data type
  • cleanup: move Font model to its own app



  • if not logged in, show log-in screen to log-in
  • upon login, go to project list
  • add button to bar at top for user page
  • [ Project Name {gear} ][ {user} ] where {user} will go to user settings
  • user settings has a name field for the user


Maff n' Graff

  • if a field is overwritten, the user can assign a value
  • every card has the curve computed from: data (nominator or denominator) * their scale field benefit or detriment * situational
  • the jedi value is visible in the data table
  • it is also graphable
  • with the data and rules, we can compute a graph
  • to show all the cards in the project
  • we can go from one cardtype to the graph show the jedi curve


  • load in pages after load; not resending head, nav
  • project settings page has editable name
  • project settings page has delete option
  • [ Project Name -black- {gear} ][ {+} ] <- dk. green {+} is the button to create a new project
  • new project page has text-box for project name and save!
  • [ Project Name -black- {gear} ][ {list} {+} ] {list} show a list of all projects that user owns
  • if user has no projects, {list} doesn't show up
  • project list page has names of all projects to go to their page
  • pressing enter with modal will attempt to save it