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Start openvpn server and generate certificates through http requests


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The main goal is to automatically start an openvpn server, generate certificates and clients through http requests. The steps on certificates generation and server setup are based on this Digital Ocean tutorial

TLS authentication will be skipped for now as my end goal does not need it

project structure

Following the steps on the Digital Ocean tutorial, there will be two services, one responsible for only generating the certificates files, cert-server, and other responsible for the openvpn server, ovpn-server.

Files storage:

  • When a file is generated by the easyrsa script remains on its original place in the pki folder (/usr/share/certs/pki);
  • When a .req file goes from the ovpn-server to the cert-server it is saved on /usr/share/certs/pki/reqs;
  • When ca.crt is transfered from the cert-server to the ovpn-server it goes to the openvpn folder (/etc/openvpn/);
  • When any other .crt file is transfered from cert-server to the ovpn-server it goes to /usr/share/certs/crt
  • When .ovpn is created on the ovpn-server it is saved on /usr/share/certs/ovpn

Inside the api folder are all scripts necessary for the service.

The project structure is based on the Michael Herman course Test-Driven Development with Python, Flask, and Docker. Here is his repo

starting the services

First be sure to have docker and docker-compose installed, that is the only thing you need.

To start, first create a token, I usually do it in python as follows:

>>> import binascii
>>> import os
>>> binascii.hexlify(os.urandom(24))

Export the token to SECRET_KEY:

export SECRET_KEY=c0f6a2bef78cfabd0bafce4221d5d3444a3c5b4c39a5765b

After that just run script:

./ dev start   # for development enviroment
                       # or
./ prod start  # for production enviroment

It will start the services, initiate the pki's, create server.crt, server.key, dh.pem and ca.crt files and put them on the openvpn folder

After that you are able to run the tests and call the endpoints.

For the ovpn server to start you got to run

docker-compose exec ovpn-server service openvpn start

To stop the services run:

docker-compose down

generating the certificates

using the script

You can call the script ./ to create the .ovpn file

./ your_file_name

This command will create a file called your_file_name.ovpn and download it to your current folder

If you already created the file and just want to download, you use ./

./ your_file_name

This will download a file named your_file_name.ovpn to your current folder

IMPORTANT: remember to have the SECRET_KEY declared on your enviroment and change the url on the script to match yours


To generate the .ovpn files manually you can call the following endpoints in the following order:

  • /ovpn/create_req
  • /ovpn/transfer_req
  • /cert/transfer

Remember to add an authorization header to all http requests with the token you generated:

headers={'Authorization': 'Bearer YOUR_SECRET_TOKEN'}

To retrieve the .ovpn file run:

docker-compose exec ovpn-server cat /usr/share/certs/ovpn/filename.ovpn > filename.ovpn

This will create a .ovpn file on your local machine that should be used to establish the connection.

After the first time you executed the script you can just use docker-compose to build the services again:

docker-compose -f docker-compose-prod.yml up -d --build

or with curl just like in the script


If you re-build the ovpn-server using docker-compose remember to set the configurations and restart the service

docker-compose exec ovpn-server python conf_ovpn_server
docker-compose exec ovpn-server service openvpn start

This command will copy server.crt, server.key, dh.pem and ca.crt files to the openvpn folder.

start script

You can also use the script

./ dev rebuild   # for development enviroment
                         # or
./ prod rebuild  # for production enviroment

This will rebuild all services and erase all certificates, so be sure you want to do that before you run it. If you want to build without losing any certificate run the script with 'start' instead of 'build'


To run the tests just run the scrip


known issues

Sometimes, when starting the services, you may run into some permissions issues on the cert_server/certs/pki and/or ovpn_server/certs/pki folders. To run docker-compose properly change the owner of the folders and all inner files. Do not run the docker-compose with sudo

sudo chown -R $USER:$USER ./services/ovpn_server/certs/ 
sudo chown -R $USER:$USER ./services/cert_server/certs/ 


Create a PR for an existing issue, each commit is tested on travis-ci before merge.

Add unit tests and/or integration tests for each new method/endpoint created.

Along with the commit add the test coverage resume for the service you modified. To get the test coverage just run

docker-compose exec ovpn-server python cov # for the ovnp-server service
docker-compose exec cert-server python cov # for the cert-server service

ovpn server configuration

To configure the ovpn server change the server.conf file on services/ovpn-server folder with the settings you need Remember to update the base.conf file to match the alterations, that file will be used to create your client .ovpn file to connect to your server


Start openvpn server and generate certificates through http requests







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