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Alexander Köppe edited this page Dec 22, 2022 · 14 revisions

Hints for Ettercap on MacOS


Due to the BSD origins of Mac OS X, most Linux based programs and libraries can be ported to Mac OS X. Basically the challenge is the distribution of pre-compiled software packages to ease the pain of manually resolving dependencies and manual compilation of the same. I recommend using Homebrew for doing this job.

Installing Homebrew

Homebrew can be easily installed by running the installation command on the official Homebrew website.

Installing pre-compiled ettercap package

To just install ettercap just type:

brew install ettercap

Ettercap is provided w/o GTK support and w/o any debug symbols.

Building ettercap from GitHub source

To be able to customize ettercap you need to fetch the sources from GitHub and compile on Mac OS X. Typical use cases are test the latest code base or reproduce issues in debug mode. Building ettercap from source requires some dependencies to be met before being able to compile.

The following example shows how to compile ettercap in Debug mode with IPv6 support enabled.

xcode-select --install
brew update
brew install check curl cmake groff gtk+ gtk+3 libidn libnet luajit rtmpdump geoip libmaxminddb
git clone
cd ettercap
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DENABLE_IPV6=On -DOPENSSL_ROOT_DIR=`brew --prefix openssl` ..
sudo make install

The definition of OpenSSL root directory is necessary since Homebrew doesn't install OpenSSL at a expected location for CMake.

The whole procedure has been demonstrated in this video on YouTube.

MacPorts as an alternative to HomeBrew

The list of package names slightly differs when MacPorts is used

sudo port install check curl cmake groff xorg gtk2 gtk3 libidn libnet11 luajit rtmpdump libgeoip geoipupdate libmaxminddb

GTK3 support reworked

The latest code has reworked the GTK3 code and enabled this by default. On MacOSX, there is one little thing to consider otherwise all icons are missing in the user interface. You need to install manually the adwaita-icon-theme using brew

brew install adwaita-icon-theme

Respectively when MacPorts is being used

sudo port adwaita-icon-theme